|KZRI| Applications

Started by jaik, 06-02-2011

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Applications are Closed.

Know Before Applying
-This character must be new to the Zone if they want to a Field or Science member. They may have worked in a previous ecologist team, however they may not be present or ex-loners/bandits/Duty/Freedom/Monolith/Military/Ect.

-Your backstory has to be written in FIRST PERSON, in your own words and be at least two paragraphs please.

-You do Not need auths to have a char who is not Ukrainian Nationality eg. British, American, French etc.

Try to put a unique degree of science, don't be boring!

-You do not need to apply for Female characters if you are in/joining the Ecologist.

-You can be in Freedom/DUTY/Military/Monolith and still apply for ecologist! Meaning you can be in Ecologist and any of the main factions on different characters.

The Application
Application Format for the Ecologist Faction of STALKER Roleplay
Please fill out an application and post here. Applications will be checked intermittently so check back every now and then if you're a recent applicant.

[u][b]-Out of Character Information-[/b][/u]
[b]Steam Name:[/b]
[b]Time Zone:[/b]
[b]Do you have ToolTrust:[/b]
[b]Have you ever played the STALKER games:[/b]
[u][b]By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.[/b][/u]
[u][b]-In Character Information-[/b][/u]
[b]Date of Birth:[/b]
[b]University of Degree:[/b]
[b]Desired Position: [/b]
[b]Other Comments:[/b]
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: Cl4p-tp // Kezz
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:16302425
Age: 15
Time Zone: GMT
Do you have ToolTrust: Used to, when we used the old script.
Have you ever played the STALKER games: All of them.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad. I won't make the faction look idiotic or minge worthy.

-In Character Information-
Name: Viktor Regnov
Age: 45
Nationality: Ukrainian
Date of Birth: 7/11/1964
Sex: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 158lb
Degree: Degree In Soil Science
University of Degree: Keiv Ministry of Education and Science for the youth.
Desired Position: Science Team.
Backstory: PMed to you.
Other Comments: Thanks for reading my application.

Accepted as Level 1, we missed you.


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: Molly Ringwald
SteamID: ill get it lat0r
Age: 16
Time Zone: Eastern!
Do you have ToolTrust: Yuppers!
Have you ever played the STALKER games: Yeah.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad. Maaaybe. Just kidding! I promise!

-In Character Information-
Name: Katrin Jonson
Age: 30
Nationality: Icelandic
Date of Birth: 1985
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 120 pounds
Degree: Doctorate in Epidemiology
University of Degree: Harvard
Desired Position: Anything is cool with me.
Backstory: PMed to you ;) ;) ;)
Other Comments: Nope.

Accepted, nice to have you here.


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: MikeyWrenn
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:27013761
Age: Sixteen
Time Zone: GMT 0
Do you have ToolTrust: Yes
Have you ever played the STALKER games: Yes
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad. (Agreed)

-In Character Information-
Name: Michael Wrenn
Age: Thirty Five
Nationality: British, White
Date of Birth: 1980
Sex: Male
Height: Six feet
Weight: Seventy Kilos
Degree: Parasitology (Masters) Cytology (Graduate)
University of Degree: Cambridge
Desired Position: Science Team
I was born in England, dawn of the decade, The Eighties. Wasn't really much of interest going on around me, except my dad heading off to the Falklands in eighty two, not that I'd remember anything about it. Nothing worth mentioning even happened until ninety five, when I had to start thinking about what I was going to do in my life, where I wanted to end up and who I'd live it with. May only be fifteen, but without thinking back then, who knows, maybe I'd never have got an opportunity such as this. The opportunity I speak of; being able to head into 'The Zone', to be able to tread where few scientists will ever be able to tread.

I study my absolute hardest, mostly concentrating in the science fields and such, most with chemistry and biology, the more interesting of the three categories. The wonders on the microscopic organisms, what we are made of and how we function. It simply amazed me how this all slot together like a beautifully crafted puzzle. I didn't really intend to base my life on that, but I could research it for hours, simply mind-blowing.

