What should I work on at night?

Started by Kamimaia, 27-06-2012

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As my net shuts off every night at 12:00, I find myself wasting my time before I sleep running through RE4 or ME3 for the umpteenth time when I would really like to do more for Caphori. Yes, I know that we already have a new map- but this one WAS rushed, and eventually it WILL become overused like the ones we have had in our past.

While it will be a WAYS off, thinking for the future and being prepared (as opposed to throwing it together) is a great idea, map-wise. Call me a perfectionist. So here are a few idea that have been floating around in my head- what should I go with? And post why! Debate these suckers!

Poll has 5 days. Possibilities have a 1-5 rating for difficulty, 1 being normal terraria easy and 5 being insane 'are we really trying this shit' Terraria.

DWARVEN ADVENTURE - The entire map, underground, save for a small patch of land at the top. Forests will be underground, with the /grow command to replenish them as needed. Everything worthwhile will be underground, including: magma vents, corruption, even floating islands in the midst of massive caves. Players will *always* be digging, and rather than facing the usual horde of zombs during bloodmoon they will instead constantly contend against skeletons and the like. Wanna give yourself a floating house, imbedded into the rocky back wall? No problem! Cities build up AND down AND across, rather than only horizontally. Drawbacks: Harder mobs by default. Magma vents will be difficult to traverse.

TOWERING SPIRES - The world is a series of long, jagged spikes, with thousands of old ruins imbedded into the sides of a semi-artificial series of skyscrapers that is only now being explored by the players, rising high out of hell and topped with strange, oblique and freakish structures that bristle with deadly traps. Main dangers include: falling. Lots and lots of falling. Also harpies, in the spires' tops. Mobs will be less difficult, but harder to loot from. Players will want to build GOOD looking bridges, making the entire map a network of absolutely ridiculous and awesome skyways! Drawbacks: No Rocky Wall/Dirty Rock Wall layer, no real way to get a hook unless you get lucky with a piranha, coral is going to be scarce, falls are a LONG way down. Even dirt will be a commodity- finding a chest with 250 stone or wood will be considered paydirt.

LAYERS - Rather than biomes, each part of the world is separated by a layer of each biome as you go deeper down- topped with a massive floating island layer! In the style of Journey to the Center of the Earth, players will find themselves more and more tried as they break deeper and deeper through each layer, first having to dig through, then find a way down, then dig through again. Most things will be scarce, as layers will have to be spread thinly. The upside? Underground traps will also be scarce. Depending on the biome people want to live in, entire factions could become biome-based, with entire civilizations between levels! Drawbacks: Going deeper guarantees difficