Portkins' Garbage Bin

Started by Ragolution, 12-07-2011

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Posted for dura, as she isn't able to copy and paste, or something.

Minecraft Account: Duraga131

Mage's Name: Velera Zoe Junia

Mage Type: Sorceress

Mantra:  magic.

Spells/Powers:  100 mana
Fire bolt * requires a staff * A bolt of fire shoots from the end of the user's staff, cuasing Severe burns or lights the subject on fire.  1 bolt uses 10 mana.
Mana Shield: * requies a staff * the user jabs the staff into the ground and a dome-shaped shield of magic protects them. Costs 50 mana
Lightning * requires a staff *: A stream of lightinging to emit from the staff, shocking the opponet. costs 30 mana
Levitate: reduces the user's density so that they can float of the ground and magically navigate where they go. costs 40 mana.
Light: a small orb of light eminates from the user's hand, providing light. costs 5 mana

Andrew Weasley

Quote from: CoolFeerman on 01-05-2012
Quote from: Andrew Weasley on 30-04-2012
That video was sweet.
Made me a little sad.
And reminded me of FreeCities... now I'm really sad.

I was thinking FreeCities too, Ange.
I remember you were the first person I met.

OOOOHHHHH the memories
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


Minecraft Account: Duraga131

Mage's Name: Velera Zoe Junia

Mage Type: Sorceress

Mantra:  magic.

Spells/Powers:  100 mana
Fire bolt * requires a staff * A bolt of fire shoots from the end of the user's staff, cuasing Severe burns or lights the subject on fire.  1 bolt uses 10 mana.
Mana Shield: * requies a staff * the user jabs the staff into the ground and a dome-shaped shield of magic protects them. Costs 50 mana
Lightning * requires a staff *: A stream of lightinging to emit from the staff, shocking the opponet. costs 30 mana
Levitate: reduces the user's density so that they can float of the ground and magically navigate where they go. costs 40 mana.
Light: a small orb of light eminates from the user's hand, providing light. costs 5 mana

( thanks gec


I was wondering where the Map of Aceon went, I really want to know where the Nomas Desert is becuase my race is from around there and I really want to start thinking of how thier culture would be and all that



Note how all Quin's factions are the biggest...
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis


Quote from: Beano on 02-05-2012

Note how all Quin's factions are the biggest...

thanks, um can I get the gedwey's main city added to that ? its in the same desert as Nomas.

The city is called the Edoc'sil ( The unconquerable )


Oh, I didn't make it.
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis



All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis


Quote from: Duraga on 02-05-2012

Minecraft Account: Duraga131

Mage's Name: Velera Zoe Junia

Mage Type: Sorceress

Mantra:  magic.

Spells/Powers:  100 mana
Fire bolt * requires a staff * A bolt of fire shoots from the end of the user's staff, cuasing Severe burns or lights the subject on fire.  1 bolt uses 15 mana.
Mana Shield: * requies a staff * the user jabs the staff into the ground and a dome-shaped shield of magic protects them. Costs 50 mana
Lightning * requires a staff *: A stream of lightinging to emit from the staff, shocking the opponet. costs 30 mana
Levitate: reduces the user's density so that they can float of the ground and magically navigate where they go. costs 40 mana.
Light: a small orb of light eminates from the user's hand, providing light. costs 5 mana

( thanks gec



Quote from: Alendi on 30-04-2012
Minecraft Account: MunchDolf

Mage's Name: Alendi; Nameless

Mage Type: Mage-Smith

Mantra: Life

Spells/Powers: Alendi's abilities are an advanced Effect>Consequence-based shifting of energy. Nothing is created of destroyed, only moved along. He stores different types of powers in the many piercings which run all up and accross his right arm. These feature:
- Strength
- Speed
- Human Senses (Hearing, Sight, Smell, Touch, Taste)
- Healing
- Protection
- Resistance ([From] Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Natural Processes - so, for example, turning wet or rusting)
- Worldly Properties (Weight, Buoyancy, etc.)