After I'd got through university, I worked at a small research facility, where I was able to study for my Masters Degree. Soon after my Masters deg-
Other Comments: That is all.

Backstory may be kind of short, but I honestly never saw that KIND of twist here. Accepted.
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: When do you actually need Cullinary?
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: Vat... are you trying to say cooking skill?
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: Yeah.
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: It's for the women, of course. Which is why we don't see that skill much.


-Out of Character Information-
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7741710 56:05 160
Age: 14
Time Zone: GMT
Do you have ToolTrust: Yes
Have you ever played the STALKER games: All three and completed
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.

-In Character Information-
Name: John Anderson
Age: 27
Nationality: English (Ukrianian Citizen)
Date of Birth: May 31st, 1989
Sex: Male
Height: 5,5
Weight: 65kg
Degree: Degree in Radiochemistry
University of Degree: Kharkiv National University
Desired Position: Field Researcher
I was about 12-13 years old when I realised I had a knack for science, I was top of my class and left school with a triple-science GCSE. After I left school I decided to immigrate to Ukriane where I when to University in Kharkiv. There I studied Radiochemistry before graduating with a Degreee. After that I was struggling to find a good job that suited me. I had heard the Ukrianian government were hiring new researchers, but the idea just didn't appeal to me. So I decided to go freelance and work on my own stuff. A few months into the job, someone phones me, tells me they have something that'll blow my mind and they want me to study it, only they wanted some cash too. Out of curiousity I agreed to study it, a few days later I get a knock at my door. I open the door and sitting infront of me is a medium-sized cardboard box, whoever dropped it off could be heard running down the street. I carried the box inside, light as hell, and put it down on the table. As I lifted the lid a bright light shone through the gap. I finished opening it and looked inside, it was like a glowing ball of.... I don't know how to describe it. I studied as much as I could before I called up the man who had given me it to hand it back to him. I made sure to ask him where he got it from too. I got two words, "The Zone". This only made me even more curious. I loaded up my internet browser and entered the name onto google, after browsing for almost an hour I finally found something. A speculation site based on rumors, some conspiracists that claimed the Chernobyl exclusion Zone had become a magical phenomenom. I soon gave up looking for it and joined the Kiev Insitute as I wasn't making enough money. It was there I found out about the Zone and joined up as a field researcher.

Other Comments:

Accepted; Open the door, get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur. Also, conspiracist


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: Thanatosd347h
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30349766
Age: 16
Time Zone: GMT-06 Central
Do you have ToolTrust: Yes
Have you ever played the STALKER games: All
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.

-In Character Information-
Name: David Walsh
Age: 24
Nationality: Irish
Date of Birth: June 27, 1992
Sex: Male
Height: 6,1
Weight: 173
Degree: Biochemistry, Immunology
University of Degree: Trinity Dublin University
Desired Position: Field Team
Backstory:               My name is David Walsh and I was born in Dublin, I was raised in a family of slow minded people, for some reason I was an exception. I went to the Dublin Unified School District, I was very shy and always kept my head in a book, I was made fun of and bullied a lot, but because of this I was isolated enough for my studies. During High school I began to come out of my shell and got close friends, one of my friends named Adam Murray was quite a troublemaker and we decided to only be friends outside of school for popularity purposes. Because of my high grades I graduated early, leaving Adam in 12th grade.
                                    During college I decided that my Major would be Biochemistry (Immunology). I went through college and got my Masters and decided to go to the Ukraine to work and possibly go for my PhD. Once I got there I learned that there was something called 'The Zone' because my friend Adam sent me messages about the disaster, people were saying it was a scientific wonder, the temptation had overpowered me and I had to go.   
                                        Once I reached the University, some scientists were given the opportunity to apply to enter the Zone, I decided to apply also, I plan on entering the Zone to solve some of the long wondered questions.  As I start to plan for the Zone I sent a message to Adam, because he supposedly entered, I haven't heard from him since.
Other Comments:

Meanwhile outside of Leshiy's door.

