Portkins' Garbage Bin

Started by Ragolution, 12-07-2011

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Quote from: Blazefight on 05-05-2012
Minecraft account: Blazefigth89

mage's name: Azerex Gravewood

Mage type: sorcceror

Manta: Magic

Mana: cap 150. Regenates slowly at normal (3days)  1 day if meditation

Arcane missiles: Azerex creates an bolt of arcane shooting it were he is directing his palm causes small explotions on hit. the explotion is 2x2 it can destroy everything except Obsidian Iron diamond

Arcane blast: azerex creates an large bolt of arcane in his palm, When he touches something it explodes and causes a shockwave infront of him. 50 mana Explotion is 4x4 can go through everything except obsidian schockwave is 2x2x5 It destroys Dirt, sand, gravel and ice

Power infusion: Azerex surronds his body with arcane Increasing his strength and speed alot, he choses what % he wants his strength and speed will be, The more power the more damage to himslef. mana cost: 100, Azerex can die for the damages. 50% more power 10% damage. 100% damage = death

Denied, sorry I just don't think you're ready to be a mage yet. Not to mention that the things I asked you to change you didn't actually do, all you did was remove a few spells and make your remaining spells more OP.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


You know, just wondering, seeing as things were going ok. Also is this one going to be our map for a while?


Yeah some group called "Monolith" is continually using Ddos attack on us. So server will be down for... Every few minutes I guess.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have

Steven :D

Quote from: Demonizer877 on 06-05-2012
Yeah some group called "Monolith" is continually using Ddos attack on us. So server will be down for... Every few minutes I guess.


Quote from: Steven :D on 06-05-2012
Quote from: Demonizer877 on 06-05-2012
Yeah some group called "Monolith" is continually using Ddos attack on us. So server will be down for... Every few minutes I guess.

Not much to say. A few players were coming on and going; "Apologise to monolith or we will keep using DDOS attacks on you". Feerman assumed they were trolls and IP banned the ones that came on. We haven't had a DDos attack since but a few people are still having connection issues.

Edit: uku153 their leader apparently. Runs a "faction called monolith owned by fixtional". Apparently one of our resident players Arefu months ago told one of his players to leave the server for being a retard. Months later now he's know come back for revenge.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Quote from: Demonizer877 on 06-05-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-05-2012
Quote from: Demonizer877 on 06-05-2012
Yeah some group called "Monolith" is continually using Ddos attack on us. So server will be down for... Every few minutes I guess.

Not much to say. A few players were coming on and going; "Apologise to monolith or we will keep using DDOS attacks on you". Feerman assumed they were trolls and IP banned the ones that came on. We haven't had a DDos attack since but a few people are still having connection issues.

Tried to, I couldn't remember the /ban-ip comman, so I just banned Niv9 and lifelong


All i know is that I want to play. But this fucking asshole is butt-raping the server.

P.S. I don't see why you banned Niv9, they seemed ok.


Quote from: meldin on 06-05-2012
All i know is that I want to play. But this fucking asshole is butt-raping the server.

P.S. I don't see why you banned Niv9, they seemed ok.

Niv9 and Lifelong were doing the DDoSing.


Silver Knight

We recieved a light dos attack of 100mb, it wasn't a big deal but there was a rogue filter from another server that caused issues for our filter. It's all sorted now.

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


Official faction Name: The Eldian
]Tag: Eldian
Leader: Jaggernaughty - Erivan Dawnfire
Heraldry: Green/Brown
Roster: Jaggernaughty     
Background: *Refer to Eldiavan racial lore*
Local Currency: Malta Mittar (gold pieces) *can only be used by locals*

The Eldial Mountain Range

The Homeland of The Eldivan

A steep, cold mountain range where the mountain elves have settled. It unique terrain, as well as the snowy climate hides the villagers from any hostile people. The Eldivan here now build the village, allowing all races to join them. Here these men, women, and children not just survive the winters, but thrive in them. The have been able to adapt impeccably.


Minecraft Account: Fordwell

Mage's Name: Pavachi Blackrose

Mage Type: Writer/ Sorcorer

Mantra: Magic

Spells/Powers:  100/100 mana daily from meditation in his home. Due to his natural xenophobia he cant meditate without securing himself from the outside world.  /Most of his spells are based in the aspects of death and decay.

Ball of Decay: Baseball sized orb of rotten flesh and bone fragments shoots out of the casters hand at a target at fast speeds. Can cause temp blindness as its hard to whipe off the grime of a dead body. It would also be wet enough to put out a torch if aimed right. . 15 mana ranged

Rot Shield: A five foot radius sphere around the caster seen as redish black energy causes people nerve spasms and pain till they exit the sphere and back off. Lasts a few minutes and the caster can not move from his location unless he cancels the spell. 20 mana

Fetid Hands: by the casters touch wood rots and warps and metal rusts. This does not work on people and is limited to objects the caster can touch and are of reasonable size (aka he can warp a wood door off its hinges but he cant break a house). 30 mana touch object (wood, metal only)

The Repugnant Haven: A one day one man ward on the casters current home. That person will literally be met at the edge of the property with ungodly spells and feeling of deathly illness. As soon as they walk away however they will be fine. 40 mana must be in home and 5 minute chant.


Quote from: Last.Exile on 06-05-2012
We recieved a light dos attack of 100mb, it wasn't a big deal but there was a rogue filter from another server that caused issues for our filter. It's all sorted now.

