Reine mortel - Plague

Started by geccoy, 11-05-2011

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Reine mortel

Reine mortel is a disease, passed through cough, or sneeze.
This is a slow plague. This means the bacteria must accumulate for it to be a threat.


The bacteria moves to the chest, before it starts to multiply. Chest pain is a precursor to the more deadly symptoms.

As the bacteria increases, the body will attempt to rid itself of it. A fever, diarrhea and vomiting are common symptoms. The fever increases its multiplication. The vomit will begin to weaken the stomach.

As it does this, it will hold down the necessary proteins to clot blood. Although some will move through the bacteria, most will be held down. This will result in profuse bleeding.

Hamoptysis will begin, or vomiting and coughing of blood. This will be because the bacteria will have begun consuming a vein. This will cause uncontrolled bleeding from the vein, because of no clotting.

The bacteria will cause boils on the chest. In temperatures of over ninety-nine degrees Fahrenheit, the boils pop. When the boils pop, the place where the boil was begins to bleed.

The bacteria will attack the gallbladder, bile spewing through the body. Because the epithelial tissue has been ruptured, the bile will not have a liquidy quality to it. The person will become to vomit uncontrollably, lasting from ten minutes to an hour. The vomit will be thick, but still have blood in it. The rapid increase in vomiting will rupture the already weakened stomach lining, causing the stomach's lining to tear, and allow for the acid to burn through the body, killing the person, if they are not already dead from the gallbladder rupture.


To rebuild the bodys strength, and restore the weakened stomach lining, eaten often and plenty of meat, wheat and water will slow the multiplication of the bacteria, as the white blood cells will be able to use it as energy.

The cure is a fiery flora. PM or /tell geccoy if you think you know what it is, and if your character has it. it is an IC thing, not a yellow or red flower.

Morality Rate

The plague kills within two to three weeks.

Additions because of changes people wanted - +1 Plague -1 No Plague


I like the idea of a new event in Aceon , maybe this will bring us together more an get some real Rp going ...


I sort of have the inside scoop on this idea, and helped a bit, so my vote is yes. :3


im not really sure...for larger factions with advanced stuff im sure they'll RP some way out of it...but for smaller factions it will be hard to survive...
Authority does not grant maturity.
Power cannot replace ignorance.


You are a sick and terrifying person, Geccoy. XD

I love the idea, but I voted no anyway.


"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


I know NOTHZING. No.


I think it would be pretty cool. Yes!
I'm hip! What are you talking about!

emperor bobby

Hamlet With the plague, Novarium quarentines, Ooo i love that idea. i think it should be spread through flea bites, like the Black death was, then it wouldn't be as Impossible to avoid.


Its not that.
Its cough and sneeze.


Fuck no.
I use my Admin weight to say no.



Doesn't seem all too interesting.

One thing to think about is that inflicted individuals wouldn't do much walking around... and if it spreads that fast, most people will be inflicted... you're either breaking character by running around with bursting internal organs, being the person with the golden genes who everyone's gonna yell at, or trolling by running around and doing a good *cough* in anyone's general direction.

It does, however, have the merit as being an IC excuse for me not submitting my super mansion to the good will of Novarium in return for their "safety"


I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Quote from: Raven776 on 11-05-2011
It does, however, have the merit as being an IC excuse for me not submitting my super mansion to the good will of Novarium in return for their "safety"

I think you mean "protection."  Lol.
Hamlet totally needs to change its name to "Novariumville".  It is Novarium's in everything but name now really.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."

emperor bobby

i want to name it victory bay.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 11-05-2011
i want to name it victory bay.

Lol, reminds me of the Imperial Guard base in... What game was it... The one on the planet Kronus.  From some source I copied this:

"Victory Bay: Originally known as "Ironworks Bay", the city was renamed after the forces led by Governor-Militant Lukas Alexander discovered the ancient Hellstorm cannon, taken from an Imperator Titan, in the middle of the city. It has since been named the Imperial capitol on the planet."

My version:

Victory Bay:  Originally known as "Hamlet", the city was renamed after the forces led by Lord-Admiral Hektor Dantius captured the city from Tybolt's Legion, and subjugated the Freecities people living there.  It has since been named as the Novariums capitol on the continent of Aceon.

Seems fitting.  Lol.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Do it in your own faction. Forcing this on the entire server is a bad idea. I think having a plague is a cool idea but forcing it on everyone isn't.

Granted I don't play MC much at all anyway so I guess I don't. Voted no.


Quote from: Paintcheck on 11-05-2011
Do it in your own faction. Forcing this on the entire server is a bad idea. I think having a plague is a cool idea but forcing it on everyone isn't.

Granted I don't play MC much at all anyway so I guess I don't. Voted no.

I don't want it to happen in my faction, at all, and I don't want to be blamed for this plague, seeing as how she is in AP of DEAP.  I can just tell if this happens I am going to get blamed for it.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."

emperor bobby

Oddly enough, I declared myself Govornor Militant Of Hamlet during the war with Legion, I'll be honest, i took the name from Kronus, but the Govornor militant was a fluke. XD



In my opinion, there should be plague. Nothing Is going on but OOC talk and some short Role playing here and there. We need some thing to shock us,and shake us off our laziness. Every thing Is so slow and pointless. Give us a plague,generate some new Roleplay.


Plague: chance for RP, kill some of the large number of DEAP members, have a quarantine, have fun!

I voted NO, but wish I could change it to YES!


19 for plague.
17 for no plague.

I will be manually changing it from now on.