Portkins' Garbage Bin

Started by Ragolution, 12-07-2011

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I don't know. Since minecraft broke on me (Corrupted worlds and lost memory) I am worried that too many addons will cause the problem again. I am also down to 6 GB. Should I try it out?

+ My name is retarded "williamman57" I was 14 when I signed up for MC and that was my username :l.


Uhm, you don't need to install any plugins, they are all supported on the server.  All you need to do is put our IP into Minecraft and you can play.  Actually, I am pretty sure the world is supported on HGN's server, so there is no chance of your computer corrupting the memory, or having space used up, seeing as how it won't be stored on your computer like a single player map.

However, I am not really the tech guy, so I might be completely wrong, lol.  Anyways, I say come join us! :D
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 01-03-2012
Uhm, you don't need to install any plugins, they are all supported on the server.  All you need to do is put our IP into Minecraft and you can play.  Actually, I am pretty sure the world is supported on HGN's server, so there is no chance of your computer corrupting the memory, or having space used up, seeing as how it won't be stored on your computer like a single player map.

However, I am not really the tech guy, so I might be completely wrong, lol.  Anyways, I say come join us! :D

Let the record show that for the first time in recorded history, Arthy was indeed correct about tech stuff.


Alright. Me and Arthy have been debating the future of the server concering new maps.
What we've concluded is that the current system will never have an economy.
The problem is, I want an economy. I want to see you guys thrive without us and not resort to communistic behaviors, because once the server population gets high enough, communism will fall apart of its own accords. Communism doesn't work once you have 30+ people. Eventually someone gets greedy.


Starvation Situation - Basically we crank up the hunger bar and make you guys have to eat more food more often. The motivation behind this is that suddenly farming will be profitable but tedious enough that not everyone can do it in a 3x3 plot in their back yard. That is the short, long, wide and skinny of it.

Ermor System - Anyone who played in Ermor will remember the general idea of this system. Basically you have a job and you stick with it. Forever.

Keep Things As They Are - What we're currently doing. I don't like it because it's REALLY isolationist.

City of Guilds - The Admin Team establishes one large faction-city run (at first) by the admins. This idea is reminiscent of Ermor but will be quite different. The Government will be admin run for a short time but players will be slowly introduced to Governmental positions (ie Governor, King) and the system of rule. Players will decide if the city is a democracy, communism, monarchy or whatever system you guys like. After the relatively short construction period, the city will be divided into a number of Districts and each district will contain 16 "Blocks" (meaning Chunks). Each Faction will be able to claim a Block of the city and whichever faction has the highest claim in that District will control it. Factions created on this map will be called "Guilds" "Clans" or "Gangs" depending on their size and organization.


Quote from: 2ktaco on 01-03-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 01-03-2012
Quote from: RanmaChan on 01-03-2012
Quote from: Superblackbiker on 01-03-2012
Hey ppl, just saw 1.2 is in, but luckily I didn't update. You think there'll be the same problem as last time with the map? Hope not, theres some pretty good work thats been done on this one, The Library, Four Leaf, Cradlerock, Steelhammer (sorry if I got that wrong), Sodas treehbouse, etc etc. Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I was gonna make a new topic for it but decided against it.

I hope the same thing doesn't happen, but just in case me and Port have been talking about different things we can do for the next map.

Edit:  Get Spoutcraft and you won't have to worry about upgrading/downgrading.
I am a noob who doesn't know how to use Spout, that is why I say its bad.  Blah blah blah.
lolol, port you dog.

Nope, blame the Athy.


I want to experience Ermor in all its glory.


Chaotic bullshit for sure.


Quote from: Braydent30 on 01-03-2012
Chaotic bullshit for sure.
Aren't you banned? Why bother voting if your banned?


Shhhh, people don't need to know.


Quote from: Braydent30 on 01-03-2012
Shhhh, people don't need to know.
Everyone knows already, we even had a mourner or two.


