Portkins' Garbage Bin

Started by Ragolution, 12-07-2011

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Hey, my name is Dark_Necroman and I would like to apply for builders rights. I am unsure of what questions I need to answer but I will give as much relevant information as possible.

My name is Dark_Necroman (don't get confused, Dark_Necrogirl was taken so I had to improvise!) and my current nickname is Queen Lavender. I have spent a lot of time on the server in the past but due to certain events, I was unable to go on the server for the past 1-2 months. Alot has changed, apparently there is a new map and everyone is free to go where they please. I have played on the server alot in the past though. I have an admin recommendation from Feerman, you may verify if you wish. I am not in a faction, but I have roleplayed with Geccoy (the former Queen), Feerman and many other characters. If I need another recommendation from a regular, I have one from Geccoy aswell. I would like builder for a number of reasons:
Firstly, I would like to interact with the people and environment around me. I would like to be able to collect items, build, and join factions. I really hope you accept my application and grant me builders rights, thank you,


1. Follow the format given in the original post
2. You can not just say you have recommendations, you need to show PROOF as it says in the thingy. This is generally shown via a screenshot of the recommendation.


Quote from: Dark_Necroman on 09-05-2012
Hey, my name is Dark_Necroman and I would like to apply for builders rights. I am unsure of what questions I need to answer but I will give as much relevant information as possible.

My name is Dark_Necroman (don't get confused, Dark_Necrogirl was taken so I had to improvise!) and my current nickname is Queen Lavender. I have spent a lot of time on the server in the past but due to certain events, I was unable to go on the server for the past 1-2 months. Alot has changed, apparently there is a new map and everyone is free to go where they please. I have played on the server alot in the past though. I have an admin recommendation from Feerman, you may verify if you wish. I am not in a faction, but I have roleplayed with Geccoy (the former Queen), Feerman and many other characters. If I need another recommendation from a regular, I have one from Geccoy aswell. I would like builder for a number of reasons:
Firstly, I would like to interact with the people and environment around me. I would like to be able to collect items, build, and join factions. I really hope you accept my application and grant me builders rights, thank you,

Denied, reapply in two weeks.


Lets get some nice art requests shall we? I'm off school tomorrow so have all day to do any requests submitted before 11am GMT


Quote from: CPftw on 09-05-2012
Lets get some nice art requests shall we? I'm off school tomorrow so have all day to do any requests submitted before 11am GMT

I fucked up my ankle and I'll be able to do some requests, too.
I've got nothing else to do.

The old ones are all denied because I lost the PMs or forgot what they were about or didn't like the theme of it.


Official Faction Name: The Umarian Dominion
Abbreviation/Tag: UMD
Leader : Feerman2010 : Gregory Johnson VI
Associated colors/Heraldry: Red & Black

Short Description: The Dominion of Umaria is a xenophobic, somewhat secretive, and militarily dominant faction of men and women who claim themselves to be more than just Aceonic peoples, but an entirely different race of Umarians. Their steam inventions lead them them claiming themselves technologically superior to everyone else. They make their enterprise in the snowy foothills, valleys, and bastard mountains that surround their villages, forts, and other buildings.




Feerman2010 | Gregory Johnson VI | High Leader of the 32nd Umarian Mountainous Expansion


Arefu_Roo | Griffon Elyaskevich


Portkins | Adriano Dawnfire | Head Architect


qwertyuiopas500 | ??? | ???
angel66 | Axxel ??? | Farmer



Maxi96203 | Gerard Neary | High General of the Umarian Infantry




Braydent31 | Joshua Shorman | General's Sanctioned Accompaniment, Field Commander


geccoy | Amber Anul | Umarian Military Sanctioned Tactician


_beano_ | Yagrum Bagarn | Umarian Sanctioned Field Mining Team




Vice Admiral:









Quote from: Maxi96203 on 09-05-2012
Official Faction Name: The Umarian Dominion
Abbreviation/Tag: UMD
Leader : Feerman2010 : Gregory Johnson VI
Associated colors/Heraldry: Red & Black


Feerman2010:Gregory Johnson VI

Arefu_Roo:Griffon Elyaskevich

angel66:Axxel ???



Maxi96203:Gerard Neary



Braydent31:Joshua Shorman


Geccoy:Princess Anul(Tactician.)

