
Started by Xerdun, 19-05-2011

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Okay so this is a thread that probably should've been created somewhere else but what's one more wasted thread eh? So I recently decided to rejoin Aceon after a little break and although I'm not gonna be that active til exams are over I'll still pop in now and again.

My main issue is that I can't get onto the server. Well I can, I see people chatting for a few seconds. But any interaction I make - speaking, block breaking etc doesn't work. Well my actions are recognised, if i break a block then immediately relog it'll be gone. Weird. But if I try to play for about, a minute, I'll be disconnected with the error "Internal Exception: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out". Now I know this is a common error but I was wondering if there was anything I could do to fix it

I've tried:
Redownloading minecraft, from scratch
Restarting computer
Uninstalling and redownloading Java
Browsing for help for about an hour
Disconnecting / reconnecting internet
Waiting (first started trying yesterday morning, no luck today)
Hitting my head against the wall in despair

If anyone has any advice for how I can get round this problem it would be hugely appreciate and I shall reward you in game with some diamonds or string or something of value that you need.

Take care



Fixed itself... How weird :S


It's called super bad lag and it happens to me occasionally. It always fixes itself eventually.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


And its back again. Oh well, I'll just wait it out

Bl★ck Star

Quote from: Xerdun on 19-05-2011
Fixed itself... How weird :S

I played 4 Months with that Bug on a friends server. Somehow when I started the Aceon project itself fixed it .__.


Two internet connections can cause that problem, take a look at your connections. :)
Try to disable all unneeded ones, like hamachi and such stuff.