Portkins' Garbage Bin

Started by Ragolution, 12-07-2011

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Yer they banned me aswell so plz unbann us two




Minecraft Account:Avolcano

Mage's Name: Rela Thornvale

Mage Type:Mage-Smith

Mantra: First

Spells/Powers: She has infused a special ability in to each pieces.Her armor is almost as light as leather but as strong as steel. She has 120 mana she can use everyday and is recharged every 24 hours

Her cheat piece allows her to absorb a certain amount of magic attacks.This ability is automatic can only absorb about 50 worth of mana. but past that its just a normal pieces of armor so normal weapons can go through it

Her grevaves and boots allow her to take no fall damage from at 15 block height  at the cost of 25 mana

Her Gauntlet at the cost of 50 mana gives her Above average strength  for 30 seconds

Her circlet makes her aware if a mage is trying to use magic on her mind

Her shield allows her to cast a bubble shield for 50 mana but once the shield is cast she is unable to move if she does the shield will be destoryed


Minecraft Account: geccoy
Mage's Name: Joanna Finterveld
Mage Type: Sorcerer
Mantra: Nature
Spells/Powers: Each real life morning grants Joanna three hundred energy. She uses this energy to cast spells, as each spell costs energy.

Gale Winds - Twenty energy per push - Joanna pushes the air multiple times with the snath of her scythe, a powerful wind going in the direction at each slash. These winds move ten blocks. Due to their force, the main use of this spell is repulsion. A secondary and inadvertent use is the chance of breaking bones. The average person would be pushed back a different amount depending on where they are when the spell is cast. The first Gale Wind they absorb has a ten percent chance of breaking a bone. Each additional Gale Wind increases this by a flat amount.  If the person is only one block away from Joanna, they are pushed back five blocks. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by twenty percent.  If they are five blocks away, they are pushed back two. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by ten percent. If they are ten blocks away, they are pushed back only one block. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by five percent.

Wind Shear - Thirty energy per slash - Joanna slashes her scythe in the air multiple times. Blade-like wind forms emit from each slash, called wind shears. The wind shears lose their strength the farther they move. They can move five blocks before dying out. Once the wind touches something physical, it dies out. At one block, the wind is able to cut through most objects. It can cut through metal. At two blocks, the wind is weaker, unable to cut through metal, but still through leather, cloth, and skin. At three blocks, it cannot cut through leather, but is still able to cut through cloth and skin. At four blocks, it is only able to cut through skin. At five blocks, the wind is able to lightly break skin, not resulting in any cuts, but only redness.

Wind Chill - Fourty energy per ten seconds - Joanna blows a freezing stream of air from her mouth. The air moves out in a cone, being most concentrated at the block directly in front of Joanna, losing it's concentration for the price of a larger area affected. The cone moves out three blocks, stretching to five blocks across. Exposed skin and armor directly in front of Joanna is frozen after ten seconds. Movement speed is slowed heavily. At two blocks away, skin and armor are frosted over ten seconds. Skin and armor will eventually freeze at twenty seconds. Movement speed is slowed mildly. At three blocks, hairs on exposed skin are chilled at ten seconds. Skin and armor will become frosted after twenty seconds of this. Movement speed is slowed lightly.

Heat Burst - Forty energy per ten degrees Celsius/Ten energy per ten seconds - Joanna slams the butt of her scythe into the ground, increasing the temperature around her quickly. This causes gusty winds around her. She can increase the temperature in increments of five degrees Celsius every five seconds. The immediate two block area around her is heated the most. The second ring around the first is half the temperature. The third and final two block area, giving the entire afflicted area a radius of six, is heated by one fourth of the first area. The heat lasts five seconds, and must be refreshed for ten energy.

Fog -  One hundred energy  - Joanna twirls her staff in the air, reducing vision of all other players to two blocks in a fifty block diameter. Shadows are not able to be seen in the fog. The fog lasts for two minutes.



Official Faction Name:




Leader (Format - OOC : IC ):

LtFalcon : Jason Aristide

Guild Rank:


Associated colors/Heraldry:

White, Black, Red (Is this faction colors?)


DigBuildCraft : Inkno
Totsalot : Seamus
caskey97 : Taylor
Wolfie_Seeker : -So totally Forgot :( -
EpicAJani : Inaja (Drow)

Name : Library
Completion Estimation : 85%
+ Book Shelves (96 Book Shelves)
Name : Citadel
Completion Estimation : 0%
Requirements :
+Stone Bricks
Name : Archery Range
Completion Estimation : 0%
Name: Guards Barracks
Completion Estimation: 0%
Name: Mercenary Hiring Outpost
Completion Estimation: 0%
Name: Guild Shop
Completion Estimation: 0%
+Wool (Black,White,Red)
+Stone Bricks

Building Upgrades:
+Local Housing
+Guild Hall

Short Description:

Aeslym is a guild meant for helping the poor. If one is in need we are there to help them in all matters on the good side of Karma. We invite all from poor to rich, BUT if you are of Royalty... You are most likely hated. Aeslym was born onto Royalty but ashamed of it. Started from a noble that went from rich to hatred. We are based in many different type of works. From guarding, lumbering, farming and many others.

Background (Optional):

Aeslym was a guild first started in far lands. No one really knows where they started but only of the ones that were the blood of the ancestors of the ones who did start it. It was first to be said that they were zealous people who worshiped 3 gods.  They helped the poor and made a money off of money and farming. They had many members who were accepted very quickly but just needed a blood signature. After the end of the 2nd age the guild fell apart very quickly, many left and very little stayed.

When Raven Arsitide came to power, she took the guild back to it's feet and started expanding there guild influence throughout the lands of many. Many tried to court her and gain power into the guild but failed, and when they failed they were executed for what they call "Vandalism". After several years, Aeslym were hired for battle wit the Emorians and helped them in many battles. Raven met a soldier after a battle and fell in love with him. His name was Alexander, they started to court in secret fearing for the titles. Several more years have passed and they got tired meeting in secret only once a month. They both fled to the woods and survived what they have. They hid there identities and had a son.

