Started by RanmaChan, 12-12-2011

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Accidentally updated my client so I won't be on for a while.

Just watch this. I also updated so I had something more to do on my holiday whilst there was no internet. Sorted it in minutes.
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


Gone because just started school, and internet probrems.



The ss13 server isn't THAT active, at least it wasn't when I got on.



probably should have mentioned I was in Madrid for a week with no interwebs....
but I back so should be on but I got shitty ass-fuck exam results so my free time may suffer.....


Uhh. Yo bros. Its been a while, like half a year? :l But.. Im kinda back?! My moms sick and I've been needing to tend to her for a while so ye know. But yeah. HOORAY. I missed ya guys. :>


I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


BWAAAH, Someone missed me. <3

Now to slither my way to event team. >:D


Either won't be on at all or will be on but not really up for talking/RP (super excluded). Probably until Christmas.


Alrighty just tried to get on the server but my internet is being shitty so I might not be on very much in the near future. I'll be trying though but if I don't reply to what you say quickly its because it's taking a bit for my chat to even show up.


Quote from: nhart96 on 20-09-2012
Alrighty just tried to get on the server but my internet is being shitty so I might not be on very much in the near future. I'll be trying though but if I don't reply to what you say quickly its because it's taking a bit for my chat to even show up.

Nice to see someone I don't hate on the server again.


Hi, I'm new servers great, that is all.


(If you are a furry, I recommend you do read this.)
Ok, so I got my account jacked by a gay-ass panda furry guy. That being said, I probably won't be on for a long time if ever again. (I don't feel like buying a new account and either Mojang sucks ass or he changed the email to the account as well.)

Also, fuck you all whose a furry and I hope you rip yourself in half trying to find your inner animal.


Quote from: Braydent30 on 15-10-2012
(If you are a furry, I recommend you do read this.)
Ok, so I got my account jacked by a gay-ass panda furry guy. That being said, I probably won't be on for a long time if ever again. (I don't feel like buying a new account and either Mojang sucks ass or he changed the email to the account as well.)

Also, fuck you all whose a furry and I hope you rip yourself in half trying to find your inner animal.

How do you know he's a pandafag/wot happen?


He changed the skin to a panda, so he's either a furry or ignorant as to what most people on MC are when they have animal skins. As to what happened (Assuming you mean how it got stolen), I don't know.


Haven't been on at all because the connection problems worse than ever. All I can think of doing now is deleting the player files but Silver/Port knows more about that than me so Idk. Hoping to get it sorted by Mid-November, when the update will be on the server (predicting). Perhaps the update will sort it seeing as 1.3.2 update got me into this mess. See you folks when I can. Feel free to keep sending me messages about ig crap. I just won't be on much or at all until its fixed.
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


Quote from: Superblackbiker on 18-10-2012
Haven't been on at all because the connection problems worse than ever. All I can think of doing now is deleting the player files but Silver/Port knows more about that than me so Idk. Hoping to get it sorted by Mid-November, when the update will be on the server (predicting). Perhaps the update will sort it seeing as 1.3.2 update got me into this mess. See you folks when I can. Feel free to keep sending me messages about ig crap. I just won't be on much or at all until its fixed.
Try reinstalling MC?
All hope must be disregarded

12:37 PM - Beano #JizzCake: how is babby formed
12:37 PM - SumRandomGuy: once upon a time
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: there was this giant big thingy thing
12:38 PM - SumRandomGuy: its called my benis


Once you've done it like 5 times, you kinda get the feeling thats not working.. :P
I literally have nothing to say... that is all.


Quote from: Superblackbiker on 18-10-2012
Haven't been on at all because the connection problems worse than ever. All I can think of doing now is deleting the player files but Silver/Port knows more about that than me so Idk. Hoping to get it sorted by Mid-November, when the update will be on the server (predicting). Perhaps the update will sort it seeing as 1.3.2 update got me into this mess. See you folks when I can. Feel free to keep sending me messages about ig crap. I just won't be on much or at all until its fixed.


I blame silver. I can't connect from my badputer anymore.


Herro everybody. Im really sorry I haven't been on. But my mom passed away a  of weeks ago. So yeah. But I'll try to be on aton more now.



Quote from: Totsalot on 27-10-2012
Herro everybody. Im really sorry I haven't been on. But my mom passed away a  of weeks ago. So yeah. But I'll try to be on aton more now.


Sorry for your loss, I can't know the feel.
Welcome back, and I hope things improve.


Hi again peoples I decided it was about time I came back today only to find that I couldn't get on the server. I noticed some other people, Beans and Super I think, weren't able to get on either so at least its not just me. Anyhoo i'm just going to wait for this to be fixed and when it is you guys can expect me to show up again.


We're waiting for a bukkit update