Hi there

Started by Cookie, 28-02-2010

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I'm cookie. I just beat Stalker: Call of Pripyat, and I kind of wanted to STALKER Roleplay, so I googled it, and a Facepunch thread for your stalker server came up, so I decided to register and download the required content... Which will take a while.
But anyway, I'll probably be on the STALKER RP server in a half an hour at the most.
I use to have a bunch of the STALKER models ported, because I went on a stalker roleplay server of my friends before I had even played STALKER.


Welcome to HGN Cookie.


Glad to be here.


Glad to see you.

I must say its hard starting out on the server as a rookie and all. But it gets easier after a bit.(Bug the traders/admins to make missions  ;))


nice to see a new face, welcome to HGN