When the son was born they both named him Jason. At age 7 he was sent away to the city and trained there as a military officer. He rose through the ranks and trained a lot more. While he was training, Raven and Alexander traveled to cities raising there political powers. While a long the way, a Rival guild assassinated Raven. As depressed as Alexander was, he continued the work of Raven and became leader of Aeslym while taking there name. When he arrived at a city, he saw there was no defense for the poor and it seemed to be all for them selves.

He decided to help them all and raised enough money to start another guild hall. Followers from all over the city game rushing to sign up for the guild and many were accepted. Although... His past eludes him and denied almost of the nobility and royalty. Time pasted as he gain very slow fame but still he continued on. He gained a lot of hatred against nobility and the king and queen of the city. He soon disguised himself as a royal guard and went under cover. While undercover, he stabbed the duke in the arm deep enough that the duke had to replace his arm with a metal one. He left but soon came back to finish the job, but failed to do so, he fought the Duke but he was to outnumbered. His own guild member betrayed him. Later that day, a courier was ordered by Inkno to go retrieve Alexanders son.

Jason arrived 7 days later to the guild, and found out that his father has died... He has inherited everything his parents had and soon he desires to do as much as he can to bring down the ones who did this to his father even though he does not know who did.

Several weeks/months has passed and the guild has expanded a little more, A glass making shop was bought and the stalls are set up to sell weapons/armors and sometimes enchanted rare items even though no one knows what the items can do or how it was obtained. Several more people join but the guild income is going under stocked, while the guild politicians from other countries fight among them selves on who should take over what roles in the guild to get stronger power and money. War is on break with others in different lands between Aeslym and Tes'mir.
"One does not survive on it's own but on the lead they follow by there deceptions"


Quote from: Kokkaku Kishu on 14-04-2012
Minecraft Account: Sp3ktrum

Mage's Name: Dyo-Delta

Mage Type:Interlocutor/mage-smith (im not really sure which this would be)

Mantra: second (mind[?])


he has one spell that he uses that he focuses his energy into, which is summoning giant spiked chains each with a knife blade on the end of it. when he was born, a dark mage society abducted him and performed rituals on him, resulting in eyes that were permanently black in appearance and this ability. he also controls the chains like extra appendages through his mind and they come out of any shadow he is in DIRECT CONTACT with (i.e. in his robe or if under an inanimate objects shadow that). however this in no way suggests he has control over it. due to his teenage age, his chains only appear to come out in times of great anger and stress, or when it seems inappropriate timing in various shapes and forms. also due to his mage type, there are many weak spots on the chains (every 8th link or so) that if they are hit, cause the entire chain to shatter and dissolve into oblivion.

Also, due to the control he has over the chains, can occasionally form them into a crude sword resembling half of a claymore (the sword)

I'm not really sure I can edit this without destroying your mage app. You really need to be more specific aswell as adding some more info. I need you to have a mana limit and I also need to know how much mana each chains cost.

The chains can't be "giant" either, so edit them to a normal two inch chain. Darkness is a nice touch though. Finally you're an interlocutor so your chains are going to need to have more weaknesses than what you have currently. Check out some other apps and see how they do it to get some idea of what I mean.

Quote from: Fauxnal on 16-04-2012

Minecraft Account:Avolcano

Mage's Name: Rela Thornvale

Mage Type:Mage-Smith

Mantra: First

Spells/Powers: She has infused a special ability in to each pieces.Her armor is almost as light as leather but as strong as steel. She has 120 mana she can use everyday and is recharged every 24 hours

Her cheat piece allows her to absorb a certain amount of magic attacks.This ability is automatic can only absorb about 50 worth of mana. but past that its just a normal pieces of armor so normal weapons can go through it - The problem with this is that you leave it vague. First off the absorbment of 50 mana. Does this mean that every spell hit at you, you can absorb, but it costs 50 mana or you can absorb 50 mana's worth of spells? The largest problem if that's the case was that if you are hit in the helmet, instead of the chestplate for example, is the magic still absorbed, or do you take the attack normally? Furthermore once it's absorbed can it be re-activated or do you have to wait a whole day for it to work again?

Her grevaves and boots allow her to take no fall damage from at 15 block height  at the cost of 25 mana

Her Gauntlet at the cost of 50 mana gives her Above average strength  for 30 seconds - Above average strength means what, exactly? What will allow her to do better/stronger that she already does?

Her circlet makes her aware if a mage is trying to use magic on her mind (mana?)

Her shield allows her to cast a bubble shield for 50 mana but once the shield is cast she is unable to move if she does the shield will be destoryed - What does the bubble shield do? Does it make her invulnerable? What does it protect her against?

Fix this and I can accept it   :)

Quote from: geccoy on 16-04-2012
Minecraft Account: geccoy
Mage's Name: Joanna Finterveld
Mage Type: Sorcerer
Mantra: Nature
Spells/Powers: Each real life morning grants Joanna three hundred energy. She uses this energy to cast spells, as each spell costs energy.

Gale Winds - Twenty energy per one gale - Joanna pushes the air multiple times with the snath of her scythe, a powerful wind going in the direction at each slash. These winds move ten blocks. Due to their force, the main use of this spell is repulsion. A secondary and inadvertent use is the chance of breaking bones. The average person would be pushed back a different amount depending on where they are when the spell is cast. The first Gale Wind they absorb has a ten percent chance of breaking a bone. Each additional Gale Wind increases this by a flat amount.  If the person is only one block away from Joanna, they are pushed back five blocks. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by twenty percent.  If they are five blocks away, they are pushed back two. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by ten percent. If they are ten blocks away, they are pushed back only one block. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by five percent.

Wind Shear - Thirty energy per slash - Joanna slashes her scythe in the air multiple times. Blade-like wind forms emit from each slash, called wind shears. The wind shears lose their strength the farther they move. They can move five blocks before dying out. Once the wind touches something physical, it dies out. At one block, the wind is able to cut through most objects. It can cut through metal. At two blocks, the wind is weaker, unable to cut through metal, but still through leather, cloth, and skin. At three blocks, it cannot cut through leather, but is still able to cut through cloth and skin. At four blocks, it is only able to cut through skin. At five blocks, the wind is able to lightly break skin, not resulting in any cuts, but only redness.

