Started by ChiefOh, 28-05-2011

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     The tale of Metrocil

  Nestled in the mountains of Aceon lies a small village. This village went by the name of Metrocil. It was homely village with a population of only twenty, and of them they were mostly simple farmers. They worked together towards the common good of their town and rarely had any encounters with the outside world due to their remote locale.  The only family that had any form of contact with the outside world was the Turns Brothers. Lucas the elder of the two had a connection in the form of a courier who would relay goods and supplies. The rest of the village had no contact and relied on Lucas to relay any requests.  The villagers who weren't farmers or employees of the Turns were Clergy of the Gro'shin temple.  The clergy were the village's form of religion and they also served as the medical arm of the village.  Everything under the shadow of the mountains remained peaceful and worry free.  One cold winters night Lucas had arranged to meet with his courier, they discussed the needs of the village and the sales of Lucas' goods, and so he ventured off. Weeks passed and no sign of the courier. After a month of waiting a man came to Metrocil.
He was not the courier that Lucas knew. When prompted the man stated that he was there to inform them that their courier had been killed that night, and that he was his replacement. Sadden, but thinking nothing of it Lucas asked the man's named. He replied, "You can call me simply The Parcelman". After long many months of good service The Parcelman came to town gravely ill, and needed swift attention. The clergy attended to him, and when under their care he grabbed one the Clegry by the wrist and mumbled something incomprehensible.  The next morning he had no signs of ill health and was off. Days later the Clergyman who he had grabbed showed signs of mental instability. This man's named was Jettean , and as the weeks passed his state degraded. When finally addressed by the rest of the Temple Jettean snapped and slaughtered the whole clergy, and destroyed the only access to the temple, cutting him off from the village. All though frightened the village remained steadfast and continued on. Without the clergy the some of the town fell to sickness in the passing months. The few that remained started showing signs of the same condition as Jettean. The village was consumed by itself and fell into ruin and into the back logs of history.

Even to this day noone truly knows what caused the villagers to lose their minds.....

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