FOnline anyone?

Started by StickyWicket, 13-12-2011

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After nine years in developement, it was finnaly worth the weight!
I really never want to collect these 1000 wood, 500 junk, 10 eletronic parts again.


Can I use the steam version of FO2 to play this?
How hard is it to get good gear if I play with maybe 3 other people?
What is combat like, is there VATS or do you just click and it shoots them?
What happens when you die, do you restart from scratch?
What is with this "Russian" thing?

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 19-04-2012
Can I use the steam version of FO2 to play this?
How hard is it to get good gear if I play with maybe 3 other people?
What is combat like, is there VATS or do you just click and it shoots them?
What happens when you die, do you restart from scratch?
What is with this "Russian" thing?

1) Yes and no, it's not a mod. All you have to do is use the FO2's .dat files.
2) Depends on the people, I always find it easier to get good gear by doing solo and keeping all the loot for myself.
3) Real Time or Turn Based, you choose.
4) You only lose everything in your inventory.
5) The game was developed by a Russian and it attracted a lot of them because we prefer an environment where everything is allowed.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 19-04-2012
Can I use the steam version of FO2 to play this?
How hard is it to get good gear if I play with maybe 3 other people?
What is combat like, is there VATS or do you just click and it shoots them?
What happens when you die, do you restart from scratch?
What is with this "Russian" thing?
(°╭ ◡ ╮°)


Quote from: KetChuup on 19-04-2012
Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 19-04-2012
Can I use the steam version of FO2 to play this?
How hard is it to get good gear if I play with maybe 3 other people?
What is combat like, is there VATS or do you just click and it shoots them?
What happens when you die, do you restart from scratch?
What is with this "Russian" thing?

Quote from: Jake on 19-04-2012
Quote from: andrewhatesyou on 19-04-2012
Can I use the steam version of FO2 to play this?
How hard is it to get good gear if I play with maybe 3 other people?
What is combat like, is there VATS or do you just click and it shoots them?
What happens when you die, do you restart from scratch?
What is with this "Russian" thing?

1) Yes and no, it's not a mod. All you have to do is use the FO2's .dat files.
2) Depends on the people, I always find it easier to get good gear by doing solo and keeping all the loot for myself.
3) Real Time or Turn Based, you choose.
4) You only lose everything in your inventory.
5) The game was developed by a Russian and it attracted a lot of them because we prefer an environment where everything is allowed.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


The Russian thing is just another way to say an early death awaits you.


Do the Russian's like to kill everybody or something...?

Lt.Ivan Kutz-ALIVE-Military
Vladimir Kutz-ALIVE-Merc
John Serio-ALIVE-Senior Initiate


Last I check, they kill anyone not Russian.

Or at least, not European.


Quote from: Khorn on 19-04-2012
Last I check, they kill anyone not Russian.

Or at least, not European.

They kill anyone, even if you're Russian.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Some maybe.

I managed to play myself as russian once.

Managed to live for about an hour.


If you get trustable friends you will be okay. Random people will most likely betray you.
If you enter only protected towns you will be okay.
I am playing fonline for one or two weeks now, with miller. And we already have tents and base.
Course we met some russian with combat armor and minigun but thats quite rare*


Downloading FOnline now, there a steam group I could join just to show who the members of this group are? Also how would I find your town?


Quote from: INA7HAN on 08-04-2012

Is this game good?

Seems to be a love/hate kind of thing but asking "Is something good" is usually a terrible question because people have these wonderful things call "opinions" and can lean different directions. I found it boring and shitty but a lot of others like it. So try it and see it's a small dl.


Quote from: D33tly on 19-04-2012
Downloading FOnline now, there a steam group I could join just to show who the members of this group are? Also how would I find your town?
There isn't any steam group. And you can't find our "town" there are basic towns like NCR, Vault City...etc.You can enter them.
Then there are tents and bases - you can't enter these unless the owner leads you in there.
(Protip: never lead anyone into your tent.)

Also add me to steam friends if you are interested to play with us :P


Quote from: Paintcheck on 19-04-2012
Quote from: INA7HAN on 08-04-2012

Is this game good?

Seems to be a love/hate kind of thing but asking "Is something good" is usually a terrible question because people have these wonderful things call "opinions" and can lean different directions. I found it boring and shitty but a lot of others like it. So try it and see it's a small dl.

Pretty much what Paintcheck said.
Years back when I tried it for first time I got bored fairly soon as I got killed all the time by PVPers and had nobody to play it with.
Now that Im playing it with Knife its pretty fun.
FOnline is unlike most of MMORPGs (cant say if in good or bad way).
If you have played FO1 or FO2 you will understand the system fairly soon. There is no in-game tutorial that will grab your hand and guide you around. (There are some guides on wiki and forums though.)
And Wasteland is harsh... People can kill you without regrets in desert. Some cities are unguarded where PVPers have battlefield. And even in guarded cities you have to check your back  for thiefs and suicide bombers (but those are pretty rare).
Fortunatelly, when you die your character wont die permanently and will lose just gear on him.
At the beginning find some trustworthy friend to help you get levels, gear and tent and later as Jake said, if you fight alone you get all experiences and gear for yourself.


See what we encountered?
(5 minutes later they killed us - my AWESOME mate called MILLER provocated them)


I need to add miller and find out how to allow me to use steam while on it. As soon as i do that i'll play with you guys

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: knife_cz on 20-04-2012
See what we encountered?
(5 minutes later they killed us - my AWESOME mate called MILLER provocated them)
I just wanted to talk to that slaver. :C


Well, fuck.
(Lol mauser)


I'm going to start playing this again, if anyone else wants to go talk to me. I'm loading up a steal character and a big guns character, so if anyone wants to play with me it would be best if we got a crafter/repairman and maybe some small guns


Quote from: StickyWicket on 12-07-2012
I'm going to start playing this again, if anyone else wants to go talk to me. I'm loading up a steal character and a big guns character, so if anyone wants to play with me it would be best if we got a crafter/repairman and maybe some small guns
sfme.afae fmememewf newf gwegwre nm


Treeman is not amused.


Quote from: knife_cz on 13-07-2012
Treeman is not amused.
Wink for the bitches.


Created a thrower.
Wooooo time for FOnline once more!