Big Ass Lore Compendium

Started by eroticduck, 20-02-2011

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I don't think it's easy to bring all this to a close in a short story so I thought Lupus did a good job

emperor bobby

i'm quite alright with the ending, because i know Lupus didn't Know much about Novarium, I don't Make an arse of Myself About the story, Because, to be awfully blunt, if he wrote Novarium accurately, Then It'd probally be the Other way around, novarium wouldnt hesitate to conscript the civillians, they wouldn't leave the city's wall, rather the Lord-admiral would order colonel grenellin (who definitly should have had an appearance, as he's my No.2)  To Ensure the soldiers didn't retreat, Their respect wouldn't be Neccisary. And the Lord admiral would Never commit suicide. Not to mention the aforementioned navy, the ships would have blocked the Waterways, and bombarded the Vikings from the boats. It's a very good story, you jsut need to appreciate that Lupus didn't have The Whole Picture, Still, Great work Lupus.



I'm hip! What are you talking about!


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL probably. (Except muskets are shite)
Titan Motstand

emperor bobby

Muskets are shite, But 20 or so men Lined up in two rows, weapons aimed, and firing on the Order of the sergeant.

That's alot of Shite.


Quote from: LupusCallidus on 26-06-2011
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL probably. (Except muskets are shite)

At that range it'd still hit and fuck you over royaly. Even if it didnt kill you outright, enjoy the lead poisoning!
To loot, lulz and SCIENCE!

emperor bobby

Updated, I didn't forget about the admiral just because I lost interest in Aceon. This story has more or less veered completely from actual events, with the names and personalities of the other factions The only pieces that remain Truely the same. It's still a Fun write, and from what i've heard, a good read, if you ignore my horrible grammar. :D

Made the Picture even fancier, look at that.
Journal of Hektor Dantius.

December 7th, 1756.

Today we set out on our Voyage to the new land. The Emperor has 'graced' Me with the Duty of leading the 1st Novarian expedition force; an under equipped, and under manned fleet of less then 25 ships. though I do not doubt the valor of my crew, I am sceptical about our chances of success, we are to estabalish a foot hold for the Imperium, secure all resources we can from the region, and bring back any new species of interest for that bastard Edward to Work on. All of this, with 25 ships, One of which, is a Merchant Vessel Belonging to a member of Ravenking Industries. I'd laugh if I weren't Incharge of this Circus act.

December 25th, 1756.

The crew fashioned a small tree for celebration this morning, and handed gifts to one another, I smiled as I saw Major Grenellin offer a gift to sergeant joyce Carter. Imperial regulations are trying to abolish such "uncivilised activities" Like Christmas, but any holiday that could Make Major Grenellin Act Human, is Far from Uncivil. I didn't have the heart to tell them to get back to work, but I'm not worried, Imperial Communication is Limited, and I doubt the crew will turn me over to the Emperor.

January 13th, 1757.

First mate Jericho, in a drunken haze, mistook the furnaces for toilets, he is now being treated for burns in the medical ward, I have issued an alcohol prohibition, not to mention the ship smells Like shit.

January 15th, 1757.

Smell is Gone.

January 22nd, 1757.

Jericho didn't recover from his burns, henry, the ship's doctor told me over breakfast. I swear that sadistic bastard was smiling beneath that beaked mask of his. We gave him a burial at sea in the afternoon, I heard someone quip 'We should have cremated the smelly bastard.' Lucky for him I didn't see who. I would have tossed them over with Jericho. I will be keeping an ear out for anyone else who speaks ill of Their Fellow Crew.

February 16th, 1757.

It's been awile since we Saw Dry Land, but the crew are in high spirits, all things considered. It's tragic what happened to Jericho. But my prohibition, wilst some call harsh, (when they think I am out of earshot.)  I think will ensure the safety of the crew.

April 7th, 1757.

me and major Grenellin of The Imperial Expedition's Infantry, and therefore, Military commander Once we Reach Land, Had a serious Talk in my quarters. He walked in, wearing full uniform, aside from his armor. I looked up from my desk and offered him a seat. He pulled up a chair and leaned over the desk. "Ah. Mr. Grenellin, you wanted to have a word with me?" I inquired from across the cluttered table. ( Note to self, Clean this
mess Up Later.)

He nodded, and licked his lips, before finally speaking. "Aye, I do Shir." He said in That Headache Inducing Corneraean accent. "Lord Dantiush, Ash commander of the Novarium'sh Expedishion Force'sh Military Operatshuns, I feel it would be a Neglect of my Duty if I did not voice my concernsh, regarding Military and Navy Interactshuns." He took another pause, leaning back in his chair. "That ish to shay, I would like to Keep You're Men and Women separate from my Sholdiers." He paused again, and I leaned forward, cupping one hand into the other as I Pondered what to say.

"And... why, Do you feel it would be A good idea to Divide 2 loyal forces of the Imperium, two forces who, I will remind you, are to spend an as-of-yet Undecided amount of time In an uncharted land where they will need trust to Stay alive?" He eyed me up and down in the Flickering candlelight. "If I may be Blunt, Lord Admiral, you're Methodsh of leadership are different from mine. I feel too much interactshun between the sholdiers and the Crew may lead to a different way of Thinking amongsh my Men, a Way of thinking that could be Dangeroush to the Mishion's Shuccesh."

