Why am i banned?

Started by Oakley, 10-05-2012

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i have done nothing what so ever, kami has banned me for having 3 shadow chests when a hacker came into the server and said to keep them, i was scared to delete them so i kept them? how is that a crime?


And like, what could have the hacker done if you have deleted them?
Don't reply : the answer is - nothing.
And the title is misleading, you do know why you were banned.


1: don't accept super-rare items that can't be found on the server anymore from someone who isn't a mod. That *should* be common sense.

2: no one really believes that you thought the hacker would hack you if you deleted them.

3: those chests were stolen from Zubael, not hacked. Either a thief tried to pass the blame to you and you let them, or you stole them yourself.

4: you're a metagamer, a powergamer, a poor RP'er, you spend all your time summoning bosses or harassing players for PvP, you play an OP character, and are generally a nuisance.

I will place money on the fact no one (well, maybe one person) will be sad to see you go. Unless another mod can vouch for you, I won't be rescinding the judgment. In the event the latter does take place, you will be watched.


at the time i didnt know what he could do, i know nothing about hacking, and i get scared and worried quite easily.


why do you have to say nobody believes me and im a poor rper? i try my best and i cant be good at everything, and besides its hard to believe but why dont you believe me? im a loyal gamer and i would never cheat.


Tell me, why didn't you reported the hacker?You could even delete these chests.
You could alert mod that someone gave you these chests.


because the hacker didnt have a name above his head, nor when he talked. i know nothing about hacking or anything, im just a young player who started and his first roleplay server.


Quote from: Oakley on 10-05-2012
because the hacker didnt have a name above his head, nor when he talked. i know nothing about hacking or anything, im just a young player who started and his first roleplay server.
Can anyone back this up? Any eye witnesses? Also Oakley PM or post your steam username so that I can talk with you about what happened and see what your side of the story is before making my decision

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JRP > For real?
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