Fallout: Minecraft Map

Started by GeneralGold, 20-06-2011

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There's this video about this cool map that this guy made reflecting on Fallout 3, and I was wondering if anyone has ever seen it.

Fallout: Minecraft

You can download it in the description, anyone have any feedback on it? It looks interesting to me and well made.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


Authority does not grant maturity.
Power cannot replace ignorance.

emperor bobby

I didn't like the music, but Daaamn that must have taken forever.


DAMN.... looks awesome
Titan Motstand


* HitMan5523 downloads
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Dope I fucking love fallout so much


It doesn't seem THAT fallout-ish to me... But it might be cool if it would be improved.


Woh, awesome work on building that. Srsly would have taken ages o.O