Reine mortel - Plague

Started by geccoy, 11-05-2011

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The poll will be closed tomorrow at 9:00 AM, EST.
Please get your votes in by then.


Assuming there is a plague, can we get some plans for roleplay ahead of time?

My thoughts for RP:
* There should be NO (ZERO) OOC chat about the plague. All in character.
* There should be signs posted.
* Quarantines in effect after the breakout.
* There should be people working for a cure (assume there will be one)
* And, people need to play during this time and not be afraid to RP. If you get infected, just play your character. Show your symptoms (make a skin?). Maybe some people hide their infection, (though they should whisper people that come in close contact, and those people should role a dice for infection chance.)

Please post your thoughts and comment if you like my ideas.


Oh, and I forgot to mention...

Nobody already knows about the plague except for the person who starts it all. Nobody knows who starts it.
Did I mention how important the absence of OOC chat is? Just have fun.


I'm sure those sorts of things will come about after the ball gets rolling, if it gets rolling, but I just want to make to point out a few things that frustrate me about the nay-sayers that have no room for changing their minds:

First, and most importantly: NO ONE HAS TO DIE from the plague if they don't want their characters to die! It's that simple, that's the beauty of roleplaying! You have a choice as to whether you don't want your character to die from something because you enjoy the character, or whether you want to have their fate be decided with a dice roll or something. Don't want your character to die, but someone "gave" you the plague? Then just roleplay your character as being very sick until the cure is found. Maybe they have a strong will to live for one reason or another.

"But Rarmae," you say, "what's the point in having a plague then if no one chooses to kill off their character? Because surely no one will have their character die by choice." But you'd be wrong. You see all of the people who voted yet? They don't -want- their characters to die. Who does, especially if you're enjoying it? But as large tragedies bring people closer together in real life, so too do tragedies bring roleplayers closer together. People will roleplay more with one another because their characters will have been forced to interact with one another, whether it's someone caring for an infected, or a group of adventurers in search of the cure that normally would never have roleplayed with one another otherwise.

Also, people would surprise you. I've met roleplayers who created large server-wide roleplaying events, events that lasted a little over a month. And in these events they created, sometimes they were the bad guys behind it all, and they expected their character to be put to death. It wasn't that their character was created for the specific purpose of causing chaos and then dying, either. They were normal characters their owners had made; when they started, they probably never believed that wicked deeds were what their toons would eventually be doing. And in the end? Their character wasn't killed. Sentenced to life in jail, yeah, and even given parole so they could still rp, but an ic jury didn't sentence the toon to death, even though the creator was willing to sacrifice the character she'd roleplayed for so long, just for the sake of trying to bring the server together and start more rp for everyone.

If it meant that people would come together and roleplay with people they normally wouldn't, maybe even create friendships with characters with they normally wouldn't, I would gladly allow Rarmae to die. Because if I want to, I can reincarnate her in another game or server, or even create another character like her under a different name, because that's the beauty of being a role player.

I haven't had any desire to role play, literally in months, until I decided to find a minecraft server and settled here. For the most part, I like all of you, and I enjoy my time here a lot. I want us to be able to have connections with our characters so that we don't fall prey to cliques or the excuse of "There's no reason for my character to do this/interact with this person because of this." That's not fun for anyone.

Sorry for my ranting and rambling post, but I had to get it out. Feel much better now. =)


The poll is now closed.


Roshi has been working on a real cure. You know with a lab and the like.

Just so i know can there be more than one cure like all illnesses?
The Mind will overcome the sword... Sadly i have yet to see someone outsmart bullet!


I'd rather there not be.
It would be too easy then.
However, it is in old medical textbooks, the cure.
Remember, fiery flora.


Of course not a full on cure.

I suspecting two things mixed to make a fiery orange
The Mind will overcome the sword... Sadly i have yet to see someone outsmart bullet!


I heard in OOC that the cure WILL BE A RPed thing. It is NOT an item attainable in Minecraft.


Oh i know. I have been RPing trying to find a cure since i entered the server. I'm just saying if i ever do find a cure *Much later and not without permission* i could use the orange dye as a prop XD

That reminds me. Can there be a treatment so the people with it feel a little better but are not cured?
The Mind will overcome the sword... Sadly i have yet to see someone outsmart bullet!


it has already been found in the description of the plague that eating food such as pork will give your body needed energy as well as help pass some bacteria out of the body...


Yeah but there's always a better way than just eating pork... strange treatment by the way XD

That and the person Roshi is trying to treat cannot swallow a thing.
The Mind will overcome the sword... Sadly i have yet to see someone outsmart bullet!


That would be a problem... I would recommend inventing some sort of feeding tube and grinding the pork to shove down his/her throat.


Provectum scholars have discovered texts referencing an "Ember Rose" and have begun cultivating rumoured gene-descendants of the plant. Whether or not thier efforts will be successful remains to be seen. Genetic science takes forever.


I can understand that but i have done it the Alchemists/Scientific way and extracted the chemical that fights it [by breaking down the meat contently until all that remained was said chemical, or a produce that could be fashioned into the needle] I mean i understand that it is a treatment but its not the most effective way surely...

Its only a treatment and one that took a long time to make and will take time to prefect.

I don't want to find the cure, unless someone tells me i can, until forever away.

After all its the thing that's keeping my char there.
The Mind will overcome the sword... Sadly i have yet to see someone outsmart bullet!


The meat, wheat, and water fight the cure because it is giving energy to the cells.
Its not because of some magic-ingredient in it.
Portkins, there are many texts written by Venus Genetrix Geccoy in the Hall of Scientific referencing said 'Ember Rose'.


Quote from: MithrilRoshi on 19-05-2011
I can understand that but i have done it the Alchemists/Scientific way and extracted the chemical that fights it [by breaking down the meat contently until all that remained was said chemical, or a produce that could be fashioned into the needle] I mean i understand that it is a treatment but its not the most effective way surely...

Its only a treatment and one that took a long time to make and will take time to prefect.

I don't want to find the cure, unless someone tells me i can, until forever away.

After all its the thing that's keeping my char there.

Slap the word "Vaccine" on it and it'll prevent the infection and not cure it. I'm sure geccoy's okay with that.


Quote from: geccoy on 19-05-2011
The meat, wheat, and water fight the cure because it is giving energy to the cells.
Its not because of some magic-ingredient in it.

It's not magic-ingredient.


Quote from: Ragolution on 19-05-2011
Provectum scholars have discovered texts referencing an "Ember Rose" and have begun cultivating rumoured gene-descendants of the plant. Whether or not thier efforts will be successful remains to be seen. Genetic science takes forever.

Provectum biogeneticists have isolated six genetic sequences from nineteen similar plants. Four of the six are harmful to humans. One of the non-harmful genes accelerates the plague. The sixth gene is proving extremely difficult to reproduce and has not been thoroughly tested.