Feudal realm of Dalothen

Started by worempie, 18-06-2011

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SpinX_ i will help you. I also will try to populate the world with history and nice backstories. Ofcourse i will stay in this faction but i would like to see a land full of history and not just a few big cities... I'll be back soon... so dont worry :D


What's the plan for the faction on the wipe ?


Plan is that you dont have to sign up for the faction now anymore... anyone can join and leave.... although to get higher up rank you will need to send an app on the forum here... i will add this in the main forum thread


Name (ic) : Trav
Minecraft username: Lt_Azrael
How do you want to start? (knight, men-at-arms or peasant) : Men At Arms Or Knight Errant
What can you bring the realm of Dalothen? : Very good with sword and bow, I live to fight, and would die for a worthy cause


I believe this faction is dead, try looking at the server /f list and if they are not on it then they are dead. Also some factions only take server recruitments seeing as they don't have their own thread.
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