Minecraft Account: Portkins

Mage's Name: Urist Thunderbeard

Mage Type: Ritualist

Mantra:  Nature

Instead of a Mana Pool, Urist utilizes Blood as his Energy Source.
Blood of any type can be used, but Human, Dwarf and Drow bloods are the most potent.
Creepers are not known to bleed, and zombies do not have a pulse so animal bloods are most common for spells that are not of dire importance.

Urist carries a medium-sized glass tank of blood with him at all times, as well as a few individual vials for measuring.
The tank itself can carry about 15 vials of blood. Urist's carries three additional vials on him at all times, one of which is full of dwarf blood, and the other two filled with Human's Blood.

The ritual required to bless blood, and prepare it for use takes 2 hours and a living subject. This ritual will kill the subject and give Urist 10 vials of blood. Blood may not be added to the tank in any other way.

After using a great amount of blood, Urist may become "Bloodsick". In this state, Urist goes into a berserk rage becoming totally unable to use any more spells for 12 hours and causing him to viciously attack the nearest living creature. This Bloodsickness can only be cured through the death of the nearest living creature or by briefly submerging Urist in a river.

Shards of Stone - Using 2-3 vials of blood and his Dwarven Hammer, Urist shatters a nearby rock or boulder into a million shards. Using an arcane magnetic field, he directs these shards at high speeds in any one direction.

Churning Earth - Urist quaffs his entire tankard of blood and causes the earth to move. Stones spit upwards and sands suck people downwards as the earth rearranges itself randomly. Pebbles, sand and mud fly into the air, causing anyone within 10 feet of Urist to be blinded by the dust, stunned by the rain of pebbles and coated in mud. The more blood remaining in the tankard when this spell is cast, the more powerful the earth will churn.

Mudspatter - Using two vials of blood, Urist turns the dirt around him into mud and conjures it to his will. The mud splashes outward all around him and coats everyone and everything within 10 meters.

Earth's Blood - Urist dumps his entire tank of blood on the ground. The pool spreads out for 3 meters and slowly heats up as it morphs the terrain into lava. This spell can only be cast on solid, natural stone or dirt and requires a full tank of blood.

Lava Arrows - Urist drains a vial of blood into a nearby pool of lava and commands it to rise. He can send this gob of molten rock up to 10 yards before it cools, at a maximum speed of 30 m/s.  Time is of the essence, when casting this spell.

Stonespirit - Urist coats himself in five vials of blood and begins a chant. As the chant goes on, he is slowly enclosed in a layer of solid rock that is nigh-impenetrable by conventional weapons. In this form, Urist cannot move and must focus on this ritual to keep it strong. If the ritual is stopped, the layers of stone flake away like sand.

Geosurge - The Earth fills Urist and his tankard of blood drains away. He instantly is overcome with Bloodsickness and begins floating 2 feet in the air. The Blood of the Mountain forms a small pool by his feet and a wave of energy ripples outward, throwing people back. While the Geosurge is going on, Urist can cast any spell in his spell list, at the cost of 2 more hours of Bloodsickness.


Quote from: Ragolution on 01-03-2012
Minecraft Account: Portkins

Mage's Name: Urist Thunderbeard

Mage Type: Ritualist

Mantra:  Nature

Instead of a Mana Pool, Urist utilizes Blood as his Energy Source.
Blood of any type can be used, but Human, Dwarf and Drow bloods are the most potent.
Creepers are not known to bleed, and zombies do not have a pulse so animal bloods are most common for spells that are not of dire importance.

Urist carries a medium-sized glass tank of blood with him at all times, as well as a few individual vials for measuring.
The tank itself can carry about 15 vials of blood. Urist's carries three additional vials on him at all times, one of which is full of dwarf blood, and the other two filled with Human's Blood.

The ritual required to bless blood, and prepare it for use takes 2 hours and a living subject. This ritual will kill the subject and give Urist 10 vials of blood. Blood may not be added to the tank in any other way.