Adam 'Sporadic' Dominika - Alive | Squirrel - Alive | Jordan Redmond - Alive | Njal - MIA | Bowie - MIA


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name:|HGN|Darkzerxx
Time Zone:GMT-06 Central
Do you have ToolTrust:Yes
Have you ever played the STALKER games:Yes.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.Yes, I understand

-In Character Information-
Name:Richard L. Vangraff
Date of Birth:7/29/1995
Weight:187 pounds
Degree:Degree in Ecology
University of Degree:A&M University
Desired Position: Field Researcher
Backstory:My name is Richard L. Vangraff, I was born and raised in Texas most of my life. Though my first couple years in school I was normal. Then I reached my last years of middle school I grew a small curiosity for science. When I Reached High school I had to pick classes, I had chose science and major language would be Russian. I first walked into my biology and chemistry classes I realized that I only scratched the surface of what there is to Science. Thew out my four years in high school I realized that small curiosity I had before had grown into a passion so that each week I would look at what colleges had to offer in ecology.
    Once I was accepted into A&M I studied ecology and other major fields to understand how thing worked. This caused me to work with my professor, A brilliant man from the Ukrainian. He thought me the rest of what I needed to learn and at my graduation he left me a PDA at my apartment, with it a note talking of a place he had once had the chance to go to called "The Zone." In the PDA he left was information on how to reach this application to have a chance to study things called anomalies and other things in the place called "The Zone" I hope that One day I may return to my professes with new findings that will make him proud and that I may one day teach to other young minds like my self.
Other Comments:Would like to be able to go out and study the anomaly and how some produce different artifacts.

Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


u]-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: [NSNB] Lil joker =]-
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:26818608 02:1
Time Zone:Arizona
Do you have Tool Trust:No
Have you ever played the STALKER games:Beaten all of them
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad. I will not make it look
in anyway shape or form make it look idiotic and dumb
-In Character Information-
Name:Aven Broven
Date of Birth:4/25/1928
University of Degree:Tomsk Polytechnic University
Desired Position:Field scientist
Backstory:Grown in a rich family  I am protected from the outside world. Always ahead in all of my classes. I make it to college passing with flying colors.About two years  in my college  my family dies in a horrible  plane accident  I am left with nothing but  hate for the world nothing in it matters to me when the disaster finally happens I feel like I can start over with no body to get in my way then I happen to come across a group of ecologist and they offer me a position in the team. I accept that offer as one of
field scientist . I feel like  I have a purpose now I try my best to   fit in and by the time i am fit in we are in a  research lab that has been abandoned. Every thing is going well when we go to deep in this facility and we are attacked by blood suckers i do my best to defend my friends I failed at what i tried so they died. I barely escape with my life  and a pistol it had taken me three days to find the merc outpost so when I did I  hired .And about four or five mercs sign up we left right away.Things did not go well after that  they all died I gave up hope  and kept to my self then a group had heard of my   work with the researchers and they offer me a position as a field scientist I am fit for the part  I am enlisted as a ecologist.Finally i feel like i have a purpose and know that I am working with the ecologist in the bunker I hope to make scientific discovers and wish to understand the zone and its powers
Other Comments: I hope  my new back story fits the  shall we say the requirements


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name:Pac Man
Time Zone:GMT-4
Do you have ToolTrust:Yep
Have you ever played the STALKER games:Beaten all three at least twice.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.

