Ermor Senate Election Thread (Part 1: Nominations)

Started by Ragolution, 16-09-2011

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Quote from: Edvyn on 18-09-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 18-09-2011
Quote from: Edvyn on 18-09-2011
Right then, the doc's not eligible in that case. Guess Edmond'll have to get his power through being Ermor's best alchemist.

UNLESS the brilliant doctor finds a loophole, cloning himself via the power of conjuration and killing his old body after transferring his mind to the clone, effectively making him born in Ermor.
Have. A. Son.

Ed's a wizard, everyone knows wizards don't get sex. The closest to it was Merlin, and the bitch turned him into a tree. If you count Harry Potter as proper wizardry, James Potter DID get to having sex, but then voldy killed him. Incidentally, VOLDY didn't have sex, and stayed a powerful and LIVING wizard for a long time. Not even the likes of Gandalf got sex, even with all their boyish charm and luscious white beards.

To be succinct: Wizards having sex will doom the people involved, Terry Pratchett made this very clear in his discworld novel, Sourcery.

It appears you find yourself in a very unfortunate situation.
Quote from: Feerman on 18-09-2011
Quote from: Edvyn on 18-09-2011
By non-native, do you mean immigrants that weren't born in Ermor?


Yes but anyone born in Ermor is native- that includes the children of immigrants.


i would like to nominate someone
Account: Lt_Azrael
Character: Trav Ironbow
Positions: Aedile, currently a miner so knows what materials are good for public building repairs
Native Citizen: not sure


Quote from: CPftw on 19-09-2011
i would like to nominate someone
Account: Lt_Azrael
Character: Trav Ironbow
Positions: Aedile, currently a miner so knows what materials are good for public building repairs
Native Citizen: not sure

I don't think you can nominate someone for public office without their consent, especially without the knowledge of them even being able to apply or not.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 19-09-2011
Quote from: CPftw on 19-09-2011
i would like to nominate someone
Account: Lt_Azrael
Character: Trav Ironbow
Positions: Aedile, currently a miner so knows what materials are good for public building repairs
Native Citizen: not sure

I don't think you can nominate someone for public office without their consent, especially without the knowledge of them even being able to apply or not.
but this is the nominations thread, its only fair we get to nominate people for positions if you think they would be good at it.


Quote from: Ragolution on 16-09-2011
Use this thread to submit your application to join the Ermorian Senate!

One man can hold more than one office at any one time.

[b]Native Citizen:[/b]

Available Ranks

Tribune -  Tribunes have the power to convene the Council of the Smallfolk and to act as its president, which also gives them the right to propose legislation before it. They are sacrosanct, in the sense that any assault on their person is prohibited. They have the power to veto actions taken by magistrates, and specifically to intervene legally on behalf of plebeians. The tribune could also summon the Senate and lay proposals before it. His ability to veto does not affect regional governors. Limited to 1.

Quaestor - Supervises financial affairs. Appointed. Limited to 1.

Aedile - Responsible for maintenance of public buildings and regulation of public festivals. They also had powers to enforce public order. Limited to 2.

Consul - The highest elected office of Ermor.
Two consuls are elected together, to serve for a one-year term. Each consul was given veto power over his colleague and the officials would alternate each month.

Censor -  Responsible for maintaining the census, supervising public morality, and overseeing certain aspects of the government's finances. Limited to 1.

Governor - Fairly simple. Limited to number of provinces. Probably 2.

It doesn't say anything about nominating others.  Sure, maybe you can post that you would think Azrael would be good in a certain position, but you don't post an application for them, and an incomplete one at that.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."



You can nominate people, but if you nominate someone and they don't want to participate, they can step out.

Do not, ever, submit incompletes.


We will be moving on to Stage 2 tonight. Stay tuned.

We /really/ need someone to apply for Tribune.

Due to turnouts, the amount of Aediles is reduced to 1.

Thusfar, there is no competition for the Consul spots or the Censor spot.

We definitely need a tribune.


Account: CPftw
Character: Garon Poll
Position: Tribune, if no one is willing and you did say one man can hold more than one position
Native citizen: yes


Quote from: CPftw on 19-09-2011
Account: CPftw
Character: Garon Poll
Position: Tribune, if no one is willing and you did say one man can hold more than one position
Native citizen: yes

Unopposed, you're pretty much guaranteed the most powerful position in Ermor.

Edit: The poll exists but it's not ready.

Currently pending last-minute entries and drop outs.


