Started by RanmaChan, 11-03-2012

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Sub-Race: Eldivan

Defining Features: The Eldivan had split off from the High Elves in the early first era, after many elves lusted for a great military. A group of no more than 350 men & women left the  cities of the the High elves to start their own military-ran city. They traveled far into the mountains, where iron and coal were rich in supply. There, they carved great building out of the stone and started to work on their empire.

  The Eldivan military started as a small band of men and women ready to  fight, slowly evolving as their numbers grew. They rapidly discovered many advancements in warfare, including the use of a camouflage uniform instead of a colourful uniform,the creation of guerilla warfare, and the invention of basic explosives.Around the year 340, the Eldivan had found great use in adapting certain qualities the great Ermorian military had. They started to group there men into Qari (Sections), with an Qaror (Section Officer) leading each one. As a soldier grew in skill and experience, they would be praised with a higher rank, and a better position in the military.

  The Eldivan had changed very much since the splitting from the High Elves. The Eldivan have much fairer skin, their hair colour has also become much lighter, They have a large build compared to the other Elves, and have been know to have war paint across their face and down their arms. They are a very proud people, willing to fight for what they believe in, but are not known to
start war with others. If you were to personally meet an Eldivan, intimidated would be the first thing to overcome you. They are know to look quite threatening, but most are no more scary than a little girl after meeting them.... well as long as you don't do wrong by him. If so, he is quite inclined to rip you fingers off and feed them to you.

Why this race and not another?: Because there isn't really a elven sub-race focus around worriors, well other than dark elves but they seem to be more reapers than fighters. I find it to be different enough from the other elven sub-races to be able to fit properly as a race.


Quote from: meldin on 16-03-2012

Sub-Race: Eldivan

Defining Features: The Eldivan had split off from the High Elves in the early first era, after many elves lusted for a great military. A group of no more than 350 men & women left the  cities of the the High elves to start their own military-ran city. They traveled far into the mountains, where iron and coal were rich in supply. There, they carved great building out of the stone and started to work on their empire.

  The Eldivan military started as a small band of men and women ready to  fight, slowly evolving as their numbers grew. They rapidly discovered many advancements in warfare, including the use of a camouflage uniform instead of a colourful uniform,the creation of guerilla warfare, and the invention of basic explosives.Around the year 340, the Eldivan had found great use in adapting certain qualities the great Ermorian military had. They started to group there men into Qari (Sections), with an Qaror (Section Officer) leading each one. As a soldier grew in skill and experience, they would be praised with a higher rank, and a better position in the military.

  The Eldivan had changed very much since the splitting from the High Elves. The Eldivan have much fairer skin, their hair colour has also become much lighter, They have a large build compared to the other Elves, and have been know to have war paint across their face and down their arms. They are a very proud people, willing to fight for what they believe in, but are not known to
start war with others. If you were to personally meet an Eldivan, intimidated would be the first thing to overcome you. They are know to look quite threatening, but most are no more scary than a little girl after meeting them.... well as long as you don't do wrong by him. If so, he is quite inclined to rip you fingers off and feed them to you.

Why this race and not another?: Because there isn't really a elven sub-race focus around worriors, well other than dark elves but they seem to be more reapers than fighters. I find it to be different enough from the other elven sub-races to be able to fit properly as a race.

I would be inclined to accept this.  But as a sub-race of Elves, if not a sub-race of High Elves.  Like the Druchii are of Dark Elves.
I will wait for Port before accepting this though.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Jagger specifically says they're a High Elf subrace.

Approved and whatnot


Quote from: meldin on 16-03-2012

Sub-Race: Eldivan

Defining Features: The Eldivan had split off from the High Elves in the early first era, after many elves lusted for a great military. A group of no more than 350 men & women left the  cities of the the High elves to start their own military-ran city. They traveled far into the mountains, where iron and coal were rich in supply. There, they carved great building out of the stone and started to work on their empire.