Short Description: The Dominion of Umaria is a xenophobic, somewhat secretive, and militarily dominant faction of men and women who claim themselves to be more than just Aceonic peoples, but an entirely different race of Umarians. Their steam inventions lead them them claiming themselves technologically superior to everyone else. They make their enterprise in the snowy foothills, valleys, and bastard mountains that surround their villages, forts, and other buildings.

Sounds a lot like Novarium to me.


Quote from: Ragolution on 10-05-2012
Sounds a lot like Novarium to me.

Wasn't my concept, though yes, it does.
If you want to dispute it, I'd suggest talking to Feer about it.


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 10-05-2012
Sounds a lot like Novarium to me.

Wasn't my concept, though yes, it does.
If you want to dispute it, I'd suggest talking to Feer about it.

It was a comment,not a gripe


Quote from: Ragolution on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 10-05-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 10-05-2012
Sounds a lot like Novarium to me.

Wasn't my concept, though yes, it does.
If you want to dispute it, I'd suggest talking to Feer about it.

It was a comment,not a gripe

I understand that, just pointing out.


Quote from: fordwell on 08-05-2012
I accept these terms and alterations.


Quote from: Superblackbiker on 08-05-2012
Minecraft Account: Superblackbiker
Mage's Name: Scott Meredith

Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Nature Magic

Spells/Powers:  200/200 mana daily from resting in a bed or camp. He'd need to sleep for at least 12 hours to regain full mana. All spells can be cast after reading some words from his tome.
All spells require about a minute of concentration to start.

Small sparks: With a click of his fingers he could produce a small flame to start a small campfire, a flame the size of a match that would appear within his hand. 30 mana per use.

Firepalm: Either of his hands would fill with fire, which could be used to set fire to a forest, burn someone or simply melt some snow. 50 mana per use. The size of the fireball is that of a baseball. The fire sputters out after five minutes, or if it is doused with water.

Fireball: Very similar to the Firepalm apart from he can throw this into the air until it is stopped by something. The fireball starts off slowly at first before building up speed. It reaches full speed (about 1 block per second) after the tenth block. 75 mana per use.

Flaming arrow: Using firepalm he can set fire to arrows and fire them at his enemies. This only works on wooden arrows. 10 mana per arrow lit.

Firerage: His eyes will fill with flames and a circle of fire  (giving them about 1 block around them from where they were standing when the spell was casted)  will be created around something or even himself if he chooses.  Will last for as long as he can concentrate, a distraction or him loosing concentration would break the spell. 100 mana and 20 mana per minute.

This is my first mage app so sorry if its bad!

Quote from: MajorBradley on 08-05-2012
Minecraft Account:AncientPredator

Mage's Name: Lee Barker
Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Nature


Ice prison: The caster hands would have small ice particles floating around them for 30 seconds ( basically the casting process ) Before Ice comes up and traps the Targeted person. The ice is easy to break but is very painful on impact. Would cost 40 mana Doesn't seem like there is a way to avoid this... Edit it so there is.

Aura ( this aint a power ) : Lee normally will have snow and ice orbiting around him unless he decides to make it stop.

Ice rain : The caster would hold his hands up in the air for seven seconds Ice forming around his hands before HE would throw the ice at the Target dealing An average amount of damage. Uses 60 mana. Ice rain is hail. You said he throws it at them but you haven't really given me an idea of how big the ice rain is or how much of it there is.

Ice of healing : Ice would float around the person the spell is being casted it after 10 seconds they will have been healed about 1/4 of their health. Uses 85 mana. Ice is basically ice. I don't really see even in magic terms how it could heal someone and 1/4 of health would be quite a lot of you were close to dieing.

Nope because I have a feeling you'd use this when near death in order to survive.

Amount of mana : 120. Each real life day he regains 30 mana from meditation
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


I accept these modifications


Quote from: MajorBradley on 10-05-2012
I accept these modifications

You didn't edit it.
He asked you to edit it.


I accept these changes and btw did you notice the name change? Because Scott died before this was looked over I changed it to Lord Damian Cadenza.
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


Minecraft Account: Portkins

Mage's Name: Alaron Skyshadow

Mage Type: Interlocutor

Mantra: Magic


Alaron, instead of a Mana Pool, is able to channel his powers on a per-day basis. Certain powers can be used once a day, whilst others can be used more than once. Certain spells, if overcast, may only be used once every three days. A spell that is overcast has its effect tripled and afflicts Alaron with a 25% damage kickback.