"Or your own power." I said. He glared at me with his One Good eye. "Lord Admiral, I ashure you That if I cannot control my Sholdiers, there will be Shevere Repercusshions to the Misshion and you're Pershunal Well Being." I Knocked my chair over as I stood. "Is that a Threat, Mr. Grenellin?" I asked. "Nay Shir. Tis a Promishe." He said, before standing, and snapping a Salute As he left. That Bastard Knows I Need him, but I will make sure I  keep him on a tight leash. As for now, I will not limit the Crew, nor the Soldiers from doing their duty, and socialising, after all, it will be a long Voyage still.

May 1st, 1757.

I was rudely awakened last night By the screams of Sergeant Joyce Carter. I hurried out onto the deck, my Flintlock Pistol gripped in my hand, I had feared we were uner attack via pirates, but Aside from Major grenellin and a Few others, There was naught a soul to be seen. I asked Sergeant Carter what was wrong, and she pointed over the railing at the Black water below. I waited for her to say something, but she was too distressed to speak, that is until Major grenellin Pressed the matter with a little more severity. She simply stuttered "The Kraken." I wasn't entirely I heard her right, But Major Grenellin Just rubbed his brow with his hand.

"Ach! You're Joking Shargent Joyce, The Kraken Ish a Myth! A fairy tale Shum Drunken Dwarvsh Made up on one of their Journeish." I gazed over the railing, and peered into the black water, I don't know why, I knew Major Grenellin was right, but I Couldn't Shake this feeling, no. not feeling... something else. Something I can't explain, but I grew very uneasy that moment, odd, seeing as I have never had any form of seasickness. I told everyone to return to their quarters, when we heard a strange call, Like that of a Foghorn, though infinitly louder, the deck shook for... 4 seconds, not that I was counting, I leaned back over the railing (to empty my stomach.) and saw bubbles along the side of the ship, I heard the call again, and this time wasted no time.

"I've heard enough, kraken or not, there is –something- below us, sound the alarm Mr. Hunt, I Want the entire fleet Full speed ahead." Major grenellin was not looking as sure as he had minutes before, but I had no time to Comment, I ordered everyone to their stations, and in moments bells were ringing all across the fleet as I ordered 25 ships to sail faster then they were ever designed.

What felt like hours later (though I discovered to only be one and a half.) I glanced over the edge of the boat, and with Some surprise, Noticed the water was Much lighter, a Shimmering Midnight blue, Rather then abysmal Black as it had been earlier. Even now as I write this, I do not know what to make of last night. I brought Sergeant carter in to explain herself, but she was not of much use in getting an answer. Regardless, I am rather on edge, And though I hate hypocrisy, I currently Hold an aged bottle of Wine in my Hand, Cheers.

April 1st , 1758.

It's been a year since my last entry, I Passed out on the night of march 1st, 1757, I woke up in the morning with a splitting Headache, a Half full glass of Wine, and an Empty jar of Ink On my Table, My Stomach Was In Knots for The rest of the day until I visited Henry. He Chuckled, And told me That I would Need to take An order of laxatives Untill We reached shore. I dropped the pills out the Window of my Cabin and Within the hour, I was feeling Fine, That Arse-Lover Doesn't Know Anything about medicine.

But Moving on, We Have Finally Made Land Fall. I woke up this morning, to the sound of bells, and cheering. I walked out onto the deck, and Gazed out at the Green Line that stretched across the horizon, a divider between the white sky, and the Blue of the Ocean. The air was charged with electricity as our steam engines pushed the Paddles Full boar. I was eager for an opportunity to step upon dirt and stone. Wile most Seamen Prefer to spend every waking minute On the ocean, I'm slightly more sensible then that. When we finally reached shore, I was the first one Off the boat, We had found the perfect spot along the coast, a small cove covered by heavy trees. It was big enough for 4 ships, But I ordered all the ships, aside from the heart of novarium To remain off shore.

I wanted to keep our presence here a secret for aslong as possible, who knows what monstrosities dwell in these lands. It felt great to stand on land, and the Purity of The air once we eased the engines was wonderful. "I don't think I can go back to the Imperial city after this." Said mr. Meri. I would have agreed, but to be honest, I Find the thick fog of the novarian capital to be quite pleasing, perhaps it has to do with my artificial Enhancements. It's a shame how frail the Body can be... I ventured into the forest a few feet, and saw that the grassy, forested land formed a cliff edge, with a small strip of sand between the edge and the waters.

I ordered the immediate deforestation of the Trees, minus the ones closest to the cliff edge, Hours later, I was pleased that we now had enough building supplies for several docks, and the beginning of a base of operations. Aswell as an effective killzone, and disguise. The trees we had left, Hid both our ship's masts, and Major grenellin's Soldiers, whom Now had a clear line of sight to engage anything that came our way.
So far, Things are looking promising in this Land, Of course, the only wildlife we've seen are Small woodland critters. Let us hope that the legends about 'Ak-Eyon' The lost Land, are exaggerated.

April 6th, 1758.

One of Grenellin's Boys, Private shere, was bitten by a Wild dog today, henry gave him a multitude of shots, my guess is only half of them were neccisary. He seems alright though, and this is novarium medicine, afterall, we've cured the Pox,, I doubt rabies will Be much of an issue.
April 7th, 1758.

