Ermor Senate Election Thread (Part 1: Nominations)

Started by Ragolution, 16-09-2011

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Use this thread to submit your application to join the Ermorian Senate!

One man can hold more than one office at any one time.

[b]Native Citizen:[/b]

Available Ranks

Tribune -  Tribunes have the power to convene the Council of the Smallfolk and to act as its president, which also gives them the right to propose legislation before it. They are sacrosanct, in the sense that any assault on their person is prohibited. They have the power to veto actions taken by magistrates, and specifically to intervene legally on behalf of plebeians. The tribune could also summon the Senate and lay proposals before it. His ability to veto does not affect regional governors. Limited to 1.

Quaestor - Supervises financial affairs. Appointed. Limited to 1.

Aedile - Responsible for maintenance of public buildings and regulation of public festivals. They also had powers to enforce public order. Limited to 2.

Consul - The highest elected office of Ermor.
Two consuls are elected together, to serve for a one-year term. Each consul was given veto power over his colleague and the officials would alternate each month.

Censor -  Responsible for maintaining the census, supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the government's finances. Limited to 1.

Governor - Fairly simple. Limited to number of provinces. Probably 2.



Quote from: Feerman on 17-09-2011
Is this different from the council?

The council, is my council of mages, for magical purposes.  This is the senate, as in, all the people who apply for these positions and get accepted will be able to make decisions for Ermor, rather than me or Port doing everything.  This is another reason why we wanted a main city hub, and a central government, so that the players would be able to make the choices that will shape the city.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 17-09-2011
Is this different from the council?

The council, is my council of mages, for magical purposes.  This is the senate, as in, all the people who apply for these positions and get accepted will be able to make decisions for Ermor, rather than me or Port doing everything.  This is another reason why we wanted a main city hub, and a central government, so that the players would be able to make the choices that will shape the city.

Could I apply, still being a soldier?

Andrew Weasley

 Account: Ange166
Character: Axxal Sallathor Mortis (Baker)
Positions: Aedile or Governor. I would love to coordinate festivals (RP events it sounds like to me) and make them as best as possible. I would also enjoy making sure that the public buildings are maintained and that the public is in order. As a Governor, I am confused because what provinces do we have? Or are they planned for the future?
Native Citizen: No. I was not born in Ermor but I am an official citizen.
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


Account: Demonizer877
Character: Sandred Von-Bardos
Positions: Quaestor. Currently as the head merchant I already oversee financial affairs with the merchants I work with. Therefore it would be fitting for me to supervise the general finance for the entire city aswell including the merchant work. It would mean I would be able to run the economy better with this position, rather than having someone who could possibly create a problem for my IC work.
Native Citizen: Ex Novarium (Official Citizen)
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Account: Feerman2010
Character: Marcus Cerun III
Positions: Consul. Currently Military Officer, and last remaining Cerun, of the 2nd longest line (will I remain an officer, AND be on the senate?).
Native Citizen: Yes, he is. I am.


Account: CPftw
Character: Garon Poll
Positions: Censor, currently a hunter and stall owner
Native Citizen: Yes



Non-native Ermorians, regardless of rights, cannot hold an office.

Notice 2:

At any time, you can descend your line.
You can say a son was born and your character is alive or whatever.
We don't care.


Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011

Non-native Ermorians, regardless of rights, cannot hold an office.

Notice 2:

At any time, you can descend your line.
You can say a son was born and your character is alive or whatever.
We don't care.

lol, I can see that last part was aimed at me, I am aware, just.. I dunno.
He doesn't know, I don't know, but we all know, that he has a son.

Andrew Weasley

Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011

Non-native Ermorians, regardless of rights, cannot hold an office.

Notice 2:

At any time, you can descend your line.
You can say a son was born and your character is alive or whatever.
We don't care.

In that case, I banged a chick. Got her knocked up. I got AIDs. I died. The chick named the kid after me in honor of me. She then died. I am now taking over the character of my son, Axxal Sallathor II (Fuck the Mortis). So now I am native. Can I hold a office?
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


Quote from: Andrew Weasley on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011

Non-native Ermorians, regardless of rights, cannot hold an office.

Notice 2:

At any time, you can descend your line.
You can say a son was born and your character is alive or whatever.
We don't care.

In that case, I banged a chick. Got her knocked up. I got AIDs. I died. The chick named the kid after me in honor of me. She then died. I am now taking over the character of my son, Axxal Sallathor II (Fuck the Mortis). So now I am native. Can I hold a office?


Except you married her. And you were legally wed. And he inherited your name and land holdings.


Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Andrew Weasley on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011

Non-native Ermorians, regardless of rights, cannot hold an office.

Notice 2:

At any time, you can descend your line.
You can say a son was born and your character is alive or whatever.
We don't care.

In that case, I banged a chick. Got her knocked up. I got AIDs. I died. The chick named the kid after me in honor of me. She then died. I am now taking over the character of my son, Axxal Sallathor II (Fuck the Mortis). So now I am native. Can I hold a office?


