propoganda, spin and now sencorship

Started by Leor, 05-09-2011

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So looks like not only is Aceon a place where critiques are not permitted but this forum is also under the same sencorship of ideas.
..Made a post here last night to state some facts about Quins Dictatorship of Aceon and the monopoly of Ermor, and lo and behold, the whole things been removed, so ....Nice ! Congrats on the way you run things around here..
So anyways what I am saying is Aceon has one faction ...Quin wont let anyone start a new faction and will abuse his administor rights by metagaming anyone who wants to start a new faction out of existance, he will evade the isue and pussyfoot around what might happen in Aceon..but the simple fact is Ermor rules Aceon and wont allow any other factions.
I was polite and co-operative and made 4 statements alog the lines of what if PVP were the combat system. Just a sudjestion..then was quickly browbeaten into dropping the subject, fair enough, your sandbox.  Then I mentioned something about picking cat turds out of it . to wich I got sour responces to obviously. then I raised the question of other factions and WOW LADY WATCH OUT! That aint gonna happen dude! others have raised the question and were thrown off the server. I was led to believe it was a medieval RP server and was hoping there would be some medieval tipe RP, you know battles and valour and such but nope its a place where you go to RP as a loyal citizen of Ermor ..where you can buy and sell goods and march up and down the square, thats all. Dont make sugestions, dont try to bring ideas. not asked for or wanted, and actually quite vehomently rejected.
Way to be Natzis!   (your next step should be to ban me from the forum)


If you are looking for another faction i have just about finished my fort (White Fang Keep) and the faction (brotherhood of the wolf) is now open for new members. We are a warrior/priest faction and so valour and quests will be the staple of the faction.


Knowing Quin from before he quit for a while, this doesn't seem like something he would do. I can imagine you're either taking things wrong or he's actually doing it.

He did kind of pull bullshit before his rage quit a while ago.


Your spelling and grammar was...atrocious. If you have a problem with sub-board moderators deleting things without reason, you need to bring it up with a global moderator(me) or the Community Supervisor. Don't sit around then complain about shit one person does when you don't even want to report it.


Had nothing to do with my spelling  and grammer, It was that what I said was true. But nice try at making me look bad to undermine what it is I am actually saying.
I mentioned Nazis in my first post, and it was deleted by someone named lolKieck , Kike is the derogatory name the Nazis called the Jews. I am not a Jewish person but that just shows the depth to wich this arrogant attitude reaches. It seams it even infects your forum moderators. Who in turn must have some alliegance with Quin.
The plot thickens!
Thanks for the invite to the faction but I I dont feel the server has any chance with an admin who cant even listen to input without pounding down the STFU hammer. Its not only rude, but arrogant. Megalomaniacs should have private servers. If you want to make a public server you should expect to deal with the public. This means listening to input and constructive critisisms without flying into a huff. Maybe more people would join if you at least let them believe they had some form of sounding board.
Quins ugly responce to my (very brief) inquiries was telling. I challenge anyone to go on to this server and build a viable faction without incurring the metagaming wrath of this admin. He obviously has a personal agenda for his faction, Ermor and is not forthcoming with information about how narrow the prospects in this world are. Its a scam to build a story around himself, so he can rule without challenge. something he would not be able to do if there was even one competing faction. So good luck to you...I sincerely mean that. Just think about the other people whos time you are playing with. Have some respect and maybe it will all work out. I hope so anyways.
Thank you for reading objectively, please excuse the poor spelling and grammer.

Those who would follow should.
~Leor Huer~


I do not normally respond to things like this put I feel highly compelled to do so, yes partially out of anger.
      First may I state you should be considering yourself blessed, as if this were any other roleplay server, and these were any other mods you would have been permabaned after that last post. The mods and admins of this server provide a service to the player, which we get to enjoy. Yes there are rules, that's because it is roleplay. Particular rules and restrictions add a sense of reality to the game, making it that more engaging. As for Quin, for the time I have known him he has been very kind, putting up with my massive amounts of noobishness, and to be honest, if I were in his shoes and read your first post you would have gotten a lot more than a rude letter. (Hence why I do not wear his shoes)

Andrew Weasley

I am guessing that the reason your thread was deleted was because you posted in another thread titled "I am banned, nothing on banland" and also made a new thread to post it again. That is double posting and spamming if I am correct. That is most likely why they were removed. Now this is acceptable and I am not even going to reply to your other post because I already have and according to your private message, "realy? thats great." (which I did not understand), you have already read it.
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


TL;DR - I deleted his posts/thread because I was sick of his shit.


I lol'd every second there. Guys, where is my moderator stuff and such?
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