-In Character Information-
Name:Thomas 'Moy' Moyareal
Nationality:American born, third generation Irish (Father's side), Fourth generation Italian (Mother's side.)
Date of Birth:9/26/1978
Degree:Ecology, Biochemisty, N.B.A in Buisness Administration.
University of Degree:<<<Information is corrupted, no back up log found.>>>
Desired Position:Administration, Feild Scientist.
Backstory:<<<Login: TMoy3235, Password: *******>>>
<<<User logged in.>>>
<<<Audio file #214 loading>>>
<<<Audio file loaded>>>

Well, where to start I suppose, my name is Thomas Moyareal, born and raised in Cincinnati, Ohio...well raised in Fort Wright near Cincinnati, but you get the point. As a child...eh, life was okay, raised in a middle-classed family and all that, nothing bad about that eh?
Nothing incredibly important about my child-hood other than weapon safety courses in pistol and rifle usage, along with pistol and rifle defense which could unfortunately come in handy, father and I were always 'gun' nuts, though I grew  a bit away from that as time went on, anyway. I was a 'B' style student, never got below a 'D' in any of my courses throughout high school or middle school, but never cared to get above a 'B' in any of my classes other than science, mostly chemistry and biology class, go figure.
Went into college with honors and college credits in Chemistry and physics, though I never cared much for physics. I attended school at The univer->>>
<<<Corruption of file...>>>
<<<Loading next possible area of audio #214>>>

-----and the professors never quite liked my ideals in the class, or opinion-related crap...never liked them much anyway, but hey, nine years and two masters later...bada-bing baby.
My jobs? I took a job at Orange County water-treatment plant that was in need of a chemist in Orlando, Florida. Life went on at this job, never had any relationships other than on-and-off girlfriends.
Throughout this, there was a job offering as a lead supervisor at the treatment plant, but I was barely in the running for this without business administration, so I decided to take a online, N.B.A in Business Administration, which was a bitch, but I got the job, even though I didn't stay there long.
I got a offer for a job at the Ukrainian Science Department as a supervisor over the Chemists there, it was far from home, but this was a incredibly high pay raise, talking another twenty five grand a year, only problem was I had to learn Ukrainian, that, was a bitch, damn language was more annoying to deal with than my professors.
I'll skip the moving and the breaking-in at the new job, it all went well, the people were nice enough, but as this continued, starting learning of this place called 'The zone' from some of the people who worked under me. I started asking them about this place and they started telling me the rumors of what they heard about it, wasn't much but it started giving ideas to me, which is what intern lead me to learning about the Ecologists. And here we are now, four months into the job and now I'm sendin' this audio log to you, hope it reaches you alrigh-.
<<<Audio file #214 corrupt, twenty three seconds left on file.>>>

Other Comments:None

Accept- <<<Audio file #215 corrupt, two seconds left on file.>>>


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: |HGN|Goldboy
Age: 19
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (US)
Do you have ToolTrust: Not now, someone removed me from roster. (Going to have to re-app)
Have you ever played the STALKER games: Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad: Yes

-In Character Information-
Name: Henry Warlington
Age: 29
Nationality: British
Date of Birth: July 14th, 1986
Sex: Male
Height: 6'1
Weight: 154 pounds
Degree: Majored in the science field(s) of Bio-geography. Studied in Neuroscience.
University of Degree: UCL Institute of Neurology
Desired Position: Bio-geographist/Mutant study

           <<Authorizing login | Password : ******** |>>
           <<Access Authorized | Member : Henry Warlington | >>
           <<Accessing Data File - |1.023|>>
           <<Accessed - Commissioning Data>>

    *A man around 6 foot enters the camera view, sitting down on a chair infront of it* Hello there... I guess i'l start that my name is Henry Warlington, born and raised in Oxford. If you don't know, Oxford is just right outside the capitol of the United Kingdom. My childhood was... not the worst but not the best, my mother was a great women. She was the main figure that raised me.. my father was mostly busy at work. We were pretty wealthy until they both passed away, but before then he sent me to the... lets see.. UCL Department of Geography, that was my college where I.. of course, learned about land and shit, but my career choice was Bio-geography.