Wind Chill - Fourty energy per ten seconds - Joanna blows a freezing stream of air from her mouth. The air moves out in a cone, being most concentrated at the block directly in front of Joanna, losing it's concentration for the price of a larger area affected. The cone moves out three blocks, stretching to five blocks across. Exposed skin and armor directly in front of Joanna is frozen after ten seconds. Movement speed is slowed heavily. At two blocks away, skin and armor are frosted over ten seconds. Skin and armor will eventually freeze at twenty seconds. Movement speed is slowed mildly. At three blocks, hairs on exposed skin are chilled at ten seconds. Skin and armor will become frosted after twenty seconds of this. Movement speed is slowed lightly.

Heat Burst - Forty energy per ten degrees Celsius/Ten energy per ten seconds - Joanna slams the butt of her scythe into the ground, increasing the temperature around her quickly. This causes gusty winds around her. The immediate two block area around her is heated the most. The second ring around the first is half the temperature. The third and final two block area, giving the entire afflicted area a radius of six, is heated by one fourth of the first area. The heat lasts five seconds, and must be refreshed for ten energy. - How hot are each of the areas?

Fog -  One hundred and fifty energy  - Joanna twirls her staff in the air, reducing vision of all other players to two blocks in a fifty block diameter. Shadows are not able to be seen in the fog. The fog lasts for two minutes.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Quote from: geccoy on 16-04-2012
Minecraft Account: geccoy
Mage's Name: Joanna Finterveld
Mage Type: Sorcerer
Mantra: Nature
Spells/Powers: Each real life morning grants Joanna three hundred energy. She uses this energy to cast spells, as each spell costs energy.

Gale Winds - Twenty energy per one gale - Joanna pushes the air multiple times with the snath of her scythe, a powerful wind going in the direction at each slash. These winds move ten blocks. Due to their force, the main use of this spell is repulsion. A secondary and inadvertent use is the chance of breaking bones. The average person would be pushed back a different amount depending on where they are when the spell is cast. The first Gale Wind they absorb has a ten percent chance of breaking a bone. Each additional Gale Wind increases this by a flat amount.  If the person is only one block away from Joanna, they are pushed back five blocks. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by twenty percent.  If they are five blocks away, they are pushed back two. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by ten percent. If they are ten blocks away, they are pushed back only one block. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by five percent.

Wind Shear - Thirty energy per slash - Joanna slashes her scythe in the air multiple times. Blade-like wind forms emit from each slash, called wind shears. The wind shears lose their strength the farther they move. They can move five blocks before dying out. Once the wind touches something physical, it dies out. At one block, the wind is able to cut through most objects. It can cut through metal. At two blocks, the wind is weaker, unable to cut through metal, but still through leather, cloth, and skin. At three blocks, it cannot cut through leather, but is still able to cut through cloth and skin. At four blocks, it is only able to cut through skin. At five blocks, the wind is able to lightly break skin, not resulting in any cuts, but only redness.

Wind Chill - Fourty energy per ten seconds - Joanna blows a freezing stream of air from her mouth. The air moves out in a cone, being most concentrated at the block directly in front of Joanna, losing it's concentration for the price of a larger area affected. The cone moves out three blocks, stretching to five blocks across. Exposed skin and armor directly in front of Joanna is frozen after ten seconds. Movement speed is slowed heavily. At two blocks away, skin and armor are frosted over ten seconds. Skin and armor will eventually freeze at twenty seconds. Movement speed is slowed mildly. At three blocks, hairs on exposed skin are chilled at ten seconds. Skin and armor will become frosted after twenty seconds of this. Movement speed is slowed lightly.

Heat Burst - Forty energy per ten degrees Celsius/Ten energy per ten seconds - Joanna slams the butt of her scythe into the ground, increasing the temperature around her quickly. This causes gusty winds around her. The immediate two block area around her is heated the most. The second ring around the first is half the temperature. The third and final two block area, giving the entire afflicted area a radius of six, is heated by one fourth of the first area. The heat lasts five seconds, and must be refreshed for ten energy. - How hot are each of the areas?

Fog -  One hundred and fifty energy  - Joanna twirls her staff in the air, reducing vision of all other players to two blocks in a fifty block diameter. Shadows are not able to be seen in the fog. The fog lasts for two minutes.

I accept these changes, and have fixed them on my original post.


Quote from: Fauxnal on 16-04-2012

Minecraft Account:Avolcano

Mage's Name: Rela Thornvale

Mage Type:Mage-Smith

Mantra: First

Spells/Powers: She has infused a special ability in to each pieces.Her armor is almost as light as leather but as strong as steel. She has 120 mana she can use everyday and is recharged every 24 hours

Her cheat piece allows her to absorb a certain amount of magic attacks.This ability is automatic can only absorb about 50 worth of mana. but past that its just a normal pieces of armor so normal weapons can go through it

Her grevaves and boots allow her to take no fall damage from at 15 block height  at the cost of 25 mana

Her Gauntlet at the cost of 50 mana gives her Above average strength  for 30 seconds

Her circlet makes her aware if a mage is trying to use magic on her mind

Her shield allows her to cast a bubble shield for 50 mana but once the shield is cast she is unable to move if she does the shield will be destoryed

With her armor the spell would go straight to the chest pieces and after 50 mana has been absorb the effect will stop intill a 24 hour period has pasted and the mana will disperse.

with the Gauntlets she would be able to lift 1.5 more then she could

The circlet Its like a permbuff as long as she is wearing it

and the shield prevents spells from penetrating  it use to provides other the chance to escape

Is that better brother?


Quote from: geccoy on 17-04-2012
Quote from: geccoy on 16-04-2012
Minecraft Account: geccoy
Mage's Name: Joanna Finterveld
Mage Type: Sorcerer
Mantra: Nature
Spells/Powers: Each real life morning grants Joanna three hundred energy. She uses this energy to cast spells, as each spell costs energy.