We have finished the Command Bunker. Once the boardwalks had been laid around the sandy lip of the cove, and several docks laid out, I had ordered 2 more ships to join us. 'The Emperor's Hand' and 'Unrelenting Gaint' Captains Howe and Lennil have already Intergrated their crew and soldiers into me and Major Grenellin's Forces. Currently Both admirals are asleep in their ships, and Major grenellin has taken to sleeping inside the command bunker. Personally, if he'd rather sleep in a dark hole in the side of the cliff with dirt walls and ceiling then on the same ship as me, I won't stop him. Hmm... Perhaps I'll Relocate there once they replace the walls and ceiling. 

April 8th, 1758.

Mr. Sandred. The Owner of the merchant ship, and apparently one of the minor Heads of Ravenking industries, I should not be surprised that Ms. Ravenking has her own representatives in my fleet, as much as I wish I could deny it. This Civvillian Trader, has been pressuring me Into Allowing 'The jewel of Industry' access to the Cove. Again, I will Deny him, Though I doubt that will be an option for much longer, as of now, I feel it's his own need for exploration, as we have not yet encountered any local species I would deem potential customers, Though I wouldn't put it past a ravenking Businessman to try and sell to A bear... that'd be amusing

April 9th, 1758.

Took stock of the armory, We've relocated all our supplies to 'The Unrelenting Giant' As is, we Currently have a total of 40 Working Smoothbore Muskets, 23 Working Flintlock pistols, this means we have lost 10 muskets to the sea, or neglect by Grenellin's soldiers, and 27 pistols, though we have enough weapons to arm the garrison at the cove, I question the competence of my crew, and Grenellin's soldiers. Thankfully The Armory Ship. 'Supplication' Is still anchored with the rest of the fleet, when I feel it is time our presence was known, it's supplies will be more then enough to arm the fleet. I'm tired now, and I hope tomorrow is slightly more interesting then Taking stock...

April 10th, 1758.

I'm Not a superstitious man, Though I will never tempt fate Like that again. I'm tired and Writing from the dim and flaring lamp like usual, However I am usually in better company then the good doctor, Whom has been treating my wounds for the last hour or so. The day itself went by Well enough, Major grenellin had (without my order...) Filled Several Empty Storage crates we no longer needed with dirt, and positioned them In the treeline as added cover, I didn't scald him though, for we had been here for awile, without any contact, and I doubted several crates would arouse any suspicion. For the rest of the day, I appeared to be correct, however, come night fall, I was proven wrong. I had eaten well, and decided a brisk nighttime Walk along the Docks would Do me good, I left the ship and I was in a wonderful mood, the wind was Crisp, but not uncomfortable, as well as the pleasant sound of the water against the shore, it was very relaxing, and with several dozen armed soldiers patrolling the perimeter, and even more either just in the bunker, or enjoying the night like I was, I let my guard down almost entirely.

I stopped at an edge of the dock, and peered into the water, my reflection greeted me with a cold frown, for obvious reasons... And I noticed the Full moon, a perfect circle of white on the Dark blue water. I turned  and saw Private Meri Standing a few feet away, he had his head down, and was leaning on his rifle, either asleep, bored, or Dead. "Full Moon, Mr. Meri." I said to him, Curious as to which of the 3. he looked up slowly, and nodded. "Yes sir, First one since we landed." I walked over to him, and wile I meant to be friendly, he seemed to tense, I sometimes forget My visage is stuck in a permanent Frown. It can make communication with those whom are not my regular crew... difficult. "It's providing pleasant light, Mr. Meri." I said, putting a little more cheer into my words then I felt, as compensation. He nodded again, pushing his hat up with one hand and looking me in the Eye.

(the organic one.)  "I don't Like the Full moon, sir." He said. "and why is that, Mr. Meri?" I asked, genuinely Interested in his answer. "Well sir, we've all heard the tales of The Lost land... There be Monsters here." He said, I gave him a stern look, and he Stared at his feet like a scolded child. "Mr. Meri, We know the legends of old, are just that, legends. The only things we must fear are the beasts that time has not destroyed for us." I saw out of the corner of my eye Private Shere leave the bunker, He stepped into the pale light, and my lecture trailed off as I eyed him down. Private Meri Followed my gaze and we both watched in Confusion as private shere Stumbled around on the boardwalk. "Is Gerald Drunk?" Asked Private Meri. I assumed it was a Rhetorical question and didn't answer. Private Shere fell to one knee and cried in pain, Private meri and I hurried over to help, but 20 paces away I froze, Private Shere glared at me with Cold Yellow eyes, unhuman eyes.