With all of these, comes a consequence. Alendi must go for long periods of time suffering from the ability's consequence in order to store it up within the piercings on his arms. So, for example:
- Strength > Alendi must go without strength; deflated muscles and wrinkles
- Speed > Alendi must move at slow speeds, seemingly moving in slow-motion
- Human Senses > Alendi must go about with deceased senses
- Healing > Alendi becomes sickly and prone to cuts, bruises and wounds take longer or may even not heal - if he is storing rapidly, cuts even begin to develop along his skin
- Protection > Alendi must go about feeling weak and papery, very prone to all damage
-  Resistance > Alendi must go about prone to all the specified elements
- Worldly Properties > Take Weight, for example. Alendi will, all of a sudden, become extremely light, seeming to almost float for a certain amount of time in which he can collect Weight
The time scale and ratios for these are quite high. For example, going for a whole day with the strength of a ragged 9-year-old will only give the power of two men for 30 seconds; the power of three men for 10 seconds and the power of ten men for less than an entire second. Such is effect>consqeuence. In addition, only two of these powers can be charged at any one time.

While Alendi can make all of these directly affect himself, he can also imbue objects using this power, by putting another small piercing (made from a compound of alluminium and steel) through the specified item. He can then drain, directly from himself, to empower the object. The object then, too, runs out of charge as used.

This application is entirely wrong.
Your mantra is wrong, your mage type is incorrect and your powers are ridiculously powerful and totally unlimited.
You, sir, are the first person I have been tempted to Blacklist from the Mage Applications (We don't even have a blacklist).

Denied, this application is not even salvageable.


Quote from: fordwell on 30-04-2012
Minecraft Account: Fordwell

Mage's Name: Vanessa

Mage Type: Writer/ Sorceror

Mantra: Nature


100/100 Mana. She restores this nightly by meditating within the nether. All her spells are recorded in a massive tome that seems to be attached to her through some kind of magical symbiosis tentacle. Because of this symbiosis if she remains outside the nether for a long period of time she will progressively get sick.

Obsidian Tentacles Tendrils (Are you kidding, tentacles, this isn't a hentai): From her body comes up to three vine shaped tentacles made of obsidian, 25 mana each. They can hold a limb of a person or stab them. Though hard to cut they falls apart after about a minute and are useable for one action: binding, stabing ecs, but no more than one action per tentacle.

Passing Over: This opens a one person one way portal to the Nether. It takes 5 minutes to happen and a lot of concentration after the initial incantation is chanted. 40 mana.

Ghast Hands: Her hands turn hot with netherfire. Anyone touched will be severally burned. If she hold on for 15 seconds or more it becomes as hot as lava. Used on objects it can heat wood to weaken it and can turn metals to their near melting stages. 25 mana touch attack/use.
This ability can also be used to cauterize wounds

Revised, please reread.

Seems fine to me.


Quote from: AlexYu on 27-04-2012
Minecraft Name: LtFalcon

Mages Name: Jason Aristide

Mage Type: Ritualist
Mantra: Magic

Mana Cap: 150. Jason's Mana regenerates over every moon shined upon Jason. Although it rather regenerates slowly (Very slowly). It would take some time just for even 15 Mana and for a full mana regeneration it would take 2 days.

Moonlight Scythe: 65 Mana : A sword transforms into a scythe, made out of pure moon light from all across the galaxy. The scythe has a length of 6 feet with the blade curving a little bit with a stretch of 18 inches. One scratch can severely burn but can only hurt during night time. If it would to be cut during the day time, effect will take at night when the moon is out.

Lunar Daggers : 65 Mana : A stick can be split in half forming 2 daggers with power from the Eternal world allowing the sticks to be swung faster and increasing the holders speed. A cut can be very fatal but the daggers will not take effect during a regular day but instead can only be used on a full moon. If used on a non Full moon night/day then the daggers will only increase speed and will only be equal to a regular sword. Every wound the Lunar Dagger inflicts is also inflicted upon its wielder

Luminous Armor : 85 Mana : A full set of armor (Excluding/Including helmet) will be enchanted onto Jason making him slower, but stronger and give him nightvision. The armor is made from both the moons of the galaxy and the eternal world and can only be activated on a full moon or new moon. The armor is bright enough to match a whole army but can only be turned on for 3 minutes. Any more then 3 can fatality or kill Jason. Below or equal to three minutes with deactivation can make Jason go unconscious and shorten his life by about 1 year.