Gale Winds - Twenty energy per one gale - Joanna pushes the air multiple times with the snath of her scythe, a powerful wind going in the direction at each slash. These winds move ten blocks. Due to their force, the main use of this spell is repulsion. A secondary and inadvertent use is the chance of breaking bones. The average person would be pushed back a different amount depending on where they are when the spell is cast. The first Gale Wind they absorb has a ten percent chance of breaking a bone. Each additional Gale Wind increases this by a flat amount.  If the person is only one block away from Joanna, they are pushed back five blocks. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by twenty percent.  If they are five blocks away, they are pushed back two. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by ten percent. If they are ten blocks away, they are pushed back only one block. Subsequent Gale Winds in this area increase the chance of breaking a bone by five percent.

Wind Shear - Thirty energy per slash - Joanna slashes her scythe in the air multiple times. Blade-like wind forms emit from each slash, called wind shears. The wind shears lose their strength the farther they move. They can move five blocks before dying out. Once the wind touches something physical, it dies out. At one block, the wind is able to cut through most objects. It can cut through metal. At two blocks, the wind is weaker, unable to cut through metal, but still through leather, cloth, and skin. At three blocks, it cannot cut through leather, but is still able to cut through cloth and skin. At four blocks, it is only able to cut through skin. At five blocks, the wind is able to lightly break skin, not resulting in any cuts, but only redness.

Wind Chill - Fourty energy per ten seconds - Joanna blows a freezing stream of air from her mouth. The air moves out in a cone, being most concentrated at the block directly in front of Joanna, losing it's concentration for the price of a larger area affected. The cone moves out three blocks, stretching to five blocks across. Exposed skin and armor directly in front of Joanna is frozen after ten seconds. Movement speed is slowed heavily. At two blocks away, skin and armor are frosted over ten seconds. Skin and armor will eventually freeze at twenty seconds. Movement speed is slowed mildly. At three blocks, hairs on exposed skin are chilled at ten seconds. Skin and armor will become frosted after twenty seconds of this. Movement speed is slowed lightly.

Heat Burst - Forty energy per ten degrees Celsius/Ten energy per ten seconds - Joanna slams the butt of her scythe into the ground, increasing the temperature around her quickly. This causes gusty winds around her. The immediate two block area around her is heated the most. The second ring around the first is half the temperature. The third and final two block area, giving the entire afflicted area a radius of six, is heated by one fourth of the first area. The heat lasts five seconds, and must be refreshed for ten energy. - How hot are each of the areas?

Fog -  One hundred and fifty energy  - Joanna twirls her staff in the air, reducing vision of all other players to two blocks in a fifty block diameter. Shadows are not able to be seen in the fog. The fog lasts for two minutes.

I accept these changes, and have fixed them on my original post.


Quote from: Fauxnal on 17-04-2012
Quote from: Fauxnal on 16-04-2012

Minecraft Account:Avolcano

Mage's Name: Rela Thornvale

Mage Type:Mage-Smith

Mantra: First

Spells/Powers: She has infused a special ability in to each pieces.Her armor is almost as light as leather but as strong as steel. She has 120 mana she can use everyday and is recharged every 24 hours

Her cheat piece allows her to absorb a certain amount of magic attacks.This ability is automatic can only absorb about 50 worth of mana. but past that its just a normal pieces of armor so normal weapons can go through it

Her grevaves and boots allow her to take no fall damage from at 15 block height  at the cost of 25 mana

Her Gauntlet at the cost of 50 mana gives her Above average strength  for 30 seconds

Her circlet makes her aware if a mage is trying to use magic on her mind

Her shield allows her to cast a bubble shield for 50 mana but once the shield is cast she is unable to move if she does the shield will be destoryed

With her armour it would only work if the spell hit a part of her chest plate and once 50 mana has been absorbed, the effect will stop untill a 24 hour period has passed and the mana will disperse.

with the Gauntlets she would be able to lift 1.5 more then she could

The circlet Its like a permbuff as long as she is wearing it

and the shield prevents spells from penetrating  it use to provides other the chance to escape, however it does not protect her from physical attacks such as people entering the bubble and attempting to stab her.

Is that better brother?

Do you accept this?
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have



Quote from: Fauxnal on 17-04-2012
Yes i do

Make it so your bubble lasts a maximum of five minutes and Accepted
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have

Kokkaku Kishu

Quote from: Kokkaku Kishu on 14-04-2012
Minecraft Account: Sp3ktrum

Mage's Name: Dyo-Delta

Mage Type:Interlocutor/mage-smith

Mantra: second (mind)


Mana Cap: 200

[prerequisites] must be in direct contact with some sort of shadow whether it be his (the shadows produced under his cloak) or not (the shadow of a tree). nighttime darkness counts if not affected by moonlight (if moonlight at night anythings weakness it affected negatively by 1/2).

Chains of the darkness (10 mana/chain): Each chain link is about 2 in long and 1 in wide with spikes protruding in the metalwork, and knife/spear blades on the ends. These chains are at between the striking power strength of iron and a poor steel alloy. While if redrawn the mana is reabsorbed into the system if the chain is struck on any of the weak-links (every 3rd link in the chain) then the entire chain shatters and dissolves into oblivion, with the mana lost and a period of 1 (minecraft) day before the mana is refilled (this is not cumulative. The number of chains destroyed does not increase the time to more than 1 day if more than 1 is destroyed, mana refills after each minecraft day). Each of these chains also is controlled like another appendage and is able to move about at will of caster.

