Big Ass Lore Compendium

Started by eroticduck, 20-02-2011

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It's all good, the only thing we've got that runs on steam is our boats, we've still got our weapons and the good ol' army.
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Quote from: Turkey on 24-05-2011
The truth is ralazo world edit failed this so they had to evet it.
Actually, the idea was there for quite some time, then WE fucked up a command I ran, and indeed a small part of the world got flooded,
I decided to run the event earlier. The orginal idea was either a flood who struck on the server or a drought.


Quote from: Ralazo on 29-05-2011
Quote from: Turkey on 24-05-2011
The truth is ralazo world edit failed this so they had to evet it.
Actually, the idea was there for quite some time, then I fucked up a command I ran, and indeed a small part of the world got flooded,
I decided to run the event earlier. The orginal idea was either a flood who struck on the server or a drought.

What. The DEAP has a huge aboveground reservoir anyway.


"No more water."
"DEAP has huge above ground reservoir, we're good."
"We have air tight bunkers. We're cool."
"Giant DEAP doom fort."
"FUUUUU- Sudden Earth quake and lava?"
"See last statement."


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 29-05-2011
"No more water."
"DEAP has huge above ground reservoir, we're good."
"We have air tight bunkers. We're cool."
"Giant DEAP doom fort."
"FUUUUU- Sudden Earth quake and lava?"
"See last statement."
LOL. Pretty much.


Any event that favors DEAP above other factions, I am against it. Is the plague even cured yet? Someone should RP the cure if you're going to start a new event already.


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 29-05-2011
"No more water."
"DEAP has huge above ground reservoir, we're good."
"We have air tight bunkers. We're cool."
"Giant DEAP doom fort."
"FUUUUU- Sudden Earth quake and lava?"
"See last statement."

We've had one for a long time. So....

Besides, we'd shelter MOST people from death (Obvious Novarium and a few select others)


ok it sounds like we're on the topic of massive and terrible natural disasters
so here is an event I guess
make it like an end times event
like the judgement period
rain for a long period of time
massive flooding
no rain- drought
sand- waist land
mysterious lava flooding
and then a peacful land of Aceon???


Here's an idea to tack onto the current one, have two players play as two of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Famine and Death. Have them as VERY TRUSTED members. Set up events where they pass through a town for a few days, and then that town is stricken with those two exact things. Even DEAP won't be able to be awesome against it unless Rag abuses to get out of it(Just noticed that LITTLE problem right thar.)since DEAP is already a powerhouse that rapes anything they don't like.

Summary: Two horsemen (Death and Famine) would be the precursor to something bad happening to the larger civilizations and town on the server. Leads to good RP and overall awesome if you can find two people that won't end up being faggots with their roles. Good luck in that.





since there's no horses, you should ride pigs, lol.


I will be War. Just because.


Quote from: Ragolution on 30-05-2011
I will be War. Just because.

There would be no need for Conquest and War. Famine and Death are to compliment the current event (The Dying World). Now, unless you're going to actually add to this, don't up your post count by posting useless things.


Well personally I think that Death should be replaced with War because he is also known for Violence. Some people might not willingly rp themselves randomly dieing, so violence would be better because it would make people uneasy of each other and still may cause some deaths. It would be like a civil war inside a city where the minority/majority are attacking people. I just think that rping death would not be as rp rich as rping violence. Plus if the violent people are also trusted members then the people of the city will think twice and try to cure them before putting them down... One last question, how long will the curses last?
Awesomeness is the best trait one can have


Quote from: Duranblackraven on 30-05-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 30-05-2011
I will be War. Just because.

There would be no need for Conquest and War. Famine and Death are to compliment the current event (The Dying World). Now, unless you're going to actually add to this, don't up your post count by posting useless things.

The implication was that I was going to start a resource war. I had HOPED you'd interpreted that, dear Duran.


Quote from: Ragolution on 31-05-2011
Quote from: Duranblackraven on 30-05-2011
Quote from: Ragolution on 30-05-2011
I will be War. Just because.

There would be no need for Conquest and War. Famine and Death are to compliment the current event (The Dying World). Now, unless you're going to actually add to this, don't up your post count by posting useless things.

The implication was that I was going to start a resource war. I had HOPED you'd interpreted that, dear Duran.

See last post.


Does anyone else have a problem when they go to view this topic by clicking the link in an email notification? when I click the link I get a 404 error, but when I copy and paste the URL, I can view the topic.

Is it just me?


(all spelling errors are on purpose)
June 2nd - first day
-well i guess i'l go ahead and get this started with. i'm Alex, and i farm 'round this place called haven. i do sum farming for the place, i get a pretty income for it too. seems like im like tha only farmer 'round. i get alot of wheat, sugar cane, and heck i even have cactus. i decided to do this cus i got some paper from my work so i thought it would be nice that i start to do some vocabuary fixing. well i ain't got nothing to write now, so i'l keep this little book hidden in the cellar and.. that's it.