Translation : They weren't really doing shit to us, they actually helped us figure out a bug in our network.


did you seriously take them seriously.
must be joking
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Isn't that one of your old characters? BE a gent and tell me what's happened to the city map.
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


port changed the map, from what i know you can keep our character.


The DOS attacks are still going on but they arent as long and take longer to affect the entire server


Steam Name (If avaliable):
Length of Time Spent at HGN:[3 weeks]
Length of time on Aceon:[3 weeks]
Minecraft Account:
Proof of Admin/Moderator Support: (AT THE VERY LEAST, ONE.[demonizer877)\
Proof of Community Support:[Duraga131 and 2ktaco                  ]
Why do you want builder access?:[So i can open a bussiness to get money]
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?:
Other Comments:[I have rp with demon duraga 2ktaco and gecoy]


Quote from: fallaflore on 07-05-2012
Steam Name (If avaliable):
Length of Time Spent at HGN:[3 weeks]
Length of time on Aceon:[3 weeks]
Minecraft Account: on_the_left
Proof of Admin/Moderator Support: (AT THE VERY LEAST, ONE.[demonizer877)\
Proof of Community Support:[Duraga131 and 2ktaco                  ]
Why do you want builder access?:[So i can open a bussiness to get money]
Are you in a faction? If so, what faction?:
Other Comments:[I have rp with demon duraga 2ktaco and gecoy]

Added his MC name.
My rec is outdated by the way.


I love how it says "Mountain Range" but, in game its a single mountain/large hill.



Quote from: fordwell on 06-05-2012

Minecraft Account: Fordwell

Mage's Name: Pavachi Blackrose

Mage Type: Writer/ Sorcorer

Mantra: Magic

Spells/Powers:  100/100 mana daily from meditation in his home. Due to his natural xenophobia he cant meditate without securing himself from the outside world.  /Most of his spells are based in the aspects of death and decay.

Ball of Decay: Baseball sized orb of rotten flesh and bone fragments shoots out of the casters hand at a target at fast speeds. It would feel like being hit by a baseball sized rock. Once it hits it sticks though and can cause temp blindness if aimed at the face, it only takes five seconds to wipe it off though. It would also be wet enough to put out a torch if aimed right. 5 mana per amount of blocks thrown, the further it travels, the less likely it is to hit someone. Can be cast after reading some words from his tome.

Rot Shield: A five foot radius sphere around the caster seen as redish black energy causes people nerve spasms and pain till they exit the sphere and back off. Lasts three minutes and the caster can not move from his location unless he cancels the spell. 30 mana after reading some words from his tome.

Fetid Hands: by the casters touch wood rots and warps and metal rusts. This does not work on people and is limited to objects the caster can touch and are of reasonable size within a two metre squared proportion. The larger the item is, the more time it will take to warp/rot. 30 mana (for everything less than a metre wide) 50 mana for everything over a metre wide. Can be cast after reading some words from his tome. (wood and metal only)

The Repugnant Haven: A one day one man ward on the casters current home. That person will literally be met at the edge of the property with ungodly spells and feeling of deathly illness. As soon as they walk away however they will be fine. 60 mana must be in home and 5 minute chant.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


I accept these terms and alterations.


Minecraft Account: Superblackbiker

Mage's Name: Lord Damian Cadenza

Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Nature Magic

Spells/Powers:  200/200 mana daily from resting in a bed or camp. He'd need to sleep for at least 12 hours, a minecraft night or day, to regain full mana.

All spells require about a minute of concentration to start.

Small sparks: With a click of his fingers he could produce a small flame to start a small campfire, a flame the size of a match that would appear within his hand. 30 mana per use.

Firepalm: Either of his hands would fill with fire, which could be used to set fire to a forest, burn someone or simply melt some snow. 50 mana per use.

Fireball: Very similar to the Firepalm apart from he can throw this into the air until it is stopped by something. 75 mana per use.

Flaming arrow: Using firepalm he can set fire to arrows and fire them at his enemies.

Firerage: His eyes will fill with flames and a circle of fire  (giving them about 1 block around them from where they were standing when the spell was casted)  will be created around something or even himself if he chooses.  Will last for as long as he can concentrate, a distraction or him loosing concentration would break the spell. 100 mana.

This is my first mage app so sorry if its bad!

I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


Minecraft Account:AncientPredator

Mage's Name: Lee Barker
Mage Type: Sorcerer

Mantra:  Nature


Ice prison: The caster hands would have small ice particles floating around them for 30 seconds ( basically the casting process ) Before Ice comes up and traps the Targeted person. The ice is easy to break but is very painful on impact but if the caster is distracted or put off balance the casting process will be cancelled. Would cost 40 mana

Aura ( this aint a power ) : Lee normally will have snow and ice orbiting around him unless he decides to make it stop.

Ice rain : The caster would hold his hands up in the air for seven seconds Ice forming around his hands before HE would throw the ice at the Target dealing An average amount of damage would cover a 3x3 block radius. Uses 60 mana.

Ice of healing : Ice would float around the person the spell is being casted it after 10 seconds they will have been healed about 1/4 of their health cant be used on people near death, it works as the Ice would melt and the water would wrap around the wound repairing it over a time of 2 days. Uses 85 mana.

Amount of mana : 120. Each IRL day he regains 30 mana from meditation