Blightning: A bolt of energy leaps out of Alaron's extended arm and punishes his enemies from a great distance.

The energy, instead of electrocuting the target, causes their skin to overheat, bubble and spit pus. After 2 hours, the victim will finally realize the pain that has been afflicted upon them. During the time beforehand, there will be no visible sign of the affliction and no indicators other than being hit with a Blightning Bolt. If Blightning is cast on the same target twice, the two instances of the spell will increase the amount of damage done.

There is a 25% chance Alaron will Overcast this spell by mistake.

Damage Dealt: 1 Heart
Combo Damage: 4 Hearts

This spell can only be cast thrice a day.
Can Be Overcast

Tribal Curse: Alaron mutters a cantrip taught to him by his Clan's elder and names a target.

Swearing in the profane language used by Endermen, Alaron summons End Spirits to haunt the target for about an hour. During this time, the subject's luck will be extremely poor. Coin flips will always be lost and other games of chance are equally impossible. (This does not just apply to games of chance... A lucky dodge may suddenly become an Unlucky Roll into a Pit.) Any percentile values Alaron uses are doubled or halved in his favor on a target that is Cursed. There is no physical sign of the curse.

Other than this, no harm is inflicted upon the victim.

This spell can only be cast three times a day.

Molten Wisp: Alaron shouts a brief cantrip, then spits.

The magic of the spell carries the spit 10 meters across the battlefield (10 blocks) then transforms the spit into flames.
If the spit is stopped before it travels 10 meters, the object or person it impacts will take half damage.
A person hit by this spit has a 15% chance of their clothing catching on fire, dealing more damage.

Damage Dealt: 2 Hearts
Burn Damage: 4 Hearts

This spell can only be cast twice a day.
Can Be Overcast

Let Them Attack, They Will Fail: Alaron glimpses 15 times into the future.

Each time the future is glimpsed, Alaron looks exactly 1 second farther than the last time and uses that information to his advantage. Any one attack made against him within the next 15 seconds will be either dodged or parried by Alaron.
Alaron also has a 35% chance to dodge another attack, after the first one.

This spell can only be cast once a day.

Doomcaller: Alaron sounds the chime that summons the end of the universe. No one will escape The Devourer.

This spell has a 1:10000 chance of success and will kill everyone in Aceon.
This spell cannot benefit from The Curse.

This spell can only be cast once a week.


Lol, "Hey everyone, just so you know I may attempt to kill all of us something in the future. Oh but don't worry. I can only cast the spell once a week and it has an incredibly low chance of success! So basically unless you all want to die, you're all my slaves! Cheerio!"
Please tell me your char is like that XD
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


Minecraft Account: Duraga131

Mage's Name: loraella Junia

Mage Type: Sorceress

Mantra: magic ( or mabye nature idk )

Spells/Powers: 100 mana per day. Regenerated after a morning of studying and meditating. Mana also regenerates 10 mana per IRL Day.

* = the user must have her staff to use the spell effectively.

Ice bolt: A large shard of ice forms and luanches from the tip of the users staff or her palm. Mana Cost: ( with staff)10 ( without staff) 25

*Ice shield: The user jabs her staff into the ground in a crouching position and a nearly-inpenetrable dome-shaped sheild of black ice forms around her. mana use: 30

( crap I didn't have enough time to complete this so its still a work in progress )


My original post has been editing as you asked now Demon


Minecraft Account: Duraga131

Mage's Name: loraella Junia

Mage Type: Sorceress

Mantra: magic ( or mabye nature idk )

Spells/Powers: 100 mana per day. Regenerated after a morning of studying and meditating. Mana also regenerates 10 mana per IRL Day.

* = the user must have her staff to use the spell effectively.

Ice bolt: A large shard of ice forms and luanches from the tip of the users staff or her palm. Mana Cost: ( with staff)10 ( without staff) 25

*Ice shield: The user jabs her staff into the ground in a crouching position and a nearly-inpenetrable dome-shaped sheild of black ice forms around her. mana use: 30 
*lightning: Lighting shoots from the end of the users staff, shocking the target. The effects may vary depending on the target and how close they are. Mana Cost: 40 ( maximum range is 6 blocks )

Extend/reduce Staff: This ability takes very little mana to use and does not have much of an effect on the user, but it provides a way to make the user's staff easier to transport.