Sword of the reaped (50 mana/blade): chains form a crude sword that is chain on one side and thick brutal blade on the other. resembles half of a claymore (sword). If the back of the blade is struck, then blade breaks apart and dissolves into oblivion. (mana for this is always cost, as blade separates from the shadow to increase usability, so the caster must wait a day to regain lost mana)

Akuma Neko (Dont ask i just had this idea in an ADHD spurt -_-)) (100 mana): shadows form metal claws around hands and feet, as well as a metal blade cat tail and dark black furred cat ears. increases manuverability and make effective weapons yet make him have slightly feline tendencies (loves fish even more than he already does, and various other things)
better? i altered it


So I wasn't sure if everything in the lore is historically correct or not or if the app thing was done correct. Anyways it was the best I can do when tired.
"One does not survive on it's own but on the lead they follow by there deceptions"


Minecraft Account: nhart96

Mage's Name: Quoril Danavis

Mantra: Mind

Mage Type: Interlocutor/Mage Smith

Mana Cap 300: Recharges in direct sunlight, 1 ic day is enough to fully recharge it. If there is sunlight then a torch/glowstone can work however it takes twice as long. This also applies to mana usage, if there is sunlight then it costs the amounts specified if there are low light conditions then the cost doubles. Finally Quoril must be able to see the color blue, the sky on a sunny day will work for this or water will work. If not other sources are available he can draft off of his robes. However this doubles the mana cost and this can stack with other effects.


Blue Luxin: Blue Luxin is hard, strong, and smooth. It can be used in anything from the creation of large structures to armor or bladed weapons or projectiles. Blues are orderly, inquisitive, and unfailingly rational. Structure, rules, and hierarchy are important to blues.
[/size]Specific Powers
[/size]Quick Luxin Sword 30 mana: Creates a sword out of blue luxin, slightly harder than iron though not so hard as diamond it lasts for 10 ooc minutes at which point it dissolves.
[/size]Quick Luxin Blades 20 Mana: Produces two small throwing daggers that are launched at a target, same physical properties as the sword.
[/size]Luxin Shield 50 Mana plus 10 mana per hit: Creates a shield out of blue luxin that protects the front of the body. While this does protect from most blows it requires constant energy to maintain against a prolonged attack.
[/size]Quick Luxin Armor 75 Mana: Creates a suit of armor from luxin. This armor is extremely resistant to damage however it restricts most quick movement and only lasts for 5 ooc minutes before dissolving into dust.
[/size]Long Luxin Tool 100 Mana: Crafts a pick, axe, shovel, or hoe out of luxin. These are made to last a long time which is why the mana cost is higher and will be represented ic by diamond tools

[/size]Long Luxin Sword 150 Mana: This is the same as the previous sword except for the fact that it is made to last much longer and can be more easily imbued with enchantments by other mages who are able to do so. This will be represented ic with diamond swords

[/size]Long Luxin Armor 300 Mana: Again this is the same as the previous armor except for the fact that it lasts till breaking. This will be ic represented by iron armor.

[/size]Luxin Blocks 75 Mana per block: Stronger than stone these blocks last as long as they can have sunlight at least once an ic day. They can be used as building materials. However if they are placed underground or indoors they may dissolve, if it is too deep, or they will be severely weakened. These will be represented by blue wool blocks

[/size]Finer Luxin objects 100 Mana each: Allows the drafter to create smaller objects, such as rings necklaces or any other types of jewelry as gifts. These have no real beneficial properties other than being a deeper blue than a sapphire and just looking pretty.

[/size]Finally a note on color wights
[/size]Drafters can only Draft so many times in their lives. The more they Draft, the more the Luxin which courses through their bodies changes them. Not only does Drafting damage the body, but it also affects the mind. As a Drafter uses more Luxin, small amounts of it build up in the eye around the iris. This band of Luxin is called the Halo, and it is by this that a Drafter's life span is deduced. If a Drafter uses too much Luxin, the iris will fill with Luxin, and any more drafting will cause them to "break the Halo". This means that the band of Luxin breaks and spreads into the whites of the eye. Once this happens, the Drafter is considered a Color Wight, also known as a Giist.
[/size]Becoming a Color Wight is the beginning of a descent into madness for the drafter. Happening gradually over time, the Color Wight will go under the influence of their drafting color; Blue Drafters will become hard and logical, Greens will become wild, and Reds will become creatures of rage. Color Wights often commit their bodies to their Luxin as well, coating or even replacing their body parts with Luxin. Color Wights are considered monsters and become outcasts from society, usually being hunted down.


Quote from: AlexYu on 16-04-2012

Official Faction Name:




Leader (Format - OOC : IC ):

LtFalcon : Jason Aristide

Guild Rank:


Associated colors/Heraldry:

White, Black, Red (Is this faction colors?)


DigBuildCraft : Inkno
Totsalot : Seamus
caskey97 : Taylor
Wolfie_Seeker : -So totally Forgot :( -
Fluff_Puppies :

Short Description:

Aeslym is a guild meant for helping the poor. If one is in need we are there to help them in all matters on the good side of Karma. We invite all from poor to rich, BUT if you are of Royalty... You are most likely hated. Aeslym was born onto Royalty but ashamed of it. Started from a noble that went from rich to hatred. We are based in many different type of works. From guarding, lumbering, farming and many others.

Background (Optional):

Aeslym was a guild first started in far lands. No one really knows where they started but only of the ones that were the blood of the ancestors of the ones who did start it. It was first to be said that they were zealous people who worshiped 3 gods.  They helped the poor and made a money off of money and farming. They had many members who were accepted very quickly but just needed a blood signature. After the end of the 2nd age the guild fell apart very quickly, many left and very little stayed.

When Raven Arsitide came to power, she took the guild back to it's feet and started expanding there guild influence throughout the lands of many. Many tried to court her and gain power into the guild but failed, and when they failed they were executed for what they call "Vandalism". After several years, Aeslym were hired for battle wit the Emorians and helped them in many battles. Raven met a soldier after a battle and fell in love with him. His name was Alexander, they started to court in secret fearing for the titles. Several more years have passed and they got tired meeting in secret only once a month. They both fled to the woods and survived what they have. They hid there identities and had a son.

When the son was born they both named him Jason. At age 7 he was sent away to the city and trained there as a military officer. He rose through the ranks and trained a lot more. While he was training, Raven and Alexander traveled to cities raising there political powers. While a long the way, a Rival guild assassinated Raven. As depressed as Alexander was, he continued the work of Raven and became leader of Aeslym while taking there name. When he arrived at a city, he saw there was no defense for the poor and it seemed to be all for them selves.

