Portkins' Garbage Bin

Started by Ragolution, 12-07-2011

0 Members and 6 Guests are viewing this topic.


Quote from: Beano on 14-04-2012
You guys aren't ACTUALLY pissed off about this, right?

v,v im the opposite....im extremely sad becuase i worked hard on that


Jesus guys, his map has no faction protection system, no worldguard, and no BR permissions system.  I told you that everything that happens on it is non-canon, and that none of you were even supposed to be on it or doing anything in the first place.  This is not a serious map, this is, as CPftw put it correctly, a limbo map.  Its not even possible to roleplay without HeroChat, so its really just a build server without a whitelist at the moment, so of course griefing is going to happen.

Quote from: Beano on 14-04-2012
You guys aren't ACTUALLY pissed off about this, right?

Beano is right, calm down and just play on the map, or don't play on the map, until I get everything working again.  Until everything is working, don't expect things to be like the old server.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 13-04-2012
Minecraft and Bukkit have been updated to 1.2.5 on the server, the current version, and we will be having the new CoG map (I think we will be using Port's map, but I am unsure).  All of the plugins that have been updated to 1.2.5 (about half) have been re-added to the server.  The other half of the plugins I will have to test individually to see if they work with the server.  Then I will have to learn how to write the permissions for most of the plugins.  All this while I am doing my final exams.  So please be patient, Aceon will be back to you soon.

Kokkaku Kishu

Minecraft Account: Sp3ktrum

Mage's Name: Dyo-Delta

Mage Type:Interlocutor/mage-smith (im not really sure which this would be)

Mantra: second (mind[?])


he has one spell that he uses that he focuses his energy into, which is summoning giant spiked chains each with a knife blade on the end of it. when he was born, a dark mage society abducted him and performed rituals on him, resulting in eyes that were permanently black in appearance and this ability. he also controls the chains like extra appendages through his mind and they come out of any shadow he is in DIRECT CONTACT with (i.e. in his robe or if under an inanimate objects shadow that). however this in no way suggests he has control over it. due to his teenage age, his chains only appear to come out in times of great anger and stress, or when it seems inappropriate timing in various shapes and forms. also due to his mage type, there are many weak spots on the chains (every 8th link or so) that if they are hit, cause the entire chain to shatter and dissolve into oblivion.

Also, due to the control he has over the chains, can occasionally form them into a crude sword resembling half of a claymore (the sword)

Silver Knight

Quin has stepped down as Director.

Ragolution is no longer on LOA.

Demonizer is now an Administrator again.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period

Kokkaku Kishu

k so i dont know what happened im suddenly getting an "internal error: disconected by server"message?


It's getting fixed
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis


I was on for less than a hour and i some how got banned, yet i didnt do anything  :'(
Anyone can Un-Ban me?


Sure you're banned, and not getting an internal server error?
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis


Kokkaku Kishu

This is here so those of you who wish to keep up can keep up with the map.

Kokkaku Kishu

This would be the Temporary monarchy's headquarters under construction, looks amazing so far.

It's the only good picture that came out, but I'll get more. :P


Quote from: Kokkaku Kishu on 14-04-2012

This would be the Temporary monarchy's headquarters under construction, looks amazing so far.

It's the only good picture that came out, but I'll get more. :P
Is that a drawing? xD

Silver Knight

Quote from: Mr_Squirrel on 14-04-2012
Quote from: Kokkaku Kishu on 14-04-2012

This would be the Temporary monarchy's headquarters under construction, looks amazing so far.

It's the only good picture that came out, but I'll get more. :P
Is that a drawing? xD

No it's a nice texture pack.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


The sunset marks the end of the day in the City of Guilds.

Kokkaku Kishu

Quote from: Last.Exile on 14-04-2012
No it's a nice texture pack.

To answer both of your questions and any further questions that may arise concerning it, im using the x263 bit LB Photo-realism texturepack with the GLSL Shader mod on high

Kokkaku Kishu

BTW nice pic Geccoy

crusader :D

..My, my.. I'd have to say myself, Geccoy... that's a purty picture you got yourself right there.

Andrew Weasley

Oh shit, off topic but thats the sickest sig ever.
That is all....
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx

Kokkaku Kishu

Quote from: Andrew Weasley on 14-04-2012
Oh shit, off topic but thats the sickest sig ever.
That is all....


now back to business, more pics of the new castle :D

now here's the starting area and our beautiful bridge!

and here's the guild application building


Your signature is effing huge.


I take credit for the castle.
Now kiss my feet.



Quote from: CoolFeerman on 15-04-2012
I take credit for the castle.
I take a teeny tiny bit but you dont have to kiss my feet.


New job:  City cleaner, goes around the city killing all the damn slimes...
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis


Official faction name: The House of Lotus

Abbreviation: Lotus
Leader: CPftw : Nerva Salvico
Guild Rank: Union
Associated Colours/heraldry: Red, Blue, Black and White
Forum name : MC name : IC Name : Position/Title/Job (if possible)

CPftw : CPftw : Nerva Salvico : Leader, Treasurer, Investor, Lawyer,
Superblackbiker : Superblackbiker : Darius Salvico : Woodsman
Duraga : Duraga131 : Circe Carter
Nhart: nhart96 : Quoril Danavis
Dylancotter : Dylancotter : Marc Cotter : Courier, personal guard
Mr_Squirrel : MlaKins : Cody : Mechanic
Fordwell : fordwell : Vanessa : Tavern Owner
<N/A> : mmatt : <TBG> : Engineer

Short description:
The House of Lotus is a guild with a policy of acceptance. Whether you are a farmer, shop keeper, soldier, miner, weaver, mage, courier, guard, mason or doctor, The House of Lotus is the guild for you. The guild will aim to support you in any and all ways. If you want to set up a business but need a property, the guild will get one for you. If you want to organise a party the guild will help you. If you just want a place to stay then the guild is here for you.

If you want to join then see one of the members to get an interview.

Buildings, Businesses, Projects Invested in:
The Slums
All Salvico businesses
All  Guild Members businesses
The School thing

Current Aims and Projects:
Build a new Temple (in progress)
Build a Hospital (in development)
Build a library (in development)
Build a Theater (in development)
Get people out the slums (in progress)
Get more members (in progress)
Help get the economy going (in progress)