Legend of Excalibur and Masamune

Started by Chespinlover23, 26-11-2018

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Long ago, before mankind roamed the earth, there lived three gods: Luxia, Tenebris, and Seilu. Luxia was god over all light, over all that was pure and radiant. Tenebris reigned over the darkness, ensuring its destructive reaches did not completely blot out the light. Seilu presided over the souls of all mortal beings. Together, these gods kept the balance between good, evil, and the souls thrown into the gentle balance of the two.

Many years ago, when gods shared the earth with mortals, an ancient king traveled to the palace in which the gods resided, requesting aid in a war against another kingdom. Luxia and Tenebris heard the mortal's plight, and resolved to make a blade to aid the king in his war. Seilu heard of this, and was outraged. The king and his subjects only ever prayed to Luxia or Tenebris, and never to the one who gave them life. Filled with fury, and appalled at the king's possessive nature, Seilu vowed to ensure the blade would not win the war for the greedy king.

Luxia and Tenebris, meanwhile, began work on the blade. They forged the steel in hell's hottest fires, with the earth's strongest fist, cooled the blade in the purest water, and shaped the blade with the strongest wind. Luxia and Tenebris dubbed the blade Osafune, and each granted the blade a gift. Luxia granted it the ability to purge darkness from the heart of any mortal. Tenebris granted the blade the gift of judgement, to match its wielder's soul-if the wielder's soul was strong, so too would the blade be. Osafune was complete at last, and the king had come to claim the work. As the king reached for the blade, Seilu entered, ripped the soul from the ancient king, and split the blade in two-a blade of light, Excalibur, and a blade of darkness, Masamune. Seilu furthered the damage by placing the ancient king's possessive and greedy spirit within the dark blade, giving it a life and will of its own, which possessed whoever wielded it, twisting their spirit and eventually trapping it within as well. He then cursed the blade of light so that Excalibur could be held by a scarce few, rendering the gods' work useless. Seilu stuck Excalibur at the palace's center, and sent Masamune elsewhere in the kingdom. Tenebris banished Seilu from the palace. None know where he resides now, or if he yet lives.

The mortals blamed Tenebris for the destructive powers of Masamune, and believed he had turned on them. They turned their prayers away from him, ceasing their recognition of the god of darkness. Tenebris, without prayers and the people's wishes, grew weaker and weaker, until at last, his powers completely withered, and without his powers, Tenebris simply vanished. Luxia remained yet in the temple, yet was overcome with grief for the lost Tenebris. Luxia turned away all mortal visits, raising the land on which the palace rested to the heavens, and his cold tears became a heavy blizzard that swirled and terrorized the new mountain's peak. With no more reason to remain on the earth, Luxia ascended to the heavens, leaving his last memento- Excalibur, the sword of light and the other half of Osafune-embedded in an obelisk at the palace center.
Milennia later, these blades are still said to exist, though none truly know where they rest, hidden and waiting for their newest master-or their newest prey.

The sky, if anything, will always be full of colour. The deep blue of day, the orange and purple blend of twilight, the night sky, an obsidian blanket with diamond holes. Even stormy skies, while grey, possess a colour.
We could learn a thing or two from the sky.