Private Meri Didn't Notice, and I tried to grab his sleeve to stop him, as he reached private shere he Yelped in surprise, I assume that is when he noticed the eyes. Shere Lunged at him and tackled him to the ground, Meri began screaming for help, holding Shere's neck, but helpless as Shere Changed from man to beast ontop of him, His Red uniform split and Grey Fur covered his skin like a infectious Growth, The thing that had been private sheer began to claw at Private Meri's chest, And Private meri, too busy holding back Shere's Now Canine-esque Face from biting him, was helpless, In a flash, I charged at Private shere, I Delivered a Kick with all my Strength, and was rewarded with a thwack as Shere's head recoiled back and he stumbled off Meri, "Get to the ship, Sound the alarm!" I yelled at him as he scrambled out of the way, I Unsheathed my Cutlass as I Fired A shot at the Monster. The shot embedded itself in his furry chest, and it Howled in pain, before charging me with unnatural speed, I leaped to the side, and it clipped my legs, sending me spinning into the sand, I bolted to my feet Just as I heard the Alarm bell Ringing from the Heart of novarium, within Moments dozens of Imperial soldiers were storming out of the Command bunker and setting up defensive perimeters.

private sheer Lunged at me again, and I Ducked low, and barraled at it's Legs, my body surged with pain, but I managed to lift Him over me, and keep my momentum, How, I don't know. I turned on my Heel and lunged forward with my Cutlass, (an impossibly Agile move in retrospect, and I'm terrified of the state my back will be in the morning...) My Cutlass Bit deep into Shere's back, and it yelped pitifully Before slumping to the ground. I breathed heavily watching his body for any movement. Suddenly, I heard the howl of wolves, turned my head to watch the Bunker, and to my horror, saw atleast 6 robe wearing Monstrosities leap from the cliff edge and tackle a Man to the ground each.

By now the Peaceful night had descended into anarchy, Screams, howls, Musket fire, and the Alarm Ringing, all turned into an orchestra of Uncoordinated Noise, I reloaded my flintlock on the run as I headed for the troops. The surprise attack had cost 6 Imperial lives so far, And now The monsters had confused and disorganised any defence, I saw Sergeant carter run one of them through with her bayonet, before Being kicked into the water by another, Major grenellin Aimed down his sight, And blew the back of One's skull Out onto the boardwalk, before turning and skewering another with his Bayonet. What I assumed was the leader, an even larger more barbaric figure in blood red robes, disembowelled a Crew member, Before tackling a Soldier To the ground and mauling him. I finally reached the Chaos, and Jumped onto the leader's Back, driving my cutlass into it's shoulder blade, It roared, before spinning quickly, sending me Flying and crashing into the Side of the cliff.

I slumped Against the side of the cliff, dazed and confused, before I felt it grab my leg and begin to run off, I was carried through the Sand and across the hard board walks, and I dinstinctly remember losing my hat. Just as I thought they would escape with me as their trophy, The Leader Let go of me as it howled again, I tumbled down the slope and laid at the bottom of the cliff side, dazed and unable to move, The sound of battle ended instantly, And I vaguely remember Meri, Grenellin, Carter, and Hildirn Carrying me across the boardwalk before I lost conciousness. I woke up about 20 minutes ago, my first order was to Relocate anyone with Bite marks to the 'Emperor's Hand's Brig, I made it clear they were to receive full medical care, But that I wanted them under lock and key. Anyone with Scratches, Such as myself And Meri, Were relocated to all 3 ship's medical bays. The dead have been buried On the opposite end of the Cove.

April 11th, 1758.

Origonally, I had ordered a few small scouting parties when we had first arrived to search the area, they had reported nothing unusual. After last night's attack, I'm Eager to Explore First hand. However I am confined to the Bed for atleast another day. I'm writing this as My Lunch is prepared, I'm looking forward to a Day off my feet, Though I could have done without the Severe Beating at the hands of a Monster... I wonder where That Wine Got to...

April 12th, 1758.

The Medical bay is empty, Like My soul, A hallowed out room where memories of pain and death linger in the air like the smoke of the lanterns, To waddle away what precious time I have left, chained to my bed with naught by Words to ward off the ever encroaching insanity that is the bane of mankind's existence, nay, I speak not of devils, nor of the Elf or it's allies I speak of the undoer of worlds and the greatest pain which will not kill; Boredom. Nothing like boredom to free the poet inside me, though now that I look at this Work, I remember why I had locked him Inside in the first place... I think I'll Take up sketchwork, As Poetry Is –not- my strongpoint.

April 13th, 1758.

I watched my pocket watch for I don't know how long, my eyes trained on the minute hand like an owl watching a Mouse. When the hand finally told me it was april 13th, 1758, I Leapt from my bed and hurried for the door, Dr. Henry stepped in my way, and calmly offered to sit me back down and apply "Massage Leeches" to my Back. I politely declined, and Slipped past him. I'm not letting that Bastard or his little parasites Touch me, if I can help it. I tasted the fresh Ocean air the minute I left the medical bay, and hurried up the stairs to the deck, I ventured out of the dark holds and looked around me as I realised how bloody bright it was out. I Let my Eyes adjust (the metal one taking only a second.) and walked to the edge of the ship, I Gazed off at the Cove, and Smiled beneath my mask. After our incident with the... Werewolves, as they are being called, Several bunkers had been installed facing Inwards of the bay, carefully concealed with hanging vines that rendered them invisible, save for the glint of sun on the garrison's Bayonets, which stuck out of the firing slits rather obviously. The command bunker was busy like usual, Men and women Hurrying in and out carrying crates, ammunition, weapons... everything needed for a battle, I realised with a frown. "and what sort of retaliation is The Good Major Planning, I wonder." I didn't expect an answer, and made my way to the boarding ramp, walking across the docks towards the Command bunker, where sergeant Joyce, the Major, and Private Meri were all gathered, aswell as a few Of grenellin's Men who I couldn't