After using a great amount of blood, Urist may become "Bloodsick". In this state, Urist goes into a berserk rage becoming totally unable to use any more spells for 12 hours and causing him to viciously attack the nearest living creature. This Bloodsickness can only be cured through the death of the nearest living creature or by briefly submerging Urist in a river.

Shards of Stone - Using 2-3 vials of blood and his Dwarven Hammer, Urist shatters a nearby rock or boulder into a million shards. Using an arcane magnetic field, he directs these shards at high speeds in any one direction.

Churning Earth - Urist quaffs his entire tankard of blood and causes the earth to move. Stones spit upwards and sands suck people downwards as the earth rearranges itself randomly. Pebbles, sand and mud fly into the air, causing anyone within 10 feet of Urist to be blinded by the dust, stunned by the rain of pebbles and coated in mud. The more blood remaining in the tankard when this spell is cast, the more powerful the earth will churn.

Mudspatter - Using two vials of blood, Urist turns the dirt around him into mud and conjures it to his will. The mud splashes outward all around him and coats everyone and everything within 10 meters.

Earth's Blood - Urist dumps his entire tank of blood on the ground. The pool spreads out for 3 meters and slowly heats up as it morphs the terrain into lava. This spell can only be cast on solid, natural stone or dirt and requires a full tank of blood.

Lava Arrows - Urist drains a vial of blood into a nearby pool of lava and commands it to rise. He can send this gob of molten rock up to 10 yards before it cools, at a maximum speed of 30 m/s.  Time is of the essence, when casting this spell.

Stonespirit - Urist coats himself in five vials of blood and begins a chant. As the chant goes on, he is slowly enclosed in a layer of solid rock that is nigh-impenetrable by conventional weapons. In this form, Urist cannot move and must focus on this ritual to keep it strong. If the ritual is stopped, the layers of stone flake away like sand.

Geosurge - The Earth fills Urist and his tankard of blood drains away. He instantly is overcome with Bloodsickness and begins floating 2 feet in the air. The Blood of the Mountain forms a small pool by his feet and a wave of energy ripples outward, throwing people back. While the Geosurge is going on, Urist can cast any spell in his spell list, at the cost of 2 more hours of Bloodsickness.




Quote from: Ragolution on 01-03-2012
Forced Serfdom - Anyone who played in Ermor will remember this idea. Basically you have a job and you stick with it. Forever.

Don't say Ermor is forced-serfdom, its nothing like serfdom.  You have a job yes, but 90% of the population are not farmers in an almost slave-like system.  In Ermor you picked a job, and you stuck with it because you needed money to buy things from other people with different jobs.

Quote from: Ragolution on 01-03-2012
Or we can go back to pre-DEAP
Or we can stay with what we're doing

Pre-DEAP is what we are doing right now.

I actually vote for keeping things like they are.  I don't want to spend 110% of my time trying to build up a server system that people will end up hating.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."



Minecraft Account: Noctilucent

Mage's Name: Eleanore "Eli" Noctilucent

Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Mind

Spells/Powers: Shadowmancy - Eli is naturally atuned to the shadows, and is able to take on the characteristics of one. Each of her spells is amplified in some way the more shadows used. 

Shadow Pool - Instead of using Mana, Eli casts all of her spells utilizing shadows that she traps inside of her own body. The Shadow Pool is stored in her body. The more of her magic that she uses, the more vulnerable she becomes to sunlight eventually reaching a point where she will be physically pained. She is able to absorb or drink shadows during the day and consume darkness during the night, increasing her Shadow Pool to a maximum of thirty-five shadows. Whenever Eli consumes a shadow, she cannot absorb the same shadow in the same location for twenty-four hours. The size of the shadow determines how much Shadow Energy is restored just as the power of each spell determines the amount of shadow energy consumed.

