Started by gunslinger7, 14-05-2011

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I think we should move further from the steampunk technology and replace it with some kind of magic. Would help get the setting back to medieval / fantasy. If that's what people want ofcourse


Quote from: Xerdun on 28-05-2011
I think we should move further from the steampunk technology and replace it with some kind of magic. Would help get the setting back to medieval / fantasy. If that's what people want ofcourse

I don't think we should be so hypocritical nor should we be telling people "You can't RP as steampunk/you have to be magic."

I personally don't like the idea of magic and really never have. It's a pain in the ass to RP because people always want to regulate it in some way and even when they don't, people abuse it. RPing as someone/thing with magic is just arduous.

emperor bobby

I've always Preferred Steampunk technology over magic because of How The technology Is man-Made, i Find Humans Fighting Magic users, demons, Elves, orcs, Etc, More fun when it's a Battle between Magic and technology, I don't know how to explain it really, it's just... "Cooler". I'm fine with people using magic, in fact i encourage it. (unless your in novarium. :P ) Because it's an interesting thing to Rp, if done well, The same way Steampunk is an interesting thing to rp, If done well.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 28-05-2011
I've always Preferred Steampunk technology over magic because of How The technology Is man-Made, i Find Humans Fighting Magic users, demons, Elves, orcs, Etc, More fun when it's a Battle between Magic and technology, I don't know how to explain it really, it's just... "Cooler". I'm fine with people using magic, in fact i encourage it. (unless your in novarium. :P ) Because it's an interesting thing to Rp, if done well, The same way Steampunk is an interesting thing to rp, If done well.

What about those that don't have either?
They're at a disadvantage.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 28-05-2011
I've always Preferred Steampunk technology over magic because of How The technology Is man-Made, i Find Humans Fighting Magic users, demons, Elves, orcs, Etc, More fun when it's a Battle between Magic and technology, I don't know how to explain it really, it's just... "Cooler".

Then let's do that. Or make it all Steampunk. But right now half the server is on 1 page and the other half has no idea what page that is and it is kind of confusing.

emperor bobby

Well, I don't really have Control over the server, Novarium technology isnt too Hard to get Icly if you know what your doing, Technology is like a crutch for the Non magic rpers, it gives them a chance against the magic users, if they can procure it. and Novarium -does- have a merchant district...


If anyone noticed the DEAP is a Steampunk/magic combo.

Druchii are stupidly magickal

Provectum is highly tech with zero percent magic.

They can work harmoniously and sometimes magic can supplement technology (or vice versa?)


As I said before, what of those who just want to be a normal civilization, with no magic or technology?


arent we somwhat straying from what this thread is about?


Quote from: geccoy on 29-05-2011
As I said before, what of those who just want to be a normal civilization, with no magic or technology?

They join Freecities?


I mean, how do they compete with technology and magic?

emperor bobby

Numbers, and clever alliances.


Quote from: OldManRikdo on 19-05-2011
Quote from: Xerdun on 19-05-2011
For the murder idea it would be useful if we had NPCs to kill. This got me thinking. I was briefly on another server (testing connection as it appears its screwed on all servers) and I saw that they have many NPCs such as barkeepers and guards etc. It'd add a lot more life to the world if we had these and make for a lot more roleplaying opportunities. I know its easy to say that players can fill the roles, but by adding the NPCs won't stop them from roleplaying, they should add to it. Just a thought anyway


this is a nice bukkit mod.  has iconomy support too if we ever decide to add permissions.

I've got some experience of implementing the Citizens Mod on my own small server so if you want i would be happy to help


>> From hell march event thread (slightly changed)
"Also, someone tell Bobby that planting mushrooms was a VERY BAD idea, as the WHOLE NETHER IS COVERED WITH THEM!!! -_- It's very annoying and stuff.
--> This could be used for RP though. Since the Nether is hell, the mushrooms could be a poisonous virus that was spawned by Netherlings/daemons because of the amount of the living in a place where only (un)dead things should exist. It is their intention to poison all humans who enter and have them spread it to the human world. The virus grants control of their bodies to the daemons."

- Anyone else like that idea? Because RPing that they are just normal mushrooms isn't fun. Who wants to RP 1,000,000 stacks of mushrooms becoming infinite food? That's lame. Also, since I went in after all the mushrooms, I'm willing to be the first infected.


... OH! and this would effect all factions, since I am not staying in VB for long. I'm gonna travel to sell the books from my new bookstore to other cities/factions.

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: mrkddsmn on 16-06-2011
>> From hell march event thread (slightly changed)
"Also, someone tell Bobby that planting mushrooms was a VERY BAD idea, as the WHOLE NETHER IS COVERED WITH THEM!!! -_- It's very annoying and stuff.
--> This could be used for RP though. Since the Nether is hell, the mushrooms could be a poisonous virus that was spawned by Netherlings/daemons because of the amount of the living in a place where only (un)dead things should exist. It is their intention to poison all humans who enter and have them spread it to the human world. The virus grants control of their bodies to the daemons."

- Anyone else like that idea? Because RPing that they are just normal mushrooms isn't fun. Who wants to RP 1,000,000 stacks of mushrooms becoming infinite food? That's lame. Also, since I went in after all the mushrooms, I'm willing to be the first infected.

+ Support


hmm. Not too sure. Actually I will support it. The people who volounteer to be infected should create a new character so as not to have mass pk. Unless there's a way to get the demons outside their bodies once infected. Also will the virus be infectious or only if you enter the nether can you get it? I vote we use the nether idea because the plague idea didn't work very well and you can use the penal legion characters to come back as infected.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


I also brought back mushrooms with me. :D


Quote from: mrkddsmn on 16-06-2011
I also brought back mushrooms with me. :D
I made a plague already.


Quote from: geccoy on 16-06-2011
Quote from: mrkddsmn on 16-06-2011
I also brought back mushrooms with me. :D
I made a plague already.

And you made one flaw. No demons. But also geccoy, his character has a shop in Victory Bay so it should spread to a few of us and then from there when we visit other people. I still want to know whether we can get the demon out of our bodies once possessed. That way there would be no need as I said before, for mass pk.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Quote from: Bfranx on 26-05-2011
Quote from: JPetty on 26-05-2011
here's an idea that goes along the lines of dark creatures doing dark deeds and what not
but I dont know if it we'll be a popular idea or not
a small group of a race of monsters called darklings with different types of monster inside that group
Deamos- monster lord, king
Shades- war lords, mage
Grimlocks- commanders, brute
Necorogs- fighter, common soldier
(or maybe something like that)^
change it to whatever?
this group only comes out of their home in the Nether to reek havok apon Aceon at night or whenever wars are raged the monsters can only be destroyed and the group disbanded after the monster king is killed in battle and that can come about by a faction leader (king) challenging him one-on-one or in wars when he shows himself
comment please though I dont expect much out of it
tell me what you think

sounds cool, good vs evil kinda thing. but who would be the demons?
I could be a demon! (if I got in)


I think it sounds reasonable to have a way to remove the daemon. I don't know how though. Maybe the way is unknown at first and RPed or actually done in the game and RPed at the same time. I have an idea or two.

And yes, geccoy, I know you did do a plague, but it pretty much failed. The event never reached an official cure or anything. Quin was also saying that he could cure anyone he wanted and stuff with magic. The plague never really had any RP either that I know about.


and about the demons/daemons, I don't think players could RP a demon. A player would be "possessed" by a demon, but nobody would need to RP the demon other than the person possessed.


So... how about a poll then? I don't know how to do that.


Quote from: mrkddsmn on 20-06-2011
So... how about a poll then? I don't know how to do that.