Medieval Relm of Averheath

Started by Gabriel23, 08-08-2011

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After many weeks at sea fleeing the conflict and famine of the old world the group of settlers, at the brink of admitting defeat finally spotted the slim outline of what could only be land. After the initial joy of reaching the shore the group of settlers realized that although this new land was as yet untouched by the ravages of war, it was far from paradise. This new land was plagued by terrible creatures, giant spiders attacked the unsuspecting travelers from their hidden lairs and strange creatures which omitted a terrifying hissing sound ambushed the camp killing many. Not only were the settlers plagued by these horrifying creatures, but the land seemed to be afflicted by some curse and each night the dead rose from their shallow graves. It was not long before the people began burying their dead face down...

After a grueling struggle across this perilous new land and after loosing many people, the group finally happened upon a clearing with a spring and a small lake. It was here that Averheath was founded. The town has slowly built up, boosted by the arrival of more travelers from the old world and beyond. However, despite this the people of Averheath are all too aware that the threat of attack from monsters or things much worse, is ever present.

What is the faction about?

Averheath is a Medieval/Tudor based faction which shall be (to begin with) based around the town of Averheath. The primary objective is to build up this town to be a thriving place for trade and medieval style RP (feasts, quests, tavern brawls etc). Once the town is built up we shall hopefully expand following the feudal system, with "fiefs " (smaller villages/towns) being granted to those who have earned them. For now I shall be leading the faction in game however, I am open for others to step forward providing there is a good enough RP reason (elected, coup etc). The main thing however, that I wish to create is a great environment where RP is the main focus as opposed to simply building huge cities. If this sounds like the faction for you then please post an application following this format:

Minecraft name:
Char name:
Desired position:
Back story (as long or as short as you like):


Leader/Barman:Nathaniel (Sooty230)

Completed Buildings


Future Projects

Additional Housing
Town hall

There are currently no skins specific for the faction so you are free to create your own. I will not be too strict on this aspect but please try and keep to the medieval theme.