Leors Tale

Started by Leor, 26-08-2011

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And so it was Leor came to the city of Ermor and found himself quickly recruited into the army, first as a guard but then His true calling was found, Now Leor Juge and Executioner roams the wilderness in search of the clues that will unravel the troth about these lands...a  truth that could turn the very world on its end.
His first venture into the wilderness led him far north, back to the icy lands of his tribe, to the outpost where his family lived. Yet once there he finds it is deserted in haste. All his fathers possesions still there all the family shelter still intact the mystery would need to go unsolved for now for duty called him back to Ermor, a fell wind was blowing in from the sea and a new challenge presented itself for the inhabitants.