Arm Bracers  - Bands of shadow surround her wrists. She is able to morph them into weapons for periods of time.   
   Antumbra - Eli is able to force her right bracer to morph into the shape of a crossbow. The crossbow is called Antumbra. The crossbow is able to launch bolts made from shadow, but as each bolt is shot, the crossbow shrinks, until it disappears, and the bracer cannot be used for a period of time. When Eli conjures this crossbow, she invests a certain amount of shadow energy into it. For each bolt that is able to be fired, she must expend at least one point of shadow energy as well as two point for the crossbow itself. The shadow bolts that are used explode on impact of the face, blinding the victim. The bolts deal no damage.
    Penumbra - Eli is able to mold the shadow of her left bracer to morph into the shape of a blade. The blade is called Penumbra. The blade can be small to large, but no longer then the length of her arm. The larger the blade, the more shadow energy it costs. If it is a small dagger, it will cost five points of shadow energy, and if it is a large blade, it can cost to a maximum of twenty energy.  The blade will continue to cost the same amount of shadow energy put into it every hour the blade is active.

Blade Send - Eli releases her blade, launching it to a targeted direction. The more shadow energy that was invested into the blade, the more powerful the blade is. Additional shadow energy may be used to increase the velocity of the blade. For every extra point of shadow energy added in, the blade moves quicker.
Dissipate - Eli assumes the intangibility of a natural shadow, quickly disappearing into one. She is able to move between shadows, unseen. This form has an initial cost of five shadow energy. It costs an additional shadow energy point every minute while in this form.

Shadow Tether - Eli leashes a target to a chosen shadow, preventing them from walking outside the perimeter of the shadow. Visually, shadows wrap around the ankles of the captive. The smaller the shadow, the larger the cost. For a small shadow, the cost is ten shadow energy. For a large shadow, the cost is five shadow energy. If the shadow disappears, for example from sunlight, the captive is set free.
A girls' tears are only to show to the person you love when you're truly happy, like when your father ridicules me or hits me with just enough force, I get so excited I cry tears of joy.


Quote from: Noctilucent on 01-03-2012

Minecraft Account: Noctilucent

Mage's Name: Eleanore "Eli" Noctilucent

Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Mind

Spells/Powers: Shadowmancy - Eli is naturally atuned to the shadows, and is able to take on the characteristics of one. Each of her spells is amplified in some way the more shadows used. 

Shadow Pool - Instead of using Mana, Eli casts all of her spells utilizing shadows that she traps inside of her own body. The Shadow Pool is stored in her body, inside of her organs and veins instead of blood. The more of her magic that she uses, the more vulnerable she becomes to sunlight eventually reaching a point where she will be physically pained. She is able to absorb or drink shadows during the day and consume darkness during the night, increasing her Shadow Pool to a maximum of thirty-five shadows. Whenever Eli consumes a shadow, she cannot absorb the same shadow in the same location for twenty-four hours. The size of the shadow determines how much Shadow Energy is restored just as the power of each spell determines the amount of shadow energy consumed.

Arm Bracers  - Bands of shadow surround her wrists. She is able to morph them into weapons for periods of time.
   Antumbra - Eli is able to force her left bracer to morph into the shape of a crossbow. The crossbow is called Antumbra. The crossbow is able to launch bolts made from shadow, but as each bolt is shot, the crossbow shrinks, until it disappears, and the bracer cannot be used for a period of time. When Eli conjures this crossbow, she invests a certain amount of shadow energy into it. For each bolt that is able to be fired, she must expend at least one point of shadow energy as well as two point for the crossbow itself. The shadow bolts that are used explode on impact of the face, blinding the victim. The bolts deal no damage.

    Penumbra - Eli is able to mold the shadow of her right bracer to morph into the shape of a blade. The blade is called Penumbra. The blade can be small to large, but no longer then the length of her arm. The larger the blade, the more shadow energy it costs. If it is a small dagger, it will cost five points of shadow energy, and if it is a large blade, it can cost to a maximum of twenty energy.  The blade will continue to cost the same amount of shadow energy put into it every hour the blade is active.