He decided to help them all and raised enough money to start another guild hall. Followers from all over the city game rushing to sign up for the guild and many were accepted. Although... His past eludes him and denied almost of the nobility and royalty. Time pasted as he gain very slow fame but still he continued on. He gained a lot of hatred against nobility and the king and queen of the city. He soon disguised himself as a royal guard and went under cover. While undercover, he stabbed the duke in the arm deep enough that the duke had to replace his arm with a metal one. He left but soon came back to finish the job, but failed to do so, he fought the Duke but he was to outnumbered. His own guild member betrayed him. Later that day, a courier was ordered by Inkno to go retrieve Alexanders son.

Jason arrived 7 days later to the guild, and found out that his father has died... He has inherited everything his parents had and soon he desires to do as much as he can to bring down the ones who did this to his father even though he does not know who did.

Fucking poor people, fucking up our ROYAL city and being all helpful and shit. Damn you guise.


Hell yeah! Middle/Poor class GO.

-Stabs the Upper class in the gut-
"One does not survive on it's own but on the lead they follow by there deceptions"


Or you could have a guild that accepts all classes and tries to help them any way you can...


Quote from: Kokkaku Kishu on 17-04-2012
Quote from: Kokkaku Kishu on 14-04-2012
Minecraft Account: Sp3ktrum

Mage's Name: Dyo-Delta

Mage Type:Interlocutor/mage-smith You have to choose one.

Mantra: second (mind)


Mana Cap: 200

[prerequisites] must be in direct contact with some sort of shadow whether it be his (the shadows produced under his cloak) or not (the shadow of a tree). nighttime darkness counts if not affected by moonlight (if moonlight at night anythings weakness it affected negatively by 1/2).
For each of your spells, describe how they are affected if halved.
Chains of the darkness (40 mana/chain): Each chain link is about 2 in long and 1 in wide with spikes protruding in the metalwork, and knife/spear blades on the ends. These chains are at between the striking power strength of iron and a poor steel alloy. While if redrawn the mana is reabsorbed into the system if the chain is struck on any of the weak-links (every 3rd link in the chain) then the entire chain shatters and dissolves into oblivion, with the mana lost and a period of 1 (minecraft) day before the mana is refilled (this is not cumulative. The number of chains destroyed does not increase the time to more than 1 day if more than 1 is destroyed, mana refills after each minecraft day). Each of these chains also is controlled like another appendage and is able to move about at will of caster.

Sword of the reaped (50 mana/blade): chains form a crude sword that is chain on one side and thick brutal blade on the other. resembles half of a claymore (sword). If the back of the blade is struck, then blade breaks apart and dissolves into oblivion. (mana for this is always cost, as blade separates from the shadow to increase usability, so the caster must wait a day to regain lost mana)

Akuma Neko (Dont ask i just had this idea in an ADHD spurt -_-)) (100 mana): shadows form metal claws around hands and feet, as well as a metal blade cat tail and dark black furred cat ears. increases manuverability and make effective weapons yet make him have slightly feline tendencies (loves fish even more than he already does, and various other things)
When in this form, he is extremely vulnerable. Taking upon the characteristics of a feline and the shadows, he is already weakened by natural weapons. If put in sunlight, he is weakened extremely, and will slowly start to have the shadows fade. This form lasts five OOC minutes.

Look, I'm going to be honest. Not everyone should be allowed a mage just because they applied. I don't think you're ready, roleplay wise.
better? i altered it

Minecraft Account: nhart96

Mage's Name: Quoril Danavis

Mantra: Mind

Mage Type: Interlocutor/Mage Smith
Choose one.

Mana Cap 100: Recharges in direct sunlight, 1 ic day is enough to fully recharge it. If there is sunlight then a torch/glowstone can work however it takes twice as long. This also applies to mana usage, if there is sunlight then it costs the amounts specified if there are low light conditions then the cost doubles. Finally Quoril must be able to see the color blue, the sky on a sunny day will work for this or water will work. If not other sources are available he can draft off of his robes. However this doubles the mana cost and this can stack with other effects. The interlocutor is only able to use two Luxin types per day.

I change it to 100 only because you are really able to use your spells a lot if it is every IC day. This way, you are limited to a certain number of a spells per day. But he is able to store up to 300 mana's worth of luxin overall


Blue Luxin: Blue Luxin is hard, strong, and smooth. It can be used in anything from the creation of large structures to armor or bladed weapons or projectiles. Blues are orderly, inquisitive, and unfailingly rational. Structure, rules, and hierarchy are important to blues.

Specific Powers
Quick Luxin Sword 30 mana: Creates a sword out of blue luxin, slightly harder than iron though not so hard as diamond it lasts for 10 ooc minutes at which point it dissolves.

Quick Luxin Blades 20 Mana: Produces two small throwing daggers. These must be manually thrown. They are very sharp, but can be broken with any material higher than or equal to iron.

Luxin Shield 50 Mana plus 10 mana per hit: Creates a shield out of blue luxin that protects the front of the body. While this does protect from most blows it requires constant energy to maintain against a prolonged attack.

Quick Luxin Armor 75 Mana: Creates a suit of armor from luxin. This armor is extremely resistant to damage however it restricts most quick movement and only lasts for 5 ooc minutes before dissolving into dust.

Long Luxin Tool 100 Mana: Crafts a pick, axe, shovel, or hoe out of luxin. These are made to last a long time which is why the mana cost is higher and will be represented ic by diamond tools

Long Luxin Sword 150 Mana: This is the same as the previous sword except for the fact that it is made to last much longer and can be more easily imbued with enchantments by other mages who are able to do so. This will be represented ic with diamond swords

Long Luxin Armor 300 Mana: Again this is the same as the previous armor except for the fact that it lasts till breaking. This will be ic represented by iron armor.

