Texture Packs I Should Use? Suggestions?

Started by CryogenicManga, 08-04-2011

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On to a lighter topic i am interested in input of your favourite texture packs  because im bored of looking at plain old minecraft. So please just post some links below of your favourite texture packs I dont care what they are just post the links right below this post. Thx For Your Time - CryogenicManga :P


I'm worried because it looks like a lot of people on that thread are having problems with the pack.


Quote from: Gesthle on 08-04-2011
I'm worried because it looks like a lot of people on that thread are having problems with the pack.

I have problems with it all the time..like half the shaders not working because I have ATI. I really, really, really, really, really hate ATI.

But some of the shaders have a nice effect with the texture packs I posted. I personally like Misas  more than any other pack.


Funny you mentioned that, I just downloaded it. Let's see how it looks....

Haha, awesomesauce, just wish my guy didn't look like a nerdy black dude, but oh well. It looks shmancy.