recognise, probally because of the gasmasks they wore. Private meri said something to the major and he looked up annoyed, though wether at me or meri, I did not know. "Major Grenellin, your Eagerness to engage in a counterattack is both commendable and encouraged, but I must ask you why I have not been informed." I said, allowing anger to drip from every Syllble. The Major shrunk ever so slightly, and Saluted. "Apoligiesh, shir. Given you're Injury foighting The Werew- Private Shere, I took the liberty of Preparing a reconi-" I cut him off with a wave of my hand, and not just to Stop him from butchering the word Reconnisaince. "a Reconnisaince mission?" I asked, emphasising on the correct pronounciation.
"Aye Shir." He said, his face taking on a slight crimson hue. "That sounds splendid, Major." I said, taking a cheerful tone that was completely at odds with the anger I had felt minutes ago (and still did, though they wouldn't know that.) it had the desired effect, everyone was slightly off-footed, and unsure of what to do, simply nodded. I chuckled. "I could use some fresh air anyway, I feel it may have a better effect on my back then Henry's Leech massages." Everyone but Major grenellin smiled, I believed atleast Meri's was sincere. "With Reshpect, shir." Began the Major. "it would be Unwiesh To Shend Both Commanding Offishirs On the shame, Lightly manned Patrol, it could leave ush leaderlesh if shumthing were to happen." I Nodded, for once agreeing with the Major. that was a sobering thought, you can be sure.

"Major grenellin, you are Exactly right." I Began, and I noted his poorly concealed Smugness. "Which is precisely Why you will be staying Here wilst I escort the Patrol." I said, savouring the Look of Surprise, then disbelief, then anger that Warred for Control of his face. "shir, that's hardly Appropiate, you are an Admiral of the fleet, what could you-" I dismissed him with a wave of my Hand. "Major, I'm Sorry, but my decision is made. And last I checked, An Admiral of the Fleet, was the equivalent of a General of the Army, and I'm certain that General Outranks Major." Truth be told, I was abusing my power somewhat, mostly to spite the Major, it was not the most intelligent course of action, but I digress. He buckled, and I ended up leading the patrol of roughly 5 Soldiers, including Private meri, and Sergeant Carter. We trekked up the sandy path to the top of the cliff, and I spared a glance at the cove, it was still as beautiful as before, with our Steamboats Poetically encroaching on the natural beauty, were I a writer, I'm sure I could think of a dozen metaphors and poems to write about it. But I was much too busy leading a patrol into unknown

wilderness, with an unknown amount of monsters capable of Mutilating my retinue. We walked through the cleared field before the major's defences, and as we finally reached the edge of the forest, I felt somewhat uneasy. I unholstered my Flintlock pistol, and Gripped my Steel Cutlass tightly, as we waded into grass that Went to our waists. The trees were Massive, Like the freakishly enhanced trees of an elven city. That would be enough to put me on my guard by itself, however, our previous encounter with the locals had me on the verge of Opening fire on the slightest movement, I kept a calm yet cautious Appearance for the soldiers, of course. Only 10 meters into the woods, we came across a small river. Fearing wet powder, I brought everyone to a halt, and picked up a small rock, tossing it into the water, The soldiers looked at me quizzically, and I told them it was not shallow enough for us to cross without fear of ruining our ammunition. Before anyone could misinterpret that as an order to head back, I Unfastened my Ammunition Belt, and wrapped it around my neck, the men Followed my example, and Carried their ammunition belts On their muskets, which were held over their heads.  I looked up and down the river, curioiusly, and was certain there was no sign of anyone, or anything ever having been along it's banks. The sun was now overhead, and I assumed it was now Noon. A strong breeze from the coast blew through the trees, and the branches swayed lazily. A faint sparkle caught my eye, a second before I was ready to continue on our way. And I waded into the waist

high water towards it. As I got closer, I realised it was a ring, a dazzling Sapphire in it's center, I scooped it out of the sediment, and held it in the running water for a minute to clean it. It was truly Remarkable. It was engraved with an intricate pattern which meant nothing to me, but I had to admit was amazingly Detailed. after another look, I slipped it into my Pocket. And turned around to see sergeant Carter on the bank, flanked by meri and the others. "Lord-Admiral, Sir? There is a Foot-hold over here." I nodded, not pressing the matter, either she hadn't seen the ring, or she had, and decided not mention it. I waded through the water until I reached The foot-hold. I was concerned I would Slip, and make a fool of myself, until Sergeant Carter grabbed my hand and helped me up. I showed my gratitude with a tip of The Hat, and we continued onward. It was only 10 or so minutes, as my pocket watch informed me, before I realised the gradual change to the forest: the grass was clumped together sporadically, leaving Patches where the ground was covered with thick piles of detritus. The Sun was still more or less directly above us, and the thick canopy of trees shaded as far as the eye could see, giving the illusion that the sunlight was swallowed by the Forest around us. I noticed the men (and Sergeant carter) gripping their muskets until their knuckles turned white. Thankfully my Black Leather gloves made it impossible to tell I was doing the same. I looked ahead, and using my augmetic eyepiece, I was able to make one set of shadows stick out a fraction more then the others, a tall, straight-

