11th Legion

Started by Turkey, 30-05-2011

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11th Legion

Territory Mapped.

[waiting until 1.6.5 bukkit]

Useful info

aureus (gold), the denarius (silver), Diamond is too useful and is not used.

8 men=1 contubernium (mess unit/tentful), probably led by a file leader
10 contubernia=1 centuria (century), commanded by the centurion
6 centuriae=1 cohors (cohort), probably commanded by its senior centurion
10 cohortes=1 legio (legion), commanded by the legatus


-Faction relations

None met


Do you have STEAM?
Character Name:
OOC name:
Rank applied for:
I agree that my character can be Pk'd if I attempt to desert:

Please note, you can edit your skin to match your face anyway you want to as long as the armor remains the same

Super Big Thanks to Khorn for skinning. :CLAP:




Legatus[1/1] Legatus Skin

Turkey :D

Praefectus Castrorum[0/1]Praefectus Castrorum Skin

Praefectus Castrorum's job was to maintain and update the equipment, organize the legion, and make sure that the soldiers were properly trained.

Centurion[0/3]Centurion Skin

Centurion is a professional officer of the Roman army.

Decanus[0/5]Decanus Skin

In everyday army life his was most likely a post of no immediate importance, but when the army was on the march and a marching camp needed erecting, the decani would more than likely be a great importance as team leaders in getting the tents unloaded and erected.
This insignia of the decanus were the two feathers on his helmet.

Vexillarius[0/1]Vexillarius Skin

His duty was to carry the Vexillum, a military standard displaying the name and emblem of the legion.

Archer Auxilia[0/25]Archer

Basic Ranged Infantry

Legionary[0/25] Legionary.

Basic Foot Infantry



Cohors alaria/Allied fighting unit
No skin change


Info on town, Coming soon


Do you have STEAM? No
Character Name:Lupus Callidus (Means cunning wolf in the roman language XD)
OOC name:Ben
Rank applied for:High Ranking Warrior (any of the read)
Backstory:An enemy Viking from your stretched out forces in the north. I destroyed the 10th Legion with my Army but I was betrayed by a fellow viking. This was when I came to realize why you call us savages. We have no honour. The Legion fight to the death and follow their leader without question. The idea of betrayal would never cross a good romans mind. So I came to you. to regain my honour.
I agree that my character can be Pk'd if I attempt to desert:Hell Yeah :D
Titan Motstand


Quote from: LupusCallidus on 30-05-2011
Do you have STEAM? No
Character Name:Lupus Callidus (Means cunning wolf in the roman language XD)
OOC name:Ben
Rank applied for:High Ranking Warrior (any of the read)
Backstory:An enemy Viking from your stretched out forces in the north. I destroyed the 10th Legion with my Army but I was betrayed by a fellow viking. This was when I came to realize why you call us savages. We have no honour. The Legion fight to the death and follow their leader without question. The idea of betrayal would never cross a good romans mind. So I came to you. to regain my honour.
I agree that my character can be Pk'd if I attempt to desert:Hell Yeah :D

Accepted as Cohors alaria. You dont need to change skin or anything.


A 3rd Legion. Lets hope this one will actually not fall in a couple of days.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Quote from: HitMan5523 on 30-05-2011
A 3rd Legion. Lets hope this one will actually not fall in a couple of days.

The first time I left because hessen was being a dump ass.
The second I was destroyed by a group of angry poles.
The third time has yet to happen


I'm talking about Tybalt's legion and then yours
I'm hip! What are you talking about!

emperor bobby

I assume this means i Need to find another Commodore?


There is the ability to rank up right?
Titan Motstand


Of course. That happens with just about every faction.
I'm hip! What are you talking about!


Is there anyway you can leave orders or us to do while you're offline. for example like when you go offline quickly type: "Collect wood" On the forums... because im kinda alone in the city with not much to do XD
Titan Motstand


Current Standing Orders: Collect Wood, Sandstone, Smoothstone.


Do you have STEAM? yes
Character Name: Magnus Havik
OOC name: Cameron
Rank applied for: any ill be happy
Back story: From the city Venice, I was the son of a wealthy architect I grow up with a good education and lavish lifestyle but I became bored life was far too easy I needed a challenge so i signed up to 10th legion.

Whilst in the 10th legion we were attacked and our unit was captured by savage Viking, one of the Viking got betrayed and thrown in the cell with me, so we planed an escape together and arrived here.

I agree that my character can be Pk'd if I attempt to desert: yes you can kill me if a run.


Quote from: TotalHawk on 01-06-2011
Do you have STEAM? yes
Character Name: Magnus Havik
OOC name: Cameron
Rank applied for: any ill be happy
Back story: From the city Venice, I was the son of a wealthy architect I grow up with a good education and lavish lifestyle but I became bored life was far too easy I needed a challenge so i signed up to 10th legion.

Whilst in the 10th legion we were attacked and our unit was captured by savage Viking, one of the Viking got betrayed and thrown in the cell with me, so we planed an escape together and arrived here.

I agree that my character can be Pk'd if I attempt to desert: yes you can kill me if a run.



Sorry turkey like you and all but i withdraw my application (no hard feeling i hope)


Base location: Deap
We've seized it and will begin repair

Greifed to shit don't want.