If you don't know, Bio-geography is about the animals and why they live in an area, and how. That's not everything I do, but it's what I majored in for college. I mean damn, it was a pretty sweet deal. Going to college off of my fathers money, I was home free and set for life.. as what I thought. Well, that's basically it for now. I'l keep this updated..  *The man stands up, turning off the camera*

            <<Accessing Data file - |1.024|>>
            <<Accessed - Commissioning Data>>

Ok.. its me again, Henry Warlington. I live in Kiev now, which all of you should know where that is. Life was good, I learned to speak some fluent Ukrainian, made some decent cash.. ya' know, the dream of everyone. But life still sucks, you get pretty lonely after a while.. and I got bored of my job as a regular Scientist. I kind of forgot to mention, I know a few other things.. stuff about Neurology, which is the study of the nervous system, ya' know, that kind of stuff. I'm mostly making this because I want to study these creatures of where you are stationed.. and i'm very interested. This will be my last file I suppose, I don't want to clutter this old piece of shit computer. You know, life is rough without a job, and I just need somewhere to go. I think I can handle 'The Zone', or whatever it has to offer.

I heard their were some kind of mutants that lived there, I have no idea what but i'm interested in finding out. I mean shit, if it doesn't eat me alive when I first show up i'm ready to go at any time. And uhmm.. let's see, one more thing... I don't have much gun skills, i'm sorry to say. I might be able to use a pistol, but i'm not that great of a shooter. So if i'm able to head down there, i'm ready to check it out. One more comment before I shut off, the biggest bitch was t--- <<Data not found>>

Accepted- On one week Watch..
Henry Warlington|Ecologist|Active


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: |HGN| FrostyFrosty
Age: 14
Time Zone: Central
Do you have ToolTrust: Yep.
Have you ever played the STALKER games: SoC.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.

-In Character Information-
Name: Hans Wolfhausen
Age: 39
Nationality: German
Date of Birth: 7/24/1977
Sex: Male
Height: 6 feet, 2 inches
Weight: 173 Lbs.
Degree: Majored in Ecology.
University of Degree: University of Munich
Desired Position: Lab Team
<<<Powering on>>>
<<<Login: Wolfhausen, Hans>>>
<<<Password: ******>>>
<<<Processing your credentials...>>>
<<<Welcome Wolfhausen, Aldrick>>>
<<<Map  [Personal Diary]  Ecological Diary  Contacts  Settings  Log Off>>>
<<<Loading Personal Diary, please wait....>>>
<<<[New]  Load  Options>>>
     Well, it seems I haven't typed in this part of my PDA in awhile, so I better start now since I am heading off to Ukraine to do some possibly dangerous lab work. First off, my name is Hans Wolfhausen, I was born in Munich, Germany on July 24th, 1977. I speak Russian, Ukrainian, German and English fluently.  My father, Arthur, was born in Hamburg, Germany, while my mother, Katherine, was born in Austin, Texas. So, I am part American and part German, but more German. My parents fell in love while my mother was on vacation in Hamburg, so Katherine, my mother, moved on over to Germany to stay with Arthur. After a year together, they got married and wanted a baby. After nine months, I was born in Munich. Oh, I guess I should explain how they got to Munich in the first place. Well, from my understanding is that they moved there and such.

      When I became 20 years old, I went to the University of Munich. But before I went to the university, I had a dream. That dream was to become a scientist that studies Ecology. After 4 years of being at the University of Munich, I graduated and worked on to study the environment. I worked really hard, and eventually became on the 'top dogs' at the lab I worked at in Munich. Because of my reputation, I was offered a proposal. This proposal was to travel to Chernobyl, Ukraine to study the life that somehow lives there, and the environment within. I thought this would be a great opportunity to see how radiation can affect life and the environment.

     So that is my life, so far, and I plan on doing more of these PDA diaries in the future. This is Hans Wolfhausen, signing off for the day.
<<<New  Load  [Save]>>>
<<<Saving, please wait...>>>
<<<Map  Personal Diary  Ecological Diary  Contacts  Settings  [Log Off]>>>
<<<Logging off, please wait...>>>
<<<Successfully logged off>>>
<<<Shutting down>>>
Other comments: Nope.