edged object lay roughly 20 meters ahead, it's perfect angles telling me it was not natural. I stopped abruptly, and private Meri Stopped a second later as he stumbled into me. sergeant joyce was about to Give him a swift backhand slap, when I pointed forward. "There is something in the distance." I said, and a sense of unease washed over the troops. "Nothing threatening, just a building." I added, and it seemed to do the trick, dispelling whatever monsters had filled the "something" in the soldier's heads. "Diamond formation" said Sergeant Carter and the Men surrounded me. joyce leading from the tip, we pressed forward. The closer we got, the more details I was able to make out: The Elaborate Arch-ways, The Vine Wrapped Statues that stood sentinel in Grooves cut in the Stone walls, The Towering structure easily pushed past the tree line, only our position on the ground had prevented us from seeing it before. The sound of our foot steps changed from The crunch of dirt, leaves and grass to The clack of cobblestone as we advanced, weeds grew inbetween each stone, and finally we paused just outside of the structure. the building was surrounded by a string of light, I looked up to see that the forest ended a meter or so before the temple, leaving a Long band of sunlight which surrounded the

building like a halo. The thought, completely against regulations to even consider, had come of it's own accord, and I was confused at it's potency. I gestured forward with my pistol, and the men (and sergeant carter) Moved in good order. Inside the Structure, the Roof was Vaulted, Braziers held by long chains hung from it in regular intervals the length of the main room, vines and dozens of plants clung and hung from the roof aswell, creating a peculiar hammock of plant life. It was noticeably colder inside then outside, though not enough for anyone to make a comment. Carter's men fanned out to cover each corner of the room, advancing in a crescent formation which expanded with the room, leaving no surprises for our way out. The floor was covered in stone benches, in neat rows, leading to the far end of the room, where a large pedastol sat, a trickle of natural sunlight surrounding it in light. "What is this place?" asked one of carter's men. "A Temple." I told him, the words coming of their own accord before I could stop them. Sergeant carter looked at me quizzically. "I've never seen a temple before, how can you be sure, sir?"

"Pews, Statues of grotesque winged beasts, look at the way the light falls on that pedestal, it's symbolic, obviously intentional. I'd bet a month's salary this is a heathen Place of worship." Sergeant carter nodded. "do you think whatever worshiped here is still around?" She asked, trying to sound indifferent. "I Don't know." I confessed, now only 3 paces from the Pedestal, I noticed now that a large Tome sat on it's surface. Carefully I circled around behind it, and climbed the two steps to the top, where I stood raised over the rows of pews. I let myself picture Myself here, with thousands of people listening to my everyword, and admitted, I saw some appeal to the prospect. I looked down at the Book, and brushed a hand across the hard cover. It was made of Leather, and a remarkably intricate pattern had been Carved into it, with a single Ruby Studded in the center. With a vague sense of de ja vu, I grabbed the ring from my pocket, and held it in the light that surrounded the pedestal. The pattern was an exact match. Only the gem differed, The ring's sparkling sapphire a stunning contrast of the book's ruby. I grabbed the edge of the cover, and began to

turn to the first page, when burning pain shot through my hand, I recoiled, and almost stumbled backwards off the pedestal, I stood there for a minute, holding my hand, and staring at the book. After a minute of panic, my common sense reassured me that the book would not attack me. and I came closer. I looked at the ring, and the book, and an idea slowly formed. "Sergeant? Bring one of your men here." I called to her. She looked up from a fallen statue, where she had apparently been chipping the face away with her bayonet. "oh, yes sir. Temeter! The admiral wishes you're attention." A stocky man in a uniform a size too small and bulging with muscles Nodded, and made his way to the pedestal in a hurried jog. I remember being surprised that the ground didn't shake as he ran.  He saluted, and I returned it quickly, not caring much for protocol at the moment. "I need you to put this ring on, and open this book." I said. He tilted his head to the side. "Sir?" he asked, obviously not wanted to disobey an order, but also not wanting to blindly follow said order. "I think this book has a sort of... Spell on it. If im reading this right, the ring will protect you if you open it." I was amazed at how quickly I came up with that explanation, and Temeter Nodded, he probally didn't know much about aceon/novarium history, and may very well have believed I understood the ancient texts. I wasn't going to tell him otherwise.

He took the ring, and forced it onto his Smallest finger, where it sat neatly adjacent to his Nail. I stepped back as he grabbed the page tightly, and In one deliberately slow movement opened the Book. To my mild surprise, the sky did not rain blood, the buzzing of locusts failed to appear, and I was still a man. Nothing happened, the page had been turned, and private temeter now stood reading the book. I stepped behind him and tried to see over his shoulder, it turned out to be futile, so instead, I stepped infront of the pedestal and tilted my head so I could read it. "The End was not as you thought, Hektor." I blinked, before reading the first sentence again. And again. And roughly 10 or so more times.


The End


The legion was never really picked off its feet, They were beat down everytime trying to gain ground.
The united factions never proved to stop any hostile interactions, It only caused them. It was dissolved.
DEAP was crushed in the uprising against AP. DE destroyed themselfs when the lord used the wrong spell.
The grey hound hit a tree and died.
Aderator tripped and fell in a cliff.
The NCR found out that rifles shot bullet and killed themselfs
Crussaria no comment
Cloudskape survived and continues to live in Aceon
Lin Kuei Reborn wat

The End Of Novarium

No one knew why it happened, Valhalla said it was the breath of a mighty dragon sent by Odin,

Novarium said it was due to rising temperatures and winds, the Dwarves believed it was the coming of the Great Warden.