  The Eldivan military started as a small band of men and women ready to  fight, slowly evolving as their numbers grew. They rapidly discovered many advancements in warfare, including the use of a camouflage uniform instead of a colourful uniform,the creation of guerilla warfare, and the invention of basic explosives.Around the year 340, the Eldivan had found great use in adapting certain qualities the great Ermorian military had. They started to group there men into Qari (Sections), with an Qaror (Section Officer) leading each one. As a soldier grew in skill and experience, they would be praised with a higher rank, and a better position in the military.

  The Eldivan had changed very much since the splitting from the High Elves. The Eldivan have much fairer skin, their hair colour has also become much lighter, They have a large build compared to the other Elves, and have been know to have war paint across their face and down their arms. They are a very proud people, willing to fight for what they believe in, but are not known to
start war with others. If you were to personally meet an Eldivan, intimidated would be the first thing to overcome you. They are know to look quite threatening, but most are no more scary than a little girl after meeting them.... well as long as you don't do wrong by him. If so, he is quite inclined to rip you fingers off and feed them to you.

Why this race and not another?: Because there isn't really a elven sub-race focus around worriors, well other than dark elves but they seem to be more reapers than fighters. I find it to be different enough from the other elven sub-races to be able to fit properly as a race.

ACCEPTED as a subrace of High Elves.  Get to work on the lore post Jagger!
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."





Quote from: RanmaChan on 16-03-2012
Quote from: lilswagboogie on 16-03-2012
Race: human
Defining Features: i have the proper skin in game for a human
Why this race and not another?: i like the human race because in game they have many jobs and ways to earn money. i also like being a human because there pretty awesome  ;D

No no, you don't apply to be a human in here Swag.  You apply to play as a NEW race that isn't on our list yet here.  You are free to pick from the list we have, on which human is included.

ohhhhh kk i get it now  :P




Race: Wae - Singular Waena - Plural

Defining Features:
The Waena are similar to the Welden, in the sense they are both made out of necessity, and organic matter. However, the key difference is their creator. The Waena are born from Glades, open areas in woodlands. During their younger stages, the Glade nutures the Waena within the earth. The Waena are meant to religiously protect and serve their Glade. The Waena stay with their Glade for their entire life. Many people who have come in contact with Waena view that as vile, twisted creatures, however this behavior is learned from their Glade. The Waena are commanded to bring beasts with flesh to their Glade. These offerings give the Glade life, increasing its life-time, and potency for growing plants.

Why this race and not another?: This is because I'd like to try and see if a mean, scary version of an Ent works. They're not necessarily scary, but they are relatively evil, due to their corrupted upbringing.
A girls' tears are only to show to the person you love when you're truly happy, like when your father ridicules me or hits me with just enough force, I get so excited I cry tears of joy.


Quote from: Noctilucent on 18-03-2012
Race: Wae - Singular Waena - Plural

Defining Features:
The Waena are similar to the Welden, in the sense they are both made out of necessity, and organic matter. However, the key difference is their creator. The Waena are born from Glades, open areas in woodlands. During their younger stages, the Glade nutures the Waena within the earth. The Waena are meant to religiously protect and serve their Glade. The Waena stay with their Glade for their entire life. Many people who have come in contact with Waena view that as vile, twisted creatures, however this behavior is learned from their Glade. The Waena are commanded to bring beasts with flesh to their Glade. These offerings give the Glade life, increasing its life-time, and potency for growing plants.

Why this race and not another?: This is because I'd like to try and see if a mean, scary version of an Ent works. They're not necessarily scary, but they are relatively evil, due to their corrupted upbringing.