All Spells/Skills are activated upon the use of 3 diamond gems and water. The Diamonds are not consumed by the spell.

During the day, all of Jason's abilities cannot be seen even if they are active.
Ex. If he is holding a Luminous Scythe, it will appear to be a normal sword.

Edited for quality.


Quote from: Braydent30 on 27-04-2012
Minecraft Username: Braydent31

Mage's Name: Connor

Mage Type: Interlocutor

Mantra: Mind


Centipede: The caster points his finger at the victim and shoots a beam that is as thin as a spider web touches a person anywhere on their clothes, body or an object they're holding and suddenly they're overcome with the feeling that a thousand insects are crawling all over their skin. (This last for a 5 seconds maximum.)

Tunnel Vision: The victim suddenly develops tunnel vision and feels off-balance. This last 15 seconds maximum unless they splash water in their eyes. During the first 10 seconds, the victim can't move without falling prone.

Weak Spot: The caster binds an area of 2x2 blocks wide and basically makes anyone in that area invisible. The effect last 10 seconds long and can only be used at certain times of the day (MC). (Night/dawn/sunset. This also works inside.)

Hallucination: The caster makes it look like something is appearing or being torn apart. For example: Makes a copy of himself for 3 seconds to confuse some one or makes it look like some one just disappeared out of thin air which last 5 seconds. For each person, only one hallucination can exist/be visible.

Deja Vous: This causes the victim to imagine that he's already done this before, and thus what he does now doesn't matter. For 5[/color] seconds the victim will be significantly dazed and forget what he was doing. This is used for situations when you are stuck and need to go, quickly.

Peace: This can make a person forget all aggressive intentions in that moment, but this does not affect them forever. It only affects that (ONE) intention for that specific moment.

Whisperer: The caster can whisper and it sounds as if he is behind the person, whispering right in there ear.

(My guy is a prankster, so I thought I'd add that spell.)


That map is silly anyway. I don't see why we need a global map. I guess if you REALLY want me to I can make a good map but it'll take me a few days and I'll have to dig up my colored pencils.


I miss the Big Mainland, perhaps in the future we can return the map there?




This will be updated periodically, and if I forget to do it, pester me because it's really fast/easy and I shouldn't complain


Damn jag for ruining the view out of the Salvifico house front door... ALL THAT SPACE AND YOU PICKED THERE *shakes his fist angrily*
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


Well, firstly, I'd like to apologize for the ridiciolous application I posted just two days ago. I've revised over the content and, seeing no point in attempting to fix up this certain power, I've decided to completely re-think my ideas.

Minecraft Account: MunchDolf

Mage's Name: Alendi

Mage Type: Mage-Smith

Mantra: Magic (for lack of a better-suiting Mantra to Mage-Smith apparently)

Spells/Powers: I am unclear as to how I should lay out my Mage-Smith 'spells', even after reading certain other applications. Therefore, I will construct this application in the most fitting way I believe possible - I am expecting modification to this section of my app:

- Strength: The ability to cast the attribute of Strength with weaponry and objects, increasing the amount of power they release when force is applied.

- Speed: The ability to cast the attribute of Speed with weaponry and objects, increasing the amount of distance that the object and its master can cross in the specified amount of time, relative to amount of force applied.

- Protection: The ability to strengthen objects via casting the attribute of Protection with the desired object. This does not increase the amount of power that once can release using this object, but rather increases its durability and ability to withstand punishment.

- Weight: The ability to affect the mass of an object directly via the casting of the attribute Weight with the desired target.

