Rules and Ranks

Started by RedBaron, 12-08-2010

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HGN Rules
1. Apply properly, use the correct format, it just helps everyone.

2. Respect everyone: This includes people outside of HGN. If you start cursing out random people in servers we will get mad.

3. Don't ask for a promotion. Ever. You won't get one, and you'll be held back longer.

4. Now this is important. In Warband, you aren't actually able to "hack" to make your swings faster/do more damage/ etc. So basically, those people are just better than you. Take it gracefully. Don't call them "hackers" because they're not "hacking". Ties in with rule number 2.

5. Management knows whats best so don't argue with them. If you have a problem, post in the problems section maturely please.