Denied sorry.  Me and Port both don't see the need for this race, especially with the next map coming up, in which there will only be a city.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Race: Human

Sub-race; Vol'quessir

Defining features: Humans whose ancestors bred with some of the more sentient beings of the Void, and the nether while living to tell the tale, and birth children. They're vaguely humanoid in size in shape, except for strange horns that have been known to take on queer sizes and shapes. They're skin is usually a grey-ish pallor, though it's not uncommon for another. If one of them is especially blessed, they've been granted strange looking tails, which seem lizard-like in nature. In terms of sociability, they rarely lose friendship in others once it is forged, if they can over-come the usual prejudice most hold for them. Due to this, they've usually fallen into packs of their own, whether it be camp of do-goodly adventurers, or some shady mercenary army.

Why them: I’ve noticed a lack of exotic races, though dem lizard men look interesting, so, I thought, why not make a race similar to Tieflings? I’ve had several people who’ve responded well to the idea, and I’m hopping that this’ll give those off-drifters a rallying point. Anyway, that’s it. Cookies!
Other Info: Sigh, I know there’s something I’m missing, but, I don’t expect this to be accepted anyway, this is more a test-run for me. Anyway, if you have suggestions, I beg you, tell me.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


Quote from: Wolfie on 18-03-2012
Race: Human

Sub-race; Vol'quessir

Defining features: Humans whose ancestors bred with some of the more sentient beings of the Void, and the nether while living to tell the tale, and birth children. They're vaguely humanoid in size in shape, except for strange horns that have been known to take on queer sizes and shapes. They're skin is usually a grey-ish pallor, though it's not uncommon for another. If one of them is especially blessed, they've been granted strange looking tails, which seem lizard-like in nature. In terms of sociability, they rarely lose friendship in others once it is forged, if they can over-come the usual prejudice most hold for them. Due to this, they've usually fallen into packs of their own, whether it be camp of do-goodly adventurers, or some shady mercenary army.

Why them: I've noticed a lack of exotic races, though dem lizard men look interesting, so, I thought, why not make a race similar to Tieflings? I've had several people who've responded well to the idea, and I'm hopping that this'll give those off-drifters a rallying point. Anyway, that's it. Cookies!
Other Info: Sigh, I know there's something I'm missing, but, I don't expect this to be accepted anyway, this is more a test-run for me. Anyway, if you have suggestions, I beg you, tell me.


It looks decent but I'm going to


it because I don't know how well I like the idea of (essentially) half-demons running around the city.


Just to elaborate a bit further, essentially, they're race grants them no bonuses. They're appearance and social behavior is just different from a full Humans, due to severe prejudice, and as a side effect of that, usually being neglected/abused.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.


Quote from: Wolfie on 18-03-2012
Just to elaborate a bit further, essentially, they're race grants them no bonuses. They're appearance and social behavior is just different from a full Humans, due to severe prejudice, and as a side effect of that, usually being neglected/abused.

That was what I was worried about, really. We already have a bunch of racial tension (Or so I've come to believe) so I'm not sure if we need a race to fill that slot just now. Don't think of your application as "DENIED" think of it as more of "Approved in the future"


QuoteThey're appearance
Quotethey're race grants

Their not "They Are"

Quoteprejudice, and as a side effect of that, usually being neglected/abused

That's a comma splice. I hate comma splices.
To elaborate, that sentence didn't need any commas. ( I mean there's a couple ways you could've added them in there, but you really didn't need to. )

Sorry to go all Grammarmancer on you.


Race: Elf
[/size]Sub Race: ShadeDefining [/size]Features: Shade elves usually have fair skin, and have large ranges of hair coloring, but always have brilliant eyes, for example emerald or bright cyan. They act like rouges, assassins for hire, and ambassadors for and between races and factions. Although they can travel alone quite effectively, they thoroughly enjoy traveling in groups of three or four as well for adventure. Known for being trustworthy, they are also extremely fierce when provoked or in combat. Have a tendency for being foul mouthed. They travel from city to city, but set up neutral fortresses and sanctuaries in mountain ranges, valleys, and very occasional lake fronts.
[/size]Why this race and not another?: There does not appear to be an elven sub-race that journeys comfortable away from their homes and can mix into different cultures, acting like liaison or neutral race. They would be a sub race that operates on their own individual accord. Just a thought I had.


