How to downgrade to 1.5

Started by Turkey, 28-05-2011

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QuoteWindows Users
1) Download the 'Windows' version of MCNostalgia, and the rest of the files, extract to desktop
2)Copy the patch out of the patches folder you want to downgrade too, and paste to the MCnostalgia folder. Make sure you copy the contents and not just the folder.
3) Run MCNostalgia, it should enter Configurator mode.
4) Choose which options you would like enabled, if you want it to work with different directories than the default ones, you will have to modify the config yourself. It is recommended that you leave errors and logging enabled.

1) Choose a version in the patches and copy all the ptch files as well as the checksum file into the bin subfolder{Stated below}
2) Run MCNostalgia
3) Choose Patcher
4) Play Minecraft!
1) Run MCNostalgia
3) Choose UnPatcher
4) Play Minecraft!
Changing Settings
1) Run MCNostalgia
2) Choose Configurator, this will run the Configurator again for you to configure the settings again

Please note, If you need further technical assistance, Contact me {Turkey} VIA, Pm, I can get you set up.


Second link doesnt work beucase is a twat.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Doesn't matter anywho, The recent patch fucked downgrading. Everyone must wait