Op status abuse

Started by Firathmagi, 01-05-2011

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i think certain Ops are abusing their power
doing things like spawning items whenever they want
or kick/banning people who disagree with their opinions
well in the first place we have too many Ops and the selection process for Ops is faulty anyways


Ops are allowed to spawn items.
They only kick when the person begins to swear, or cause drama.


Ops can spawn items WHEN NECESSARY, if its for fixing the map and what not
like when bobby was spawning dirt for filling in your guyz crater
not whenever you damn well plz

also port kick/bans anyone who disagrees with how he does things
like just now

also your one of the people that tend to rely on Ops abusing their power so you don't really have the right to talk
at this point i'm bringing the issue to silver and blackstar


I dont think thats very fair, accusing all admins and such. I tried to be very active today with non-ops, and I tried not to abuse. Another thing is all the items I spawned today were for the mage training zone for factions.. I dont think you could just say all the ops abused.


Quote from: Firathmagi on 01-05-2011
i think certain Ops are abusing their power
doing things like spawning items whenever they want
or kick/banning people who disagree with their opinions
well in the first place we have too many Ops and the selection process for Ops is faulty anyways
does it say all?
though i do think you spawning items to play merchant is a little unfair that's not the main issue as of now


Well Im a mage now, not a merchant and I thought you meant me... because I got un-opped.


maybe the 'mage' thing didn't fly with silver or something?
didn't he already say that there'd be none of that anyways?
well not my problem


Ops need a good balance between too nice and too mean. They need to ban people only if they deserve to be banned (i.e. a lot of other people believe he/she should be banned) and spawn items on occasion (i.e. when they can't normally be obtained like gunpowder or feathers)


Quote from: Firathmagi on 01-05-2011
maybe the 'mage' thing didn't fly with silver or something?
didn't he already say that there'd be none of that anyways?
well not my problem

He banned you for an hour so you could stop nerd raging , an collect your thoughts instead of speaking out your ass like you been on this server since day one(you've been here like what a week tops?) ...  sure the Op's arnt perfect but id say they do there best to make the server a better place for us to Rp an enjoy ourselves .

an the stuff about spawning items is not a problem ... its only a problem when they spawn in a big stack of tnt an blow other peoples hard-work up or spawning in diamond swords an bows an diamond armor for there troops , but if they are just building structures like , homes , palaces , shops etc... an  not fucking Doom forts of mass destruction with lava moats than i dont see where you have this big issue with it ...   an maybe if you didnt cry on the server all the time who knows if you asked nicely an told them that you wanted to build something cool for your faction or what not they might have even temp-opp'ed you for abit  . but seeing how you have chosen the path of a raging 10yr old i cant see them doing you any favors in the near future .


who was nerd raging?
the only one who was raging was port throwing around his admin powers like a dumbass
i was just voicing my opinions against his way of doing things and comparing him to hessan as usuall
on a side not none of you in that admin faction really have the right to say anything because you all are obviously reliant on the admins abusing their powers


Quote from: Firathmagi on 01-05-2011
who was nerd raging?
the only one who was raging was port throwing around his admin powers like a dumbass
i was just voicing my opinions against his way of doing things and comparing him to hessan as usuall
on a side not none of you in that admin faction really have the right to say anything because you all are obviously reliant on the admins abusing their powers

Calm the fuck down.


Word of advice fira, if you don't stop complaining how you are complaining they will ban you. Calling an admin a dumbass is not a good idea and try to voice your ideas less angrily e.g. I wasn't nerd raging I believed I was just voicing my ideas not "Port is a dumbass" stuck in the middle. Rule no 1. stay civil, admins don't want to hear someone who uses caps, swears at them, ignores their arguments or spells please; plz.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Quote from: Firathmagi on 01-05-2011
who was nerd raging?
the only one who was raging was port throwing around his admin powers like a dumbass
i was just voicing my opinions against his way of doing things and comparing him to hessan as usuall
on a side not none of you in that admin faction really have the right to say anything because you all are obviously reliant on the admins abusing their powers

What abuse lol? its not as if he runs around town well diamonds fall out of his ass for his towns people ...  he's building things like the UFB building ...   ,  like yesterday he gave me a plot of land in our town an told me to build my home but try an use as much of our architecture as possible  . Which means i need to use smooth-stone ... so i have to mine cobble than put it in a furnace an wait an hour to get 64 an have to come back an do it again . for a job as simple as building my damn house it took a long ass time an i havnt even put the roof on yet . so being in a admin faction isnt all unicorns an rainbows lol . The only difference is admins are usually experienced roleplayers an experienced HGN members , an thats the reason why im with them an not some kids who just got White-listed .  An if you had any knowledge of the server you would know if there was admin abuse going on id be the first one to call any of them on it .


Right I think you are overeacting at the moment. I think you need to take a step back and take a deep breath, cause obviously you are really angry about something that is not a big deal. The only time I consider using admin powers as abuse, is when an admin world edits a massive area to be flat then world edits the area to look like a 1000+ square city (Hessen). However spawning items is not a huge deal, so long as they arn't building doomforts and so long as they arn't making 100000000 stacks of TnT and "Playing" with TnT, or so long as they arn't arming thier entire faction with spawned shit, we should be ideally ok.

I know when me and Paint made our sandstone castle we gave ourselves the sandstone for many reasons, one being that sandstone wasn't really all that common (We thought there was no desert biome but we found one later but thats not the point) and we made an artificial desert, BUT it was so the faction we made could continue to flourish in the map change. In-case you don't know we have a faction of desert elves.

Also getting back to the topic of you raging. Calling Portkin a "Dumbass" is flaming so kicking/banning was the right choice if this is not the first time you've openly flamed like that.

Think the OPs are abusing? Make a complaint to the Minecraft head (Blackstar) or a CSV (Locke or Tom). don't make a nerd rage thread cause it makes you look immature and like you are just a raging idiot/child.

And what gunslinger said, giving items to build with is not considered abuse at this time.
Quote from: TheAndyShandy on 05-12-2013
Oh boy.
Strap yourselves in, it's time for the great 'obligatory' SRP resurrection of 2013/14/15/16/22


Quote from: Tom on 02-05-2011
giving items to build with is not considered abuse at this time.