June 2nd - Strange Meeting
-Well I just got back from this harbor place, I got to look at there books and learn about.. capitilization or sumthing like that. I guess i'l start using it why I write, but I still do need to learn a 'lil more. Why I was there I met this girl, they call her the Empress. Gosh, you shoulda seen all the suckups to her. A guard and this little harbor guy, looked like he goes on boats all the time. She says she's from this place, I can't remember how to spell it, but if I visit I can't return. Heck, I might check it out sometime, I doubt she will get to attached to me though to let me leave. Alrighty, back in the cellar with you.

June 3rd - A Normal Day
-I guess i'l start writin again. I been visitting that dock place, the Victory Bay or somethin like that. It's a pretty borin' place until someone fancy shows up. The only person i've really talked to was that empress, everyone else is uptight in colorful clothes. What is up with these people, they all so different from where i'm from. Oh well, guess i'l never learn. This'l be a prety short day, nothin' to do except for tend to my crops.

June 3rd - Lonely Night
-Ok well tonights a very boring night, guess i'l start about this meteor thing that happened not to long ago. Everyone in tah city was freaking out about it. Gosh, everyone was running around and freaking out. I was simply sitting in my cellar all good, I heard about some demon stuff coming out of the meteor. Alot of people fought them off, hell I woulda if I had to. I wouldn't travel around just for some stupid meteor, i'd defend my homestead though.
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


emperor bobby

I wish we had an IC Subforum, and everyone could have a thread dedicated to their character and story.


Quote from: emperor bobby on 02-06-2011
I wish we had an IC Subforum, and everyone could have a thread dedicated to their character and story.

HELL YEAH.... Damn I would never be on the server too much time writing
Titan Motstand



Following the impact of the meteor in Aceon all hell broke loose. Quite litteraly. After the relentless attacks throughout the night, Novarium even putting its differences asside with many "sub-humans" momentarily in order to hold the line in Victory Bay. Though while the battle raged on above ground, the Colonel and a Sergent made a disturbing discovery in the depths of Victory Bay. A portal. Not a "steam portal", (the combination of magic and steam technologys to create a semi-reliable portal) as they were known, one of pure and evil magic. Now an expedition is being organised to explore what is on the other side of this portal. Made up of members of a "penal legion" the men sent were given a choice. The gallows, or the Colonels mission. Though little do they know, either way they're going straight to hell.
Rules and Guidelines

- This event is open to all. If you would like to participate, please post below, and specify wether you wish to be a part of the Novarium Penal Legion, or a demon/zombie/ghost/whatever.

- If you join the Novarium troops, you will be playing as a new character for the duration of the event. It is HIGHLY recommended you store any and all items in a chest. You will be given weapons and supplies. If your Penal Legion character dies, it is an automatic PK. You will be equipped with a musket and a bayonet. Muskets can only fire one round, and take a while to reload, though they are very powerful. Please note that you will be scared shitless IC, as you are litteraly in hell.

- In the event a Penal Legion character survives the mission (it is extremely unlikely this will happen), that character may be transfered to the Novarium faction if you choose (and show good roleplay skills).

- "Nether things" (for lack of better term), it is your goal to kill as many Penal Legion troops as you can. This doesnt mean you can go fire some mega-fire-ball-lazer-thing and kill half the troops, it means it is your objective to slow thier progress and make it as costly for them as possible. When you are killed, NLR (new life rule) will apply to the demon. Simply run off and hide for about a minute then you may go back to attacking the troops. Pretty much like if you've ever played L4D Versus mode.

- Many of the deamons will be Mindless Ghouls, zombies, more or less, Dead Novarium Soldiers Used like puppets by the Higher up deamons to Demoralise the Penal Legion forces. Then their are Deamons Who are More advanced, often mutated horribly, and with Unnatural abilities, and lastly, is the admiral, The Nether has chosen him as the Leader of the Deamon hoard that Grenellin faces. The Ghouls cannot reason, and are Zombies, In everything but name and origin, The Daemons Themselves, the mutated ones, are more intelligent, and More resillient to bullets. and the lord admiral, Well who knows?

- This event will be held Monday, June 6th at 4:30 PM PST (GMT -8). The fighting in it will be RP based, no madly punching and shooting eachother unless otherwise agreed upon at some point (though lets try and keep the STK to a minimum).

Event Participant Roster

Penal Legion
- NegativeZero
- Hitman5523
- LupusCallidus
- Bfranx
- Macbeth3
- Turkey

"Nether things"
- EmperorBobby
- ChiefOh
- Kikon9
- Comradbritish
- Lord_Blair
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!


Penal Legion Skin

Sorry Nether Things, but you'll have to make your own. (How hard is it to make a zombie skin, though?)
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!