Blade Send - Eli releases her blade, launching it to a targeted direction. The more shadow energy that was invested into the blade, the more powerful the blade is. Additional shadow energy may be used to increase the velocity of the blade. For every extra point of shadow energy added in, the blade moves quicker.
Dissipate - Eli assumes the intangibility of a natural shadow, quickly disappearing into one. She is able to move between shadows, unseen. This form has an initial cost of five shadow energy. It costs an additional shadow energy point every minute while in this form.

Shadow Tether - Eli leashes a target to a chosen shadow, preventing them from walking outside the perimeter of the shadow. Visually, shadows wrap around the ankles of the captive. The smaller the shadow, the larger the cost. For a small shadow, the cost is ten shadow energy. For a large shadow, the cost is five shadow energy. If the shadow disappears, for example from sunlight, the captive is set free.

This is interesting.. Hmm, though a little bit concerning...
Just two things.  Firstly, are you a human, and if not, what race are you if you use shadows as blood?  You have to be an approved race.
Secondly, your shadow system will not work via Minecraft days/nights, it will work on real life days/nights like the mana pool of everyone else, for balance.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


1.2 is cool :3


You probably want to post in this thread Jagger:

The thread we are in now is for the discussion of the 1.2 update.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 01-03-2012
Quote from: Noctilucent on 01-03-2012

Minecraft Account: Noctilucent

Mage's Name: Eleanore "Eli" Noctilucent

Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Mind

Spells/Powers: Shadowmancy - Eli is naturally atuned to the shadows, and is able to take on the characteristics of one. Each of her spells is amplified in some way the more shadows used. 

Shadow Pool - Instead of using Mana, Eli casts all of her spells utilizing shadows that she traps inside of her own body. The Shadow Pool is stored in her body, inside of her organs and veins instead of blood. The more of her magic that she uses, the more vulnerable she becomes to sunlight eventually reaching a point where she will be physically pained. She is able to absorb or drink shadows during the day and consume darkness during the night, increasing her Shadow Pool to a maximum of thirty-five shadows. Whenever Eli consumes a shadow, she cannot absorb the same shadow in the same location for twenty-four hours. The size of the shadow determines how much Shadow Energy is restored just as the power of each spell determines the amount of shadow energy consumed.

Arm Bracers  - Bands of shadow surround her wrists. She is able to morph them into weapons for periods of time.
   Antumbra - Eli is able to force her left bracer to morph into the shape of a crossbow. The crossbow is called Antumbra. The crossbow is able to launch bolts made from shadow, but as each bolt is shot, the crossbow shrinks, until it disappears, and the bracer cannot be used for a period of time. When Eli conjures this crossbow, she invests a certain amount of shadow energy into it. For each bolt that is able to be fired, she must expend at least one point of shadow energy as well as two point for the crossbow itself. The shadow bolts that are used explode on impact of the face, blinding the victim. The bolts deal no damage.

    Penumbra - Eli is able to mold the shadow of her right bracer to morph into the shape of a blade. The blade is called Penumbra. The blade can be small to large, but no longer then the length of her arm. The larger the blade, the more shadow energy it costs. If it is a small dagger, it will cost five points of shadow energy, and if it is a large blade, it can cost to a maximum of twenty energy.  The blade will continue to cost the same amount of shadow energy put into it every hour the blade is active.

Blade Send - Eli releases her blade, launching it to a targeted direction. The more shadow energy that was invested into the blade, the more powerful the blade is. Additional shadow energy may be used to increase the velocity of the blade. For every extra point of shadow energy added in, the blade moves quicker.
Dissipate - Eli assumes the intangibility of a natural shadow, quickly disappearing into one. She is able to move between shadows, unseen. This form has an initial cost of five shadow energy. It costs an additional shadow energy point every minute while in this form.