Luxin Blocks 75 Mana per block: Stronger than stone these blocks last as long as they can have sunlight at least once an ic day. They can be used as building materials. However if they are placed underground or indoors they may dissolve, if it is too deep, or they will be severely weakened. These will be represented by blue wool blocks

Finer Luxin objects 100 Mana each: Allows the drafter to create smaller objects, such as rings necklaces or any other types of jewelry as gifts. These have no real beneficial properties other than being a deeper blue than a sapphire and just looking pretty.

Finally a note on color wights
Drafters can only Draft so many times in their lives. The more they Draft, the more the Luxin which courses through their bodies changes them. Not only does Drafting damage the body, but it also affects the mind. As a Drafter uses more Luxin, small amounts of it build up in the eye around the iris. This band of Luxin is called the Halo, and it is by this that a Drafter's life span is deduced. If a Drafter uses too much Luxin, the iris will fill with Luxin, and any more drafting will cause them to "break the Halo". This means that the band of Luxin breaks and spreads into the whites of the eye. Once this happens, the Drafter is considered a Color Wight, also known as a Giist.
Becoming a Color Wight is the beginning of a descent into madness for the drafter. Happening gradually over time, the Color Wight will go under the influence of their drafting color; Blue Drafters will become hard and logical, Greens will become wild, and Reds will become creatures of rage. Color Wights often commit their bodies to their Luxin as well, coating or even replacing their body parts with Luxin. Color Wights are considered monsters and become outcasts from society, usually being hunted down.

Not gonna change much else because I know you're a capable rper, do you accept these changes?
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


We do accept some Nobility, just not many.
"One does not survive on it's own but on the lead they follow by there deceptions"


Holy crap, is everyone applying for magic...?
"One does not survive on it's own but on the lead they follow by there deceptions"




CP's Slumy Place. DA BESTEST SLU.... nevermind.....

Cheify Poohs Casino/hotel/restraunt/the whole shebang

JASON! The cutest golden sheepy eva! Sometimes I sneak into Gaston Farms and, stare at him for hours :I


Quote from: Demonizer877 on 20-04-2012

Minecraft Account: nhart96

Mage's Name: Quoril Danavis

Mantra: Mind

Mage Type: Interlocutor
Choose one.

Mana Cap 100: Recharges in direct sunlight, 1 ic day is enough to fully recharge it. If there is sunlight then a torch/glowstone can work however it takes twice as long. This also applies to mana usage, if there is sunlight then it costs the amounts specified if there are low light conditions then the cost doubles. Finally Quoril must be able to see the color blue, the sky on a sunny day will work for this or water will work. If not other sources are available he can draft off of his robes. However this doubles the mana cost and this can stack with other effects. The interlocutor is only able to use two Luxin types per day.

I change it to 100 only because you are really able to use your spells a lot if it is every IC day. This way, you are limited to a certain number of a spells per day. But he is able to store up to 300 mana's worth of luxin overall


Blue Luxin: Blue Luxin is hard, strong, and smooth. It can be used in anything from the creation of large structures to armor or bladed weapons or projectiles. Blues are orderly, inquisitive, and unfailingly rational. Structure, rules, and hierarchy are important to blues.

Specific Powers
Quick Luxin Sword 30 mana: Creates a sword out of blue luxin, slightly harder than iron though not so hard as diamond it lasts for 10 ooc minutes at which point it dissolves.

Quick Luxin Blades 20 Mana: Produces two small throwing daggers. These must be manually thrown. They are very sharp, but can be broken with any material higher than or equal to iron.

Luxin Shield 50 Mana plus 10 mana per hit: Creates a shield out of blue luxin that protects the front of the body. While this does protect from most blows it requires constant energy to maintain against a prolonged attack.

Quick Luxin Armor 75 Mana: Creates a suit of armor from luxin. This armor is extremely resistant to damage however it restricts most quick movement and only lasts for 5 ooc minutes before dissolving into dust.

Long Luxin Tool 100 Mana: Crafts a pick, axe, shovel, or hoe out of luxin. These are made to last a long time which is why the mana cost is higher and will be represented ic by diamond tools

Long Luxin Sword 150 Mana: This is the same as the previous sword except for the fact that it is made to last much longer and can be more easily imbued with enchantments by other mages who are able to do so. This will be represented ic with diamond swords

Long Luxin Armor 300 Mana: Again this is the same as the previous armor except for the fact that it lasts till breaking. This will be ic represented by iron armor.

Luxin Blocks 75 Mana per block: Stronger than stone these blocks last as long as they can have sunlight at least once an ic day. They can be used as building materials. However if they are placed underground or indoors they may dissolve, if it is too deep, or they will be severely weakened. These will be represented by blue wool blocks

Finer Luxin objects 100 Mana each: Allows the drafter to create smaller objects, such as rings necklaces or any other types of jewelry as gifts. These have no real beneficial properties other than being a deeper blue than a sapphire and just looking pretty.

Finally a note on color wights
Drafters can only Draft so many times in their lives. The more they Draft, the more the Luxin which courses through their bodies changes them. Not only does Drafting damage the body, but it also affects the mind. As a Drafter uses more Luxin, small amounts of it build up in the eye around the iris. This band of Luxin is called the Halo, and it is by this that a Drafter's life span is deduced. If a Drafter uses too much Luxin, the iris will fill with Luxin, and any more drafting will cause them to "break the Halo". This means that the band of Luxin breaks and spreads into the whites of the eye. Once this happens, the Drafter is considered a Color Wight, also known as a Giist.
Becoming a Color Wight is the beginning of a descent into madness for the drafter. Happening gradually over time, the Color Wight will go under the influence of their drafting color; Blue Drafters will become hard and logical, Greens will become wild, and Reds will become creatures of rage. Color Wights often commit their bodies to their Luxin as well, coating or even replacing their body parts with Luxin. Color Wights are considered monsters and become outcasts from society, usually being hunted down.

Not gonna change much else because I know you're a capable rper, do you accept these changes?

Yes I do


Quote from: nhart96 on 20-04-2012
Quote from: Demonizer877 on 20-04-2012

Minecraft Account: nhart96

Mage's Name: Quoril Danavis

Mantra: Mind

Mage Type: Interlocutor
Choose one.