I am not wholly sure as to the limitations of this power - I assume they must be huge in order to avoid near-invincibility. I will attempt to roughly structure my ideas on the matter below and expect guidance as well as modification:

Conjuring great fire from an unknown, omni-present source of great power, one can cast power in steel and in wrought iron as well as in the most simple of materials like cloth, linen or wood. The limitations to this power are great, and by using the fire one can bring onesself to such a point of exhaustion as to linger on the brink of death. Therefore, the power must be used with wisdom and balance. Absorbing more of the fire than a human body can take would kill instantly, therefore attempting to enchant objects with speed becomes an impossibility. Using the fire for longer periods of time will exhaust the mind and the body and allow the fire to overcome its master, albeit unwantingly, and bring about death. Therefore, one cannot use the fire for infinite or long on-going periods of time. Additionally, using the fire renders one incapable of much logic thought beyond the laboursome activity in which the wielder participates, therefore leaving them exposed. Retreating from use of the fire must be done with care and precision, otherwise the fire will overcome its master and, too, bring about death. So, in order to go about the activity of Spell-Smithing and using the fire, one must be concentrated, patient and willing to undergo a great deal of struggle. It can take months to cast the most simple of objects, such as a ring, with any store of sufficient power.


Minecraft Account: bowfinder

Mage's Name: Helix Naeme

Mage Type: Ritualist

Mantra: Mind

Helix draws powers from the darkness, making him strongest while in the dark or at night. However, his power can be stored and used during the day. The darkness, to Helix, is like a form of mana that ordinary mages require to cast spells. This 'mana' is called Shaed. As a result, Helix is coated in a permanent coat of dark matter, wispy and formless like smoke or a thick mist that - while formless - clings to his face to roughly outline some human features. One of his eyes shines through, a bright purple as a result of some of his other powers.

- Merge Shadows:
Helix merges shadows with a target, allowing him to cast further spells. As soon as Helix is standing in the shadow of the target, he can merge.
Cost: None
- Shadow Manipulation:
Helix bends the shadows to his will, either in his direction or away from him.
Cost: 1 Shaed/5cm shadow moved
- Mental Deposit:
As soon as the target makes eye contact with Helix, he can begin channeling. After channeling for 5 seconds, Helix can deposit a portion of his mind into the target's being. The more he deposits, the greater the cost, but he can only deposit a total of 50% of his being into the target. While his being is deposited away, Helix is also handicapped, depending on how much has been shifted along. If the full 50% is shifted over, Helix cannot even stand without staggering or falling, let alone walk. At a meagre 10%, Helix can affect emotions; at 20% he can speak into the mind; at 30% he can affect thought process minorly, editing the way a sentence is expressed or a word is pronounced; at 40% he can tamper with memories and thoughts; at 50% he can fabricate new memories and thoughts, though not ones with huge impact.
Cost: (channeling) 20 Shaed/min, (deposit) 100-500 Shaed
When the 5 second channel for Mental Deposit is complete, Helix can choose to affect a target with Affliction. When a target is afflicted, Helix can further cast spells upon them.
Cost: 50 Shaed
(while afflicted) Emprison:
Both Helix and his target are rendered totally incapable of all movement while this channels besides basic processes like blinking or breathing.
Cost: 20 Shaed/min
(while afflicted) Entrap:
Helix and his target become mirrored while this channels, the target copying exactly every move that Helix makes.
Cost: 20 Shaed/sec
While channeling, this ability slowly spreads a black tattoo-like disease over the target's body. When the channel is released, the area affected is split in several places as if by deep knife wounds. This affect can only take place around the point of contact (touch).
Cost: (channel) 100 Shaed/sec, (release) 300 Shaed

Helix stores 20 Shaed an hour, roughly 260 Shaed in a full night, and can store no more than 800 Shaed at one time.


Minecraft account: Blazefigth89

mage's name: Azerex Gravewood

Mage type: sorcceror

Manta: Magic

Mana: cap 150. Regenates slowly at normal (3days)  1 day if meditation

Arcane missiles: Azerex creates an bolt of arcane shooting it were he is directing his palm causes small explotions on hit. 20 mana each shoot

Arcane blast: azerex creates an large bolt of arcane in his palm, When he touches something it explodes and causes a shockwave infront of him. 50 mana

conjure: Azerex Creates an item of magic, blades, armor and such Mana cost depends on size of the item: 10-70

Enchant: Azerex enchants his fists or wepons causing them to have more power , faster and causes Shockwaves in the air, last 5 sec. 50 mana cost

Power infusion: Azerex surronds his body with arcane Increasing his strength and speed alot, he choses what % he wants his strength and speed will be, The more power the more damage to himslef. mana cost: 100, Azerex can die for the damages


Quote from: Alendi on 03-05-2012
Well, firstly, I'd like to apologize for the ridiciolous application I posted just two days ago. I've revised over the content and, seeing no point in attempting to fix up this certain power, I've decided to completely re-think my ideas.

