Chat Room Area

Started by LupusCallidus, 03-06-2011

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Geccoy he does have to eat and sleep remember that. But seriously the rest of your time should be used making videos. On another note we are building a canal from VB to a massive Valhalla outpost meaning if you take a boat you can RP with the vikings easier. Also there will be an optional guidance where I can introduce you to the vikings so that they trust you better and you have some protection. It will cost money though.
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Good, thats a good RP idea... Geecoy.. you've lost your Harbour and fort for reasons i dont wanna get into right now but terras got a new place for you
Titan Motstand


Quote from: LupusCallidus on 11-06-2011
Good, thats a good RP idea... Geecoy.. you've lost your Harbour and fort for reasons i dont wanna get into right now but terras got a new place for you

I knew it. Geccoy is behind this.


Nah mate i bought it for my Master of the sea... then later she applied for it.
Titan Motstand


Hai guys what's goin on in this thread


it's half OOC chat room half waiting for an Apache video. I've become addicted! Other than that Valhalla is now, can't remember if it is equal/slightly less/bigger. In anycase congrats... for now!  :-X
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Titan Motstand


Titan Motstand


Titan Motstand


Quote from: LupusCallidus on 05-06-2011
Uploading a shorter and rushed made one today as we speak... Showing off Valhalla glad you like

that video actually got me to apply for the server although i was looking at your millenaire serie i saw it and instantly wanted to join the server and valhalla


This looks like a good place to post it. I'll be gone for next week at camp and be back on sunday morning.... so pretty much the whole week...


Titan Motstand


Haha love it tho i'm still waiting for a minecraft version of Boats and "hoes"......


I asked some of my mates to take my account while I worked on a texture pack... hope you dont mind :/
Minecraft: More Creeps and Wierdos Ep 4 Seamus and Darren
Titan Motstand


lol, your scottish freind is funny as hell, even though he makes fun of americans, but i guess we love that XD
Its a trap!


LOL ill... tell darren that XD
Titan Motstand


Does he have a youtube channel i could watch, man that was better than red vs blue. That was terra brake in their laughing his but off?
Its a trap!


... are you serious? LOL that is me and terra doing accents

ApacheDemon = Darren + Nikolai (comming soon)

Terra = Seamus + Dmitri
Titan Motstand


it fooled me O.o
Its a trap!


Titan Motstand


Lupus I love you being here on the minecraft server!
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Lol, Mother russia? they communists? O.o

I keep forgetting that your doin the voice...
Its a trap!


I like your vids apache, keep em up!


For all those into magic - The Gathering.... i just started a new series i think you should go check out
Titan Motstand


You havn't posted you lates Aceon video : O