Mana Cap 100: Recharges in direct sunlight, 1 ic day is enough to fully recharge it. If there is sunlight then a torch/glowstone can work however it takes twice as long. This also applies to mana usage, if there is sunlight then it costs the amounts specified if there are low light conditions then the cost doubles. Finally Quoril must be able to see the color blue, the sky on a sunny day will work for this or water will work. If not other sources are available he can draft off of his robes. However this doubles the mana cost and this can stack with other effects. The interlocutor is only able to use two Luxin types per day.

I change it to 100 only because you are really able to use your spells a lot if it is every IC day. This way, you are limited to a certain number of a spells per day. But he is able to store up to 300 mana's worth of luxin overall


Blue Luxin: Blue Luxin is hard, strong, and smooth. It can be used in anything from the creation of large structures to armor or bladed weapons or projectiles. Blues are orderly, inquisitive, and unfailingly rational. Structure, rules, and hierarchy are important to blues.

Specific Powers
Quick Luxin Sword 30 mana: Creates a sword out of blue luxin, slightly harder than iron though not so hard as diamond it lasts for 10 ooc minutes at which point it dissolves.

Quick Luxin Blades 20 Mana: Produces two small throwing daggers. These must be manually thrown. They are very sharp, but can be broken with any material higher than or equal to iron.

Luxin Shield 50 Mana plus 10 mana per hit: Creates a shield out of blue luxin that protects the front of the body. While this does protect from most blows it requires constant energy to maintain against a prolonged attack.

Quick Luxin Armor 75 Mana: Creates a suit of armor from luxin. This armor is extremely resistant to damage however it restricts most quick movement and only lasts for 5 ooc minutes before dissolving into dust.

Long Luxin Tool 100 Mana: Crafts a pick, axe, shovel, or hoe out of luxin. These are made to last a long time which is why the mana cost is higher and will be represented ic by diamond tools

Long Luxin Sword 150 Mana: This is the same as the previous sword except for the fact that it is made to last much longer and can be more easily imbued with enchantments by other mages who are able to do so. This will be represented ic with diamond swords

Long Luxin Armor 300 Mana: Again this is the same as the previous armor except for the fact that it lasts till breaking. This will be ic represented by iron armor.

Luxin Blocks 75 Mana per block: Stronger than stone these blocks last as long as they can have sunlight at least once an ic day. They can be used as building materials. However if they are placed underground or indoors they may dissolve, if it is too deep, or they will be severely weakened. These will be represented by blue wool blocks

Finer Luxin objects 100 Mana each: Allows the drafter to create smaller objects, such as rings necklaces or any other types of jewelry as gifts. These have no real beneficial properties other than being a deeper blue than a sapphire and just looking pretty.

Finally a note on color wights
Drafters can only Draft so many times in their lives. The more they Draft, the more the Luxin which courses through their bodies changes them. Not only does Drafting damage the body, but it also affects the mind. As a Drafter uses more Luxin, small amounts of it build up in the eye around the iris. This band of Luxin is called the Halo, and it is by this that a Drafter's life span is deduced. If a Drafter uses too much Luxin, the iris will fill with Luxin, and any more drafting will cause them to "break the Halo". This means that the band of Luxin breaks and spreads into the whites of the eye. Once this happens, the Drafter is considered a Color Wight, also known as a Giist.
Becoming a Color Wight is the beginning of a descent into madness for the drafter. Happening gradually over time, the Color Wight will go under the influence of their drafting color; Blue Drafters will become hard and logical, Greens will become wild, and Reds will become creatures of rage. Color Wights often commit their bodies to their Luxin as well, coating or even replacing their body parts with Luxin. Color Wights are considered monsters and become outcasts from society, usually being hunted down.

Not gonna change much else because I know you're a capable rper, do you accept these changes?

Yes I do




You're so overpowered it isn't funny.
You can't be an interlocutor AND a mage-smith.


Too much Brent Weeks, mate.
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Minecraft Account: DracoRailgun

Mage's Name: Drake Fireheart

Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra: Nature

Spells/Powers: He carries a tome of spells constantly, and using it he can practice casting any spells he needs to, and he prefers to use Destructive magic such as:

FIREBALL: Mana Cost: 50; A basic spell, but with enough preparation it can create an explosion equivalent in size to a creeper's. It does not affect the environment, just the person or monster he is focused on. There is a 25% chance he will be sent backwards from the power of the fireball.

FORCE BLAST: Mana Cost:45; Charged:55; Pushes an enemy away with a blast of air, and if it is charged, it can push all nearby enemies away with a blast of force and energy, and cause a small amount of damage. After using this spell, he cannot use it again for 5 minutes(IRL)

EARTH SPIRE: Mana Cost: 150; Sends a spire of rock towards the enemy, shooting through the ground and then blasts up at the enemy when it reaches them. In charged form, it is an AoE spell, as spires of rock shoot up in a 10x10 block radius. Afterwards, he will gain a searing headache, as is the cost of all earth magics. (It can be cast after reading some words from his tome)

ELEMENTAL STORM: Mana Cost: 150; He speaks a forbidden Word of Power from his tome. He turns the elements around him into a ball of liquid fire, and uses the wind energy gathered to push it towards his enemy. After casting, he will get knocked out and fall to the ground, and this can last for as long as 1 hour(in-game)

He can also use a few supportive spells:

HEAL: Mana Cost: 50; He becomes visibly weaker from doing this. He can heal a teammate, and with practice, nearby allies. By doing this he gives his allies two hearts of health, each teammate heals two bits of health. He is not an experienced healer, so it only heals minor wounds. Two hearts of health are taken from him and given to the chosen ally. He must be in physical contact with the target.

WATERBREATHING: Mana Cost: 60; He has the ability to breathe underwater for a longer time, about two minutes, and if used properly, he won't have to breathe. After the spell wares off in about 2 hours, he is susceptible to fainting out of the water. He will get very dizzy upon stepping back on land.

His mana cap is 150 and regenerates every IRL day.