Nekoon's Earthen Brothers

Started by ChiefOh, 09-05-2011

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Nekoon's Earthen Brothers


The Brothers trace their origin to the patriarch of the Nekoon lineage. The original Father was a man named Lucantus Nekoon, he found each of the original Sons within a span of two years. Each one an orphan, each unique in their own right. The Eldest of the Four, Vinko , took a love to the night and dwelled only under its loving embrace. He had a fierce love for the bow and hunted as he skulked throughout the night. The next son, Kulios,  respected and cultivated the land so that his new family would not go without food. The third son, Heidir, was the most sheltered of the four as he detested the outdoors and therein started digging extensive tunnels and caves. Through his excavating he would return with the gifts of the earth: Coal, Iron, Gold and Diamonds. The youngest of the four, Illios, loved simply to explore and converse with the people of the land. In this habit he soon thereafter became the family's trader and voice. Lucantus was a simple man and took in his sons at a elderly age. He lived a long life with his sons and taught them his ways. The Sons carried on his traditions and remained faithful until their dying days.


Lucantus harbored a hate for man made structures and viewed them as scars of the face of the land that is our mother. He believed that we need not deface the land to live and thrive. He taught his sons to use only was the world has created, to simply carve and alter the natural land.

Even though the original Brothers have passed their ideals live on through the Earthen Brothers. In our modern beliefs we have set five rules that our new Brothers must abide by:

1.The Family's needs supersede one's personal needs- All brothers swear an oath the family and remain faithful and always serve towards the needs of the Family.

2.One does not scar their Mother- Our beautiful mother needs not the scars of man made decadence in the form of stone and mortar and wood. Their unending need expands their blight onto more of the land. All brothers do not build any form of buildings on the landscape we only carve the earth for our needs.

3. Our beliefs are our own- We need not attention that would complicate things do not speak of our beliefs to others do not try to convert others if the mother decides it our brothers will come to us.

4.The Erk'WerShan Is our own- Noone shall mention or speak of the Erk'WerShan. Only true brothers will be granted this knowledge.

5.Our Father speaks no wrong- All brothers must always listen and abide by the wishes of the Father and his will is law.

Breaking these rules will result in banishment from the Family.

The Hierarchy

Our Father – Lucius Nekoon (ChiefOh)

The Son of the Night-

The Son Of the Earth-

The Son of Stone-

The Son Of the Day-

Under each of the four Sons new brothers will serve them and each brother will take a path in the family.

Looking For members!
APP on this thread!
Taking people to fill the roles of the Sons each will have the most power so first four get the best spots!


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