Random, funny ArmA 2 videos

Started by Szenti, 13-05-2010

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I had to post this, some of them made me laugh more than on a fail video. Lol.

The Japanase Air Force
ARMA 2 Mass C130 crash

The AI and the Cow
ArmA II AI vs Cow

Cow Invasion
Arma 2 - Cow Invasion [Triplehead 3x 24inch] 4320x900 [HD

Chickens VS Tank
ArmA 2 Tank Owned by Chickens

Best death ever
ARMA 2 Brutal Hit reaction

Scary Sniper?
Arma 2: Crazy AI Commits Suicide

Best Hunter in ArmA 2?
ArmA2 - Rabbit vs. Predator

Best death ever #2?
Headshots - Not as deadly as you might think

Bl★ck Star

You can even have a mod with Hunters vs rabbits ? LOL !!!

and the AI Suicide in the plane was lol "OMGZZ ITS A SNIPERZZZ !" xD


I loled.
Especially about the rabbit and the chickens on the road.

Imagane that as a role play situation, I would laugh my ass off.