The Knights of Dalothen spent days in their churches, praying to their God but it didn't leave.

If you were unlucky enough to be outside at this time of calamity, you wouldn't be able to hide from it. There is was, shrouding the once clear, blue sky. A blanket of smoke, ash, fire and lava. Brimstone showering across our realm, burning cities to dust, scorching grown men causing them to scream out like new born babies. The solution from Novarium was to remain in stone buildings and wait for the wind to carry it away. Perhaps if we had listened to then the world would still be alive, flourishing with wild life. Not the barren wasteland our crafts turned it into.

But Novarium were always the ones with clear heads. Unfortunately others weren't.

The Horde of Valhalla knew the end was upon us.

And what do Vikings do when there's no way to survive. They take every last person down with 'em. The Vikings went to their good friends the Dwarves, the people who'd taught us the ways of rune magic, the way of forging items beyond the power of man.

Magnus Frihet told the dwarves that

'No matter if it's The Wardens work of Odin's Dragon our world as we know it is coming to an end. So... we might as well go out with honour and please the Gods. We need to slaughter all non believers of the old Gods. Only then will ours be happy and Accept us into Valhalla and you into your final resting place.'

That alliance probably destroyed the world. The dwarves had mastered the power to use fire water to their advantage But they never agreed to fight.. They did not marched with our 1000 trained Vikings ready for bloodshed. Taken from all outposts on one final bloodbath. They marched... to the defenceless Free Cities.

Novarium had heard of what was going on in the North and knew will fighting just Valhalla or DKG is one thing... to take on both. They would need help. Novarium went to the realm of Dalothen where the Lord
Admiral himself spoke to King Ruben.

'As you know we do not believe in the old Gods or your God. We allow all to have whatever beliefs they choose, but you and your churches. You are in a far worse position then us my fri-' 

The King raised his hand.

'You seem to forget my Admiral. That I was once a Viking and I was once fighting under the banner of the wolf for Jarl Frihet. Hm, Frihet. Do you know what that means admiral? Of course you don't, you're so blinded when you are threatened. Frihet means Freedom in the old tongue. Magnus was driven out of his realm by dishonour and treachery he fights against oppression and-'

A messenger ran in sweating and out of breath. After a couple of seconds of heavy breathing he stood up straight, bowed to the King, saluted Lord Admiral and started to speak.     

'Sir, the Free Cities was attacked. They ran into fucking caves and survived,'

Ruben frowns

'You see Admiral, he is a savage, He attacks innocent colonies.'

The messenger interrupted him

'Pardon me my lord... but you should really here the rest of this...' After a few seconds of silence he continues 'Its fucking hot outside...'

The Lord Admiral smiles.

'You see now King. His name may mean freedom. And he may be against oppression but only to his own kind. Everyone else could rot for all the cares. Where is he heading now messenger?'

The messenger looks hesitant but speaks.

'To Victory Bay sir.'

The Lord Admiral suddenly looks a lot more serious... and dark

'Ruben I trust you will come with us to Victory Bay, the slaughter and massacre of our civilians will not! Happen. So this time I'm not asking. I'm telling you, The Realm of Dalothen will fight with us! And we shall crush the Horde of Valhalla!'

Screams of happiness are heard from the Novarium navy. Ruben says

'You didn't have to tell me. Magnus... has changed. He probably doesn't even remember me, or any of his allies. Free Cities were allied with the Horde. And he slaughtered them. We will , march with you admiral... we will march.'

Novarium and the Realm of Dalothen travelled back to Victory Bay by ship, and arrived seeing the Horde marching to their gates. King Ruben looked hesitant. The Admiral noticed and said.

'Stop worrying Ruben we are protected by the walls of Victory Bay, and its cannons. They'll be dead before they even reach the city.'

Ruben still worried replied

'No admiral, they are Vikings.The people you call savages may be savages but they do not fear death. They will run at the walls with no hesitation from the cannons. They outnumber us... they don't have civilians. All people living in the Deepgrounds of Valhalla are Warriors. Without our civilians fighting the odds are against us.'

The Admiral looked slightly disappointed.

'Ruben, Let me put it this way, Tightly packed formations, No organization, and black powder. Their axes cant pierce our walls'

Ruben looking slightly angry now

'You don't get it! He may be a savage but he's not dumb... he'll force you out of your city somehow...'

Just then they heard Magnus scream out.

'Warriors, we have come here to gain the approval from our god and get into the afterlife. Though our goal is the afterlife we are not here to die. We must take blood. We are true warriors! They cower in their forts and their ships, fighting behind technology from far away. We bring the battle to our faces. We stare death in the eyes. And thrush a sword into it.' Magnus now turns to Victory Bay 'While they hide! Come out and fight like true men. On an open battle field. The army and navy of Novarium are meant to be the best in the world. They why? Why do you need the advantage of walls? Come out Admiral and show your men that you're a true leader. Come out and prepare to die!'

With that Magnus smashed his axe into his shield. The admiral looked to Ruben. They could hear the pounding of the whole horde smashing their weapons into their shields. Ruben said.

'The man is a fucking lunatic...He actually thinks you're gonna do that.. You're not gonna do that.. Are you?'

Without a word the Admiral stood and turned to his army and he said, Like a true leader would

'We are not leaving the city, We have the advantage if we stay and fight here, We beat the savages in every area of combat..Form up on the walls..'