Shadow Tether - Eli leashes a target to a chosen shadow, preventing them from walking outside the perimeter of the shadow. Visually, shadows wrap around the ankles of the captive. The smaller the shadow, the larger the cost. For a small shadow, the cost is ten shadow energy. For a large shadow, the cost is five shadow energy. If the shadow disappears, for example from sunlight, the captive is set free.

This is interesting.. Hmm, though a little bit concerning...
Just two things.  Firstly, are you a human, and if not, what race are you if you use shadows as blood?  You have to be an approved race.
Secondly, your shadow system will not work via Minecraft days/nights, it will work on real life days/nights like the mana pool of everyone else, for balance.

Okay, I'll take the shadow-blood stuff out. However, could the Shadow Pool still be within her? It would make it so that she's weaker/weaker in the sunlight.
And, I'm fine with the real life days and nights, that makes more sense.

A girls' tears are only to show to the person you love when you're truly happy, like when your father ridicules me or hits me with just enough force, I get so excited I cry tears of joy.


I've had some ideas about a new map as well. Nothings happening right now because everyone is too far away. Ermor is the only way to resolve that, but recreates the problem of no enjoying being in one faction. I thought maybe we could have best of both worlds....  We have a humongous city, like the 4-6 times the size of Ermor. This great city would be set up into districts; each district would be owned by a faction.In the centre of the city would be a large square with a legislature. This would be common grounds for all factions. This is also where places of religion and education would be.Each district would be run by a faction. Each faction would have a certain amount of representatives, dependent on the population of the faction. Every week IRL the districts would meet to discuss certain issues that need to be addressed. Leading the legislature would be a King/Queen (Admin) The Monarch would have final say in any unresolved disputes, but does not have ruling power of the great city (Similar to the Queen of England).If there there is tension between certain factions they may go to war for it. At this point the factions would create a militia from their citizens. Battles would be waged and the winner would... well be the winner!The amount of land the faction would own would be dependent on how many people the faction has (factions mod helps out a lot with this). The factions may also claim land outside of the city for resources.


Quote from: Noctilucent on 01-03-2012
Quote from: RanmaChan on 01-03-2012
Quote from: Noctilucent on 01-03-2012

Minecraft Account: Noctilucent

Mage's Name: Eleanore "Eli" Noctilucent

Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Mind

Spells/Powers: Shadowmancy - Eli is naturally atuned to the shadows, and is able to take on the characteristics of one. Each of her spells is amplified in some way the more shadows used. 

Shadow Pool - Instead of using Mana, Eli casts all of her spells utilizing shadows that she traps inside of her own body. The Shadow Pool is stored in her body, inside of her organs and veins instead of blood. The more of her magic that she uses, the more vulnerable she becomes to sunlight eventually reaching a point where she will be physically pained. She is able to absorb or drink shadows during the day and consume darkness during the night, increasing her Shadow Pool to a maximum of thirty-five shadows. Whenever Eli consumes a shadow, she cannot absorb the same shadow in the same location for twenty-four hours. The size of the shadow determines how much Shadow Energy is restored just as the power of each spell determines the amount of shadow energy consumed.

Arm Bracers  - Bands of shadow surround her wrists. She is able to morph them into weapons for periods of time.
   Antumbra - Eli is able to force her left bracer to morph into the shape of a crossbow. The crossbow is called Antumbra. The crossbow is able to launch bolts made from shadow, but as each bolt is shot, the crossbow shrinks, until it disappears, and the bracer cannot be used for a period of time. When Eli conjures this crossbow, she invests a certain amount of shadow energy into it. For each bolt that is able to be fired, she must expend at least one point of shadow energy as well as two point for the crossbow itself. The shadow bolts that are used explode on impact of the face, blinding the victim. The bolts deal no damage.