Quote from: Katsumi on 04-04-2012
Race: Elf
Sub Race: ShadeDefining Features: Shade elves usually have fair skin, and have large ranges of hair coloring, but always have brilliant eyes, for example emerald or bright cyan. They act like rouges, assassins for hire, and ambassadors for and between races and factions. Although they can travel alone quite effectively, they thoroughly enjoy traveling in groups of three or four as well for adventure. Known for being trustworthy, they are also extremely fierce when provoked or in combat. Have a tendency for being foul mouthed. They travel from city to city, but set up neutral fortresses and sanctuaries in mountain ranges, valleys, and very occasional lake fronts.
Why this race and not another?: There does not appear to be an elven sub-race that journeys comfortable away from their homes and can mix into different cultures, acting like liaison or neutral race. They would be a sub race that operates on their own individual accord. Just a thought I had.

Sorry, but there doesn't need to be another Elven sub-race just for diplomatic purposes, all the different Elven cultures are able to mix into different societies and behave neutrally.  Denied.
"If you don't expect gratitude, you'll seldom be dissapointed."


Quote from: RanmaChan on 05-04-2012
Quote from: Katsumi on 04-04-2012
Race: Elf
Sub Race: ShadeDefining Features: Shade elves usually have fair skin, and have large ranges of hair coloring, but always have brilliant eyes, for example emerald or bright cyan. They act like rouges, assassins for hire, and ambassadors for and between races and factions. Although they can travel alone quite effectively, they thoroughly enjoy traveling in groups of three or four as well for adventure. Known for being trustworthy, they are also extremely fierce when provoked or in combat. Have a tendency for being foul mouthed. They travel from city to city, but set up neutral fortresses and sanctuaries in mountain ranges, valleys, and very occasional lake fronts.
Why this race and not another?: There does not appear to be an elven sub-race that journeys comfortable away from their homes and can mix into different cultures, acting like liaison or neutral race. They would be a sub race that operates on their own individual accord. Just a thought I had.

Sorry, but there doesn't need to be another Elven sub-race just for diplomatic purposes, all the different Elven cultures are able to mix into different societies and behave neutrally.  Denied.

The Kayal potentially fit this gap but they're humans, I guess. Either way there's no reason to make a whole 'nother subrace.


Sub Race:Emorian Desecant                                                                                                                           



Race: Kayal
Defining Features: Face of nothing but shadows and eyes of blood red.  If stared into eyes for too long, starer might go paranoid/insane because their nightmares come true in their own head.  Can morph shape at will but always has blood red eyes no matter what shape. Normal form is a hooded Floating shadow.
Why this race and not another?:Kayal sounds evil! I would really like to be a villain in this rp server.



Race: Gedwëy kyn ( it means " shining kind" )were a once great race of humanoids( not a sub race )
Defining Features:

common feature: Silver skin with slightly varying hues, bright eyes fair complexion.

Common specimen: varying forms of the common features, these Gedwey are of average humanoid appearance.

Disciples: varying sub-types of this category. These Gedwey are specialized to what their masters represent.

Disciples of strength, power and battle: Disciples of the god-king of the Gedwey. They are mainly male, tall( around 5'8 to 6'7, overly muscular in build, with a redish hue to thier skin and long limbs.

Disciples of Magic, Knowledge, life and Beauty: These Desciples follow the Queen of the race, all being Beautiful, high in both intelligence and magical potential. they are normally short voluptuous and have a blueish tone to thier skin.   

( we can add more later )

Why this race and not another?: I want to make an entire race instead of a sub race and I hope this shot will go well, I have alot more info on them, but I dont know how to put it on here so if I could get some help writing the lore for it.