Accepted-One week probation.


I will be allowing 2 more Eco's for now, I do encourage one or both be from a European time zone but it is not required.
Ex-Duty-converted Monolith:|Draco 'Dice' stellem|Decease
Stalker/Trader:|Dracovich Raka|Alive
Eco:|Dr.Richard L. Vangraff|In zone
Stalker:|Scarler 'becca' Owen|Alive
Stalker:|Taylor 'trinity'|Alive
Military:|Scarlet Stroik|alive


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name: |HGN| Rusty!
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:27041131
Age: 16
Time Zone: GMT -8 PST
Do you have ToolTrust: No
Have you ever played the STALKER games: Beat all of them.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.

-In Character Information-
Age: 27
Nationality: Russian
Date of Birth: 2/2/1988
Sex: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210lb
Degree: Electrical Engineering
University of Degree: Moscow University of Science and Engineering 
Desired Position: Mechanics Study

I grew up in Moscow, all my life I've wondered about Engineering. Ever since I was just a boy I have been tinkering with things. I built my first engine with my father at the age 13, and had already made designs for a device that would act as an artificial tree. At age 19 I decided to take my carrier in Science a little further, by attending The Moscow University of Science and Engineering. I attended for 4 years and got a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering at age 23. After my graduation I left Moscow to do some research in The Zone. I found out about Ukrainian Ecologist doing research in the Zone. Now I wish to work amongst them.

Other Comments: None
Really... No just no.... not even any effort. Denied.


This thread is for applications only.
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: When do you actually need Cullinary?
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: Vat... are you trying to say cooking skill?
[OOC] Aleksandr Makarov: Yeah.
[OOC] Commissar Ruslan Turchin: It's for the women, of course. Which is why we don't see that skill much.


-Out of Character Information-
Steam Name:
Time Zone:
(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Do you have ToolTrust:
Have you ever played the STALKER games:
All three, Shadows of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, and Call of Pripyat.
By posting this application I will follow the ecologist AND the server rules and won't make the faction look bad.

-In Character Information-
Ivan Kyrylo
Date of Birth:
5 Feet 9 Inches
183 Pounds
Majored in Biology (Such as Genetics, Cell Biology, and miscellaneous.)
University of Degree:
Kharkiv Karazin National University
Desired Position:
Lab Team
   Well, I guess to start things off, my name is Ivan Kyrylo, born and raised in Ukraine. I have a father, and a mother, and two brothers. I was the last one to be born in my family. In my family, my brothers refer to me as the 'weird' brother. I'm called that because my brothers would rather be in the military or be involved in sports than their education or grades. Really I don't like to play sports or use any physical violence with another human being. It's just not my nature. I was more worried about education, and schooling than anything like that.
   When I was young, I was introduced into science. My favorite subject was science. I mostly liked biology though. For some reason, biology has became a very, very, interesting subject to me. Maybe it's because I love learning, or love to seek knowledge.
   I first attending elementary school, like most people, and high school. I mostly got A's and B's on my school subjects. As I graduated from high school, I attended a university called Kharkiv Karazin National University (Or as I refer it to as KKNU). I got a degree in biology there.
   After a few month, I got a proposition to start research in Chernobyl. I thought this was a great, and excellent opportunity for me to start my career, so I instantly took it. Before I went to do research in Chernobyl, I asked if I could pack my things and see if I could find any information about the things going on there. They said I could. As I was looking up information about the place there, people called it the Zone. I was aware of the dangers there, about radiation and all that.
   I then packed my things and headed out.  This is pretty much my story, so far.
Other Comments:
Arthur 'Night' Hutchinson - ALIVE
Anne 'Savior' Gerris - ALIVE
Coroner - ALIVE
'Crazed' - ALIVE