    Penumbra - Eli is able to mold the shadow of her right bracer to morph into the shape of a blade. The blade is called Penumbra. The blade can be small to large, but no longer then the length of her arm. The larger the blade, the more shadow energy it costs. If it is a small dagger, it will cost five points of shadow energy, and if it is a large blade, it can cost to a maximum of twenty energy.  The blade will continue to cost the same amount of shadow energy put into it every hour the blade is active.

Blade Send - Eli releases her blade, launching it to a targeted direction. The more shadow energy that was invested into the blade, the more powerful the blade is. Additional shadow energy may be used to increase the velocity of the blade. For every extra point of shadow energy added in, the blade moves quicker.
Dissipate - Eli assumes the intangibility of a natural shadow, quickly disappearing into one. She is able to move between shadows, unseen. This form has an initial cost of five shadow energy. It costs an additional shadow energy point every minute while in this form.

Shadow Tether - Eli leashes a target to a chosen shadow, preventing them from walking outside the perimeter of the shadow. Visually, shadows wrap around the ankles of the captive. The smaller the shadow, the larger the cost. For a small shadow, the cost is ten shadow energy. For a large shadow, the cost is five shadow energy. If the shadow disappears, for example from sunlight, the captive is set free.

This is interesting.. Hmm, though a little bit concerning...
Just two things.  Firstly, are you a human, and if not, what race are you if you use shadows as blood?  You have to be an approved race.
Secondly, your shadow system will not work via Minecraft days/nights, it will work on real life days/nights like the mana pool of everyone else, for balance.

Okay, I'll take the shadow-blood stuff out. However, could the Shadow Pool still be within her? It would make it so that she's weaker/weaker in the sunlight.
And, I'm fine with the real life days and nights, that makes more sense.

Yes, the shadow pool will still be within her.  In fact it is paramount that the more you use the shadows, the weaker you get in sunlight, to balance out that you don't use mana and get weak from that.

"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: meldin on 01-03-2012
We have a humongous city, like the 4-6 times the size of Ermor. This great city would be set up into districts; each district would be owned by a faction.In the centre of the city would be a large square with a legislature. This would be common grounds for all factions. This is also where places of religion and education would be.Each district would be run by a faction. Each faction would have a certain amount of representatives, dependent on the population of the faction. Every week IRL the districts would meet to discuss certain issues that need to be addressed. Leading the legislature would be a King/Queen (Admin) The Monarch would have final say in any unresolved disputes, but does not have ruling power of the great city (Similar to the Queen of England).If there there is tension between certain factions they may go to war for it. At this point the factions would create a militia from their citizens. Battles would be waged and the winner would... well be the winner!The amount of land the faction would own would be dependent on how many people the faction has (factions mod helps out a lot with this). The factions may also claim land outside of the city for resources.



I knew you didn't want a reenactment of Ermor...

We may have a good amount of RP IN the factions, but with the distances between all the cities it's hard to get any inter-faction RP.
My Theory is just a base, it can be tweaked and modified to work better. I'm trying to say that is we do get the 30 player flow-rate the you guys are suggesting then maybe this is one of the more sound ideas.


Quote from: meldin on 01-03-2012
I knew you didn't want a reenactment of Ermor...

Yes, I want to become one of the most disliked people on the server again for actually trying to make it an RP server.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


I understand man, but having the factions a day's journey apart from each other is quite harsh on RP between factions and would put stress on the economy port wants to form.



Each faction enjoys a good amount of roleplay.  You are just in Aolmarch, another faction Port left to die, and only you are active in it, so I can see why you might think there is no RP going on.
Also, good luck making a faction 4-6 times the size of Ermor.  We couldn't even fill what we made of Ermor, let alone something even larger than it.
You also assume that people would actually take to their jobs or these factions and roleplay diligently, all my experience with them says the opposite.  You know how hard it is to get people in a single faction to come together for a town meeting?  You expect people from each different faction to all come together at once and actually roleplay making legislature?
This just seems like an impossible dream, I should know, I tried it, despite what Port says above.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."