The cheers of Victory Bay surprised the Admiral.., he was  glad to have Ruben by his side.

The Army of Novarium now took position on the walls, Raising muskets down range.. And without any warning the horde came streaming down the hills. Yet... at least some of the horde did. Novarium started volleying musket rounds into those running down, death everywhere.

This worked. Hundreds of Vikings were slaughtered as they ran onto the volley's of fucking musket balls and cannons.  As the sound of black powder and the smell of open wounds filled the area. The Horde swarmed in at the gate and broke it down.. at a price. Most of the army was already dead from the ranged combat.

As the remaining horde storms in, They run straight into a well organized volley of Auxiliary Militia, Matched with the Colonel and his army.

The Lord Admiral burst out laughing. 'This was your plan? Attempt to take us by force? *He snickers loudly, Then coughs* Imbecile.'

'What are you laughing at?'

And the Admiral still laughing replied.

'You made a decsison to kill your men to get in. Even your best soldiers, You claim you have the superior tactics  and weapons... and you claim to be gifted by the gods' He stops, Chuckling. 'And yet the people of the world will look down on you still and laugh. You insignificant savage..'

With that the volley opened fire, Ripping through the flesh and shields, The Colonel charged in, The Lord Admiral commanded them to fix bayonets and charge.After a few minutes of intense combat, The rest of the Savages routed.  Magnus was the only one left, He takes a shot from the Lord Admiral then theres a silence.

'Magnus... do you remember the time you told me of your fight. Before Aceon. Back in the north. You told me of how you were betrayed and how you have come down to fight with honour and teach people that not all men of the north are savage... well you failed.'

And with that the Colonel slashes his arms off, Along with his legs, And leaves him in the sun to bake to death. Horrifying screams are heard.

The dead are piled into wagons and mass graved outside in a ditch.

The Emperor gives word back to the lord admiral, Everyone not Novarium Borne or in the loyalist Auxilary is killed in a self purge.
They loot everything they can and return home to fight the rebels at the homefront.

As the admiral sails away with his fleet from victory bay, he takes one final look over the horizon, Then his watch dings, He reaches into his pocket and takes it out "ahh.. Tea time" he walks down to his cabin... The Colonel stops him and says to him before he enters "Thats the end of the War in Aceon?" the Lord admiral turns "This wasn't a war, It was a Field Execution in the thousands, *He chuckles to himself, dark and humorless.*.. Novarium excels in Such matters..."

emperor bobby

I'm Emperor Bobby, and i approve of this message. XD

emperor bobby

i think in all honesty, We're beating a dead horse now. Novarium had to lose for His story to make sense, Even if it's not a Likely Outcome. Besides, We have our Own version now, Written by Turkey.


Yes. because the Lord Admiral is smart enough to use every advantage he can. He wouldn't send a ranged army outside into a horde.
Although the a Norse soldier would rip apart 5 musket men alone, The musketeers could destroy twice their numbers in minutes. And since Valhalla had no siege weapons, They pretty much just ran into walls and died.
Talk about a way to go.


I guess this is more accurate but you fail to grasp the inefficency of Muskets... they almost never kill instantly they just leave wounds to get infected and slowly kill the victim.
Titan Motstand


So with this ending Dalothen still excist.... where are my knights when the vikings stormed in... Or was i just there to witness Novarium skills without even one of my Duke's by my side?


The dwarfs never agreed to fight. :V


After I finish beating a horse, I begin to feast on it's organs.


Cannons and cannons from ships.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Cory Meri tuough as nails!
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Hold on! Emperor Bobby is from Canada!
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


haha "oh, its tea time"
Authority does not grant maturity.
Power cannot replace ignorance.

emperor bobby

In this ending, Aceon Still Get's destroyed, When it says the emperor Gives word back to the lord admiral, it's implying that the Colonisation efforts have failed, and the expedition is to kill everyone In aceon, Including the residents of Victory bay, and kargate, everyone who isnt Novarium borne, or a member of the loyalist auxillairy, The Soldiers, crew, merchants, and loyalist auxillairy then Gather everything of value, including raw resources, and return to novarium, to fight the rebels On the main land. Basic novarium Mentality - "If we can't have it, Noone Can."

emperor bobby

Shocking development, Eh?


Quote from: LupusCallidus on 26-06-2011
I guess this is more accurate but you fail to grasp the inefficency of Muskets... they almost never kill instantly they just leave wounds to get infected and slowly kill the victim.

Actually, Back then, Muskets where the deadliest thing. You strike a blow to the head and they're dead. The arms they're wounded, The chest they're dead. The legs they're immobilized. Although you do prove a very good point, I edited the story because the Lord Admiral is a lot more intelligent then portrayed, And you going all last samurai at the walls proved epic, But still. The gun powder is much more advanced.


Quote from: worempie on 26-06-2011
So with this ending Dalothen still excist.... where are my knights when the vikings stormed in... Or was i just there to witness Novarium skills without even one of my Duke's by my side?
Your knights used ranged weapons, When they broke the gate in they attacked you. Once word was received to pull back from aceon, They were probably shot and/or attacked

It would make sense you survived though


There was never an AP uprising.

We just decided to try to blow up Novarium
But teleported away instead.

Magic went haywire.