Minecraft Account: MunchDolf

Mage's Name: Alendi

Mage Type: Mage-Smith

Mantra: Magic (for lack of a better-suiting Mantra to Mage-Smith apparently)

Spells/Powers: I am unclear as to how I should lay out my Mage-Smith 'spells', even after reading certain other applications. Therefore, I will construct this application in the most fitting way I believe possible - I am expecting modification to this section of my app:

- Strength: The ability to cast the attribute of Strength with weaponry and objects, increasing the amount of power they release when force is applied.

- Speed: The ability to cast the attribute of Speed with weaponry and objects, increasing the amount of distance that the object and its master can cross in the specified amount of time, relative to amount of force applied.

- Protection: The ability to strengthen objects via casting the attribute of Protection with the desired object. This does not increase the amount of power that once can release using this object, but rather increases its durability and ability to withstand punishment.

- Weight: The ability to affect the mass of an object directly via the casting of the attribute Weight with the desired target.

I am not wholly sure as to the limitations of this power - I assume they must be huge in order to avoid near-invincibility. I will attempt to roughly structure my ideas on the matter below and expect guidance as well as modification:

Conjuring great fire from an unknown, omni-present source of great power, one can cast power in steel and in wrought iron as well as in the most simple of materials like cloth, linen or wood. The limitations to this power are great, and by using the fire one can bring onesself to such a point of exhaustion as to linger on the brink of death. Therefore, the power must be used with wisdom and balance. Absorbing more of the fire than a human body can take would kill instantly, therefore attempting to enchant objects with speed becomes an impossibility. Using the fire for longer periods of time will exhaust the mind and the body and allow the fire to overcome its master, albeit unwantingly, and bring about death. Therefore, one cannot use the fire for infinite or long on-going periods of time. Additionally, using the fire renders one incapable of much logic thought beyond the laboursome activity in which the wielder participates, therefore leaving them exposed. Retreating from use of the fire must be done with care and precision, otherwise the fire will overcome its master and, too, bring about death. So, in order to go about the activity of Spell-Smithing and using the fire, one must be concentrated, patient and willing to undergo a great deal of struggle. It can take months to cast the most simple of objects, such as a ring, with any store of sufficient power.

Better but still Denied. Your magic is still quite overpowered, the only limitations you have seem to be ones which you could optionally ignore and generally your app is still extremely vague. You need to outline everything you can enchant and how far because you still have no limitations on how much strength/speed/protection/weight you can give to any item. Also you are not allowed to enchant everything that may be lieing around, I don't know if that's how you meant it, but that's what it sounds like. You should also give exact time measurements on how long it takes to enchant each item and if it differentiates between different enchantments. Generally it needs another total clean up and I suggest visiting the old mage application respitory before trying again for ideas on how to write this.

Quote from: bowfinder on 04-05-2012
Minecraft Account: bowfinder

Mage's Name: Helix Naeme

Mage Type: Sorceror

Mantra: Mind

Helix draws powers from the darkness, making him strongest while in the dark or at night. However, his power can be stored and used during the day. The darkness, to Helix, is like a form of mana that ordinary mages require to cast spells. This 'mana' is called Shaed. As a result, Helix is coated in a permanent coat of dark matter, wispy and formless like smoke or a thick mist that - while formless - clings to his face to roughly outline some human features. One of his eyes shines through, a bright purple as a result of some of his other powers.