Quote from: Duraga on 20-04-2012
Race: Gedwëy kyn ( it means " shining kind" )were a once great race of humanoids( not a sub race )
Defining Features:

common feature: Silver skin with slightly varying hues, bright eyes fair complexion.

Common specimen: varying forms of the common features, these Gedwey are of average humanoid appearance.

Disciples: varying sub-types of this category. These Gedwey are specialized to what their masters represent.

Disciples of strength, power and battle: Disciples of the god-king of the Gedwey. They are mainly male, tall( around 5'8 to 6'7, overly muscular in build, with a redish hue to thier skin and long limbs.

Disciples of Magic, Knowledge, life and Beauty: These Desciples follow the Queen of the race, all being Beautiful, high in both intelligence and magical potential. they are normally short voluptuous and have a blueish tone to thier skin.   

( we can add more later )

Why this race and not another?: I want to make an entire race instead of a sub race and I hope this shot will go well, I have alot more info on them, but I dont know how to put it on here so if I could get some help writing the lore for it.

They seem more human than anything.

What makes them inhuman?

Humans are boring :(

Kokkaku Kishu

Main Race: Human

           Sub-Race: Kryptoras

The debate upon whether they should be considered a race or subrace was a long and heated disscusion between much of the upper guilds-men. these "results" of a dark brotherhood of mages' "experiments" resulted in the loss of an entire generation of children from few select villages. these children, at various stages of age, were then exposed to dark rituals and magics. these resulted in the following traits:

-oddly colored hair
-irregularly colored pupils
-conductivity of shadows through biological means (whether through it being their own biological concious/body, or other means of outside states i.e. inanimate shadows)
-altered mental states
-severe sensitivity to light

Many children were forced to battle it out in death-matches to prove whom was the strongest. this resulted in cruelty complexes and a severe belief in ultimate governing through strength. however, some children were also purged of most emotion through this and repress their emotions in an attempt to repress the rage induced into them through the trials. many also escaped and/or turned on their local brotherhood heads, killing them. this resulted in the diffusion of them into the population, resulting in:

pure-bloods: the original experiments. retain all traits of the experiments

          second generation: offspring of 2 pure-bloods, retain physical characteristics of the experiments and the dark magics bestowed into them by their parents, but only at half the effectiveness

Half-Hearts: mix of 1 pure-blood parent and one "other" parent. child retains some physical characteristics. powers are a recessive trait and if owned at all are at severe depletion of power (ie simple wiring or a knife at max)

the powers bestowed upon the experiments were however selective, and not all results of the experiments produced magic powers, merely, others retained only physical characteristics, while others were severely affected mentally and developed sever cases of psychosis.

Why this race and no other: I believe i have kept this race from being overpowered. the pure-bloods themselves (1st generation anyway) will only remain in the gene pool for about one to two maps at which case they will no longer be able to be played. also with the "selectiveness" of their decided powers, a magic application would have to be in order and pass by the admin's standards to fit, but would still not be required if placed. i believe this also would be a race for the person wanting a darker history to their character, whether they wish to be an evil knight with an arrogance and rage problem, or an almost entirely nonexistent emotional side wanderer with a dark and mysterious history. i believe there would be a few people who would enjoy such a character to be and i believe others might also enjoy RP-ing with such characters as it would give a new breath of attitude to some people on the server. If you wish you may also compare some of their attitudes to that of the Sith race from star wars or to the Golden Darkness (i do not condone the show for that one i just like the character design).


Shouldn't post, but whatever happened to ze half-demons? I was chatting about making it dreary purposely, cause I saw you mention you didn't want OMGWTF races arond, then Quin wiped it.
I'm Wolfie, snd this is my sig... Uummm... FUUURR TEEHH EEMMPUUHRER!

                         ===== FRP charcaters =====

Guan- Your favorite Chinese scavenger, has a obsession with rumors of the Shi, as well as combat knives.

Tiberius- The annoying gear-lover.