Except you married her. And you were legally wed. And he inherited your name and land holdings.

I thought of retiring my character. Few things I wanna do with him first,
also I wanna make sure he'll have a spot on the senate (if I get in) and his fathers current rank in the military (or an easy way to get to it).


Quote from: Feerman on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Andrew Weasley on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011

Non-native Ermorians, regardless of rights, cannot hold an office.

Notice 2:

At any time, you can descend your line.
You can say a son was born and your character is alive or whatever.
We don't care.

In that case, I banged a chick. Got her knocked up. I got AIDs. I died. The chick named the kid after me in honor of me. She then died. I am now taking over the character of my son, Axxal Sallathor II (Fuck the Mortis). So now I am native. Can I hold a office?


Except you married her. And you were legally wed. And he inherited your name and land holdings.

I thought of retiring my character. Few things I wanna do with him first,
also I wanna make sure he'll have a spot on the senate (if I get in) and his fathers current rank in the military (or an easy way to get to it).

No and no but he'll have an easier time ranking up. Military families and stuff.
Senate does not save seats. He's guarenteed a seat on the Council of Smallfolk, though.


Quote from: Demonizer877 on 17-09-2011
Account: Demonizer877
Character: Sandred Von-Bardos
Positions: Quaestor. Currently as the head merchant I already oversee financial affairs with the merchants I work with. Therefore it would be fitting for me to supervise the general finance for the entire city aswell including the merchant work. It would mean I would be able to run the economy better with this position, rather than having someone who could possibly create a problem for my IC work.
Native Citizen: Ex Novarium (Official Citizen)

Let it be known, henceforth, that Sandred von Bardos II was appointed as the first Ermorian Quaestor in the year of (YEAR).


Account: Lord_Blair
Character: Blair Knave
Positions: Consul, since I am planning on being more active, and am logical in the affairs of politics and have a sense of right from wrong, I think I would be good for consul.
Native Citizen: Yes.

Andrew Weasley

Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Andrew Weasley on 17-09-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 17-09-2011

Non-native Ermorians, regardless of rights, cannot hold an office.

Notice 2:

At any time, you can descend your line.
You can say a son was born and your character is alive or whatever.
We don't care.

In that case, I banged a chick. Got her knocked up. I got AIDs. I died. The chick named the kid after me in honor of me. She then died. I am now taking over the character of my son, Axxal Sallathor II (Fuck the Mortis). So now I am native. Can I hold a office?


Except you married her. And you were legally wed. And he inherited your name and land holdings.

Alright. Sweet. Sounds good to me. Better then what I surmised to come up with.
Keep on keepin on. Lifes a garden, dig it.
Minecraft: Axxal
Steam: call_me_axx


By non-native, do you mean immigrants that weren't born in Ermor?


Quote from: Edvyn on 18-09-2011
By non-native, do you mean immigrants that weren't born in Ermor?



Right then, the doc's not eligible in that case. Guess Edmond'll have to get his power through being Ermor's best alchemist.

UNLESS the brilliant doctor finds a loophole, cloning himself via the power of conjuration and killing his old body after transferring his mind to the clone, effectively making him born in Ermor.


Quote from: Edvyn on 18-09-2011
Right then, the doc's not eligible in that case. Guess Edmond'll have to get his power through being Ermor's best alchemist.

UNLESS the brilliant doctor finds a loophole, cloning himself via the power of conjuration and killing his old body after transferring his mind to the clone, effectively making him born in Ermor.
Have. A. Son.


Account: geccoy
Character: Bast Lilium
Positions: Aedile/Consul
Native Citizen: Yes


Quote from: geccoy on 18-09-2011
Account: geccoy
Character: Bast Lilium
Positions: Aedile/Consul
Native Citizen: Yes

Automatic failure as you are not a part of Ermor.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Will some of the positions be voted by members of Ermor? if not would recommendation by the more influential members of Ermor have any sway in the deciding choices or not?


Quote from: Ragolution on 18-09-2011
Quote from: Edvyn on 18-09-2011
Right then, the doc's not eligible in that case. Guess Edmond'll have to get his power through being Ermor's best alchemist.

UNLESS the brilliant doctor finds a loophole, cloning himself via the power of conjuration and killing his old body after transferring his mind to the clone, effectively making him born in Ermor.
Have. A. Son.

Ed's a wizard, everyone knows wizards don't get sex. The closest to it was Merlin, and the bitch turned him into a tree. If you count Harry Potter as proper wizardry, James Potter DID get to having sex, but then voldy killed him. Incidentally, VOLDY didn't have sex, and stayed a powerful and LIVING wizard for a long time. Not even the likes of Gandalf got sex, even with all their boyish charm and luscious white beards.

To be succinct: Wizards having sex will doom the people involved, Terry Pratchett made this very clear in his discworld novel, Sourcery.