- Merge Shadows:
Helix merges shadows with a target, allowing him to cast spells. As soon as Helix is standing in the shadow of the target, he can merge. Through this way he has no need for a tome.
Cost: None

- Shadow Manipulation:
Helix bends the shadows to his will, either in his direction or away from him.
Cost: 1 Shaed/5cm shadow moved (each block represents one metre and you can work out the length and size of the shadows using the suns position in the sky)

- Mental Deposit:
As soon as the target makes eye contact with Helix, he can begin channeling. After channeling for 5 seconds, Helix can deposit a portion of his mind into the target's being. The more he deposits, the greater the cost, but he can only deposit a total of 50% of his being into the target. While his being is deposited away, Helix is also handicapped, depending on how much has been shifted along. If the full 50% is shifted over, Helix cannot even stand without staggering or falling, let alone walk. At a meagre 10%, Helix can affect emotions; at 20% he can speak into the mind; at 30% he can affect thought process minorly, editing the way a sentence is expressed or a word is pronounced (works for one out of three sentences and can change a maximum of two words); at 40% he can view memories and thoughts; at 50% he can tamper minorly with memories, such as the person in question taking a cup of tea that morning instead of a biscuit. These memories that are tampered with generally have a strange feel about them and there's a 20% chance that everytime the person recalls it they will work out it's fake.
Cost: After channeling for five seconds: 30 Shaedi per 10% deposited. It takes thirty seconds to deposit 10% and after the target has broken eye contact, Helix can no longer channel into their mind. However his effect on their mind after they have broken mind contact will last for four minutes (excluding memories outlined above) before he is unable to enter their mind anymore. The shaedi also leaves their mind completely once this time limit is ended, so he cannot overtime add more and more shaed until he reaches 50%.

After channeling for five seconds Helix can choose to affect a target with Affliction. When a target is afflicted, Helix can further cast spells upon them. These spells are outlined below.
Cost: 20 Shaed

(while afflicted) Emprison:
Helix is rendered totally incapable of movement whilst his targets movements are slowed down dramatically (can move a metre every five seconds). Helix cannot cancel the spell once it has begun and it lasts for thirty seconds. Momentum is not cancelled so if someone is swinging a sword at him before the spell is started and still is during its length, then after it has ended the object will continue it's previous momentum.
Cost: 100 Shaed
(while afflicted) Entrap:
Helix and his target become mirrored while this channels, both he and his target become mirror images when fighting each other, meaning any offensive shot thrown at either player would be blocked by the other, in this way both the target and Helix reach an impass where it is impossible to hurt the other person.
Cost: 50 Shaed

Helix's Shaed replaces after 24 hours. He starts off with 200 shaed after each replenishment.

Quote from: Blazefight on 04-05-2012
Minecraft account: Blazefigth89

mage's name: Azerex Gravewood

Mage type: sorcceror

Manta: Magic

Mana: cap 150. Regenates slowly at normal (3days)  1 day if meditation

Arcane missiles: Azerex creates an bolt of arcane shooting it were he is directing his palm causes small explotions on hit. 20 mana each shoot

Arcane blast: azerex creates an large bolt of arcane in his palm, When he touches something it explodes and causes a shockwave infront of him. 50 mana

conjure: Azerex Creates an item of magic, blades, armor and such Mana cost depends on size of the item: 10-70

Enchant: Azerex enchants his fists or wepons causing them to have more power , faster and causes Shockwaves in the air, last 5 sec. 50 mana cost

Power infusion: Azerex surronds his body with arcane Increasing his strength and speed alot, he choses what % he wants his strength and speed will be, The more power the more damage to himslef. mana cost: 100, Azerex can die for the damages

Pending, talk to me in game.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Minecraft account: Blazefigth89

mage's name: Azerex Gravewood

Mage type: sorcceror

Manta: Magic

Mana: cap 150. Regenates slowly at normal (3days)  1 day if meditation

Arcane missiles: Azerex creates an bolt of arcane shooting it were he is directing his palm causes small explotions on hit. the explotion is 2x2 it can destroy everything except Obsidian Iron diamond

Arcane blast: azerex creates an large bolt of arcane in his palm, When he touches something it explodes and causes a shockwave infront of him. 50 mana Explotion is 4x4 can go through everything except obsidian schockwave is 2x2x5 It destroys Dirt, sand, gravel and ice

Power infusion: Azerex surronds his body with arcane Increasing his strength and speed alot, he choses what % he wants his strength and speed will be, The more power the more damage to himslef. mana cost: 100, Azerex can die for the damages. 50% more power 10% damage. 100% damage = death