Application Numbah Dos

Account: Feerman2010
Character: Marcus Cerun III
Positions: Tribune
Native Citizen: Yes.


Quote from: Feerman on 19-09-2011
Application Numbah Dos

Account: Feerman2010
Character: Marcus Cerun III
Positions: Tribune
Native Citizen: Yes.
ooh you bitch :P


Quote from: CPftw on 19-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 19-09-2011
Application Numbah Dos

Account: Feerman2010
Character: Marcus Cerun III
Positions: Tribune
Native Citizen: Yes.
ooh you bitch :P

lol. Too bad fo you.





Quote from: Feerman on 19-09-2011
What happens if no one votes?

They will. I mean who wouldn't want to control who sits where on the Ermor senate. Everyone wants friends in high places.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Character: Feir Cousat
Position: Tribune
Native Citizen: yes


Quote from: Demonizer877 on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 19-09-2011
What happens if no one votes?

They will. I mean who wouldn't want to control who sits where on the Ermor senate. Everyone wants friends in high places.

lol, no one has yet, which.. well. I dunno.


Quote from: Feerman on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Demonizer877 on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 19-09-2011
What happens if no one votes?

They will. I mean who wouldn't want to control who sits where on the Ermor senate. Everyone wants friends in high places.

lol, no one has yet, which.. well. I dunno.

The poll is currently closed as I get everything in order.


Quote from: Ragolution on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Demonizer877 on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 19-09-2011
What happens if no one votes?

They will. I mean who wouldn't want to control who sits where on the Ermor senate. Everyone wants friends in high places.

lol, no one has yet, which.. well. I dunno.

The poll is currently closed as I get everything in order.

Edit: I meant to post THIS TEXT, but it didn't.
I accidentally posted it in the Quote box

"Oh, oh. I thought I just couldn't vote because I was up there."


Quote from: Feerman on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Demonizer877 on 20-09-2011
Quote from: Feerman on 19-09-2011
What happens if no one votes?

They will. I mean who wouldn't want to control who sits where on the Ermor senate. Everyone wants friends in high places.

lol, no one has yet, which.. well. I dunno.

Oh, oh. I thought I just couldn't vote because I was up there.

The poll is currently closed as I get everything in order.

Feerman, stop post whoring, jesus.

Edit: My statement still stands.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


( Sept, 20 2011 ) - First Election Begins - Poll Opened


Notice: People are still allowed to apply to run.
Only I can see the results until the week ends and let me tell you...

I don't want Feerman to be the only member of the Senate.


Hm, Edmond could find his long-lost son who was born in ermor to a beautiful but ditzy lab assistant, then possess his son via the power of devil's speech, effectively putting himself in a new body but not cloning himself. Sure, it's immoral and the most evil thing a father can do, but wizards love their power.

Is this allowed, mr. port? If so, then I shall apply for CONSUL! That, and GOVERNOR!

As a consul, I, Dr. Edmond Sellafield, will promote the unrestricted pursual of knowledge both magical, historical and scientific! The policies that I pass will be for the benefit of humanity, as it is through knowledge that we gain wisdom, and through wisdom we gain POWER! Ermor shall become a shining light, a beacon for the educated and a monument to the human mind! Our technology will surpass our wildest dreams under my rule!

As governor, my province will be ruled with similar principles, knowledge, education and research coming before all else. Healthcare will be immaculate with Ermor's finest physician as a province's leader. Along with this, every citizen in my province will be given free asparagus! Every day! Uneducated cityfolk can't be expected to go to my schools if they don't have proper nutrition. VOTE #1 DR. SELLAFIELD, THE ONLY CANDIDATE WHO WENT TO UNIVERSITY!

In basic table-ish tl;dr form:

Account: Edvyn
Character: Dr. Edmond Sellafield II
Positions: Consul, Governor
Native Citizen: Yes, if this scheme works


All in a day, I found a girl, married her, got her pregnant, had a son, accidentally poisoned my wife and died of lung cancer.
So now my son's a native!

Account: Soothsayer_Naes
Character: Alex Sekrands
Positions: Censer/Aedile
Native Citizen: Yes

Give a man a match, and he'll be warm for a minute, but set him on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like


Port, it may be a good idea to close, or restart the poll, and wait a few extra days for more people to apply.  Not a lot of them check the forums consistently, and I don't like the idea of people who applied earlier receiving more votes, when the voter would have gone with a later applicant.  But that is just me.  And there are of course, re-elections.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."