My charactor sheet

Started by Sparkydog04, 01-09-2011

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In role play :Exentha
Title: Dragonslayer
Nickname:Sparky (Do to the power of the legendary Lighting spear once used to cast down a legendary dragon)
Backround Story: Exentha was born into a small village where she lived happy tell around the age of 10.One day
the sky rained Ash and all the towns warriors knew exactly what was happening. A dragon had flew into the town
and started to rampage all in sight, leaving no survivers except one, Exentha. Driven for revenge she grabbed the nearest
weapon,(spear) and ran off in search for the beat. After about 2 weeks she stobbled apon a group of Dragon slayers who
took her in as one of there own.After telling her new family about her story they where driven to help her get revenge.
Around 5 years lader after much training and tacking she found her enemy dragon and struck him down and crafted
her armor from his remains.Now at the age of 16 she traveled the land searching for dragons and dragon kind to slay.

Why is exentha here: Exentha was on an adventure and her Zeppelin was shot down by a water dragon and she nearly
drowned,She barley lived and woke up on this strange world with no belongs but her skill and armor.


I don't think that you were supposed to post your character sheet in this area mate, this section is for groups and factions, try the main area.  Unless you mean to modify this if you make her form a group.  Dunno.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


People on the server told me to do it here