( I dont know what else to add ... any suggestions ?)


Quote from: MajorBradley on 10-05-2012
I accept these modifications


Quote from: Ragolution on 11-05-2012
Minecraft Account: Portkins

Mage's Name: Alaron Skyshadow

Mage Type: Interlocutor

Mantra: Magic


Alaron, instead of a Mana Pool, is able to channel his powers on a per-day basis. Certain powers can be used once a day, whilst others can be used more than once. Certain spells, if overcast, may only be used once every three days. A spell that is overcast has its effect tripled and afflicts Alaron with a 25% damage kickback.

Blightning: A bolt of energy leaps out of Alaron's extended arm and punishes his enemies from a great distance.

The energy, instead of electrocuting the target, causes their skin to overheat, bubble and spit pus. After 2 hours, the victim will finally realize the pain that has been afflicted upon them. During the time beforehand, there will be no visible sign of the affliction and no indicators other than being hit with a Blightning Bolt. If Blightning is cast on the same target twice, the two instances of the spell will increase the amount of damage done.

There is a 25% chance Alaron will Overcast this spell by mistake.

Damage Dealt: 1 Heart
Combo Damage: 4 Hearts

This spell can only be cast thrice a day.
Can Be Overcast

Tribal Curse: Alaron mutters a cantrip taught to him by his Clan's elder and names a target.

Swearing in the profane language used by Endermen, Alaron summons End Spirits to haunt the target for about an hour. During this time, the subject's luck will be extremely poor. Coin flips will always be lost and other games of chance are equally impossible. (This does not just apply to games of chance... A lucky dodge may suddenly become an Unlucky Roll into a Pit.) Any percentile values Alaron uses are doubled or halved in his favor on a target that is Cursed. There is no physical sign of the curse.

Other than this, no harm is inflicted upon the victim.

This spell can only be cast three times a day.

Molten Wisp: Alaron shouts a brief cantrip, then spits.

The magic of the spell carries the spit 10 meters across the battlefield (10 blocks) then transforms the spit into flames.
If the spit is stopped before it travels 10 meters, the object or person it impacts will take half damage.
A person hit by this spit has a 15% chance of their clothing catching on fire, dealing more damage.

Damage Dealt: 2 Hearts
Burn Damage: 4 Hearts

This spell can only be cast twice a day.
Can Be Overcast

Let Them Attack, They Will Fail: Alaron glimpses 15 times into the future.

Each time the future is glimpsed, Alaron looks exactly 1 second farther than the last time and uses that information to his advantage. Any one attack made against him within the next 15 seconds will be either dodged or parried by Alaron.
Alaron also has a 35% chance to dodge another attack, after the first one.

This spell can only be cast once a day.


Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Steam name:Sir_bobalob
length of time spent at hgn: about 3 hours
length of time on aceon: 4 hours
Minecraft name: Molantyon
proof of admin/mod support: Demonizer877
proof of community support: ?
why do you want access: because i want to be free to explore and have a good time
are u in a faction: yes: Nilakvillage
other comments: im soo excited! lolz!

Krillian Black

Steam name: None
Length of time on HGN: started today
Time On Aceon; Started Today
Minecraft Account: mindman123
Proof of Admin/Moderator Support: (AT THE VERY LEAST, ONE.[demonizer877)\
Proof of Community Support:[Duraga131 and Molantyon                  ]

Why I want build access: i Would like to give as much as i can to good people like the people on Aceon
Am i in a faction: Yes/Nilakvillage


I think the term "screenshot or it didn't happen" fits well here
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis


Steam Name (If avaliable):
Length of Time Spent at HGN:10 minutes
Length of time on Aceon:1 hour
Minecraft Account:SkyLord_GlAdOs
Proof of Admin/Moderator Support:Only admin i saw was Demonizer
Proof of Community Support:
Why do you want builder access?:I want builder access because i want to build and become part of the roleplay community of the server and i cant do that if i can not interact with the world
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?:No sorry
Other Comments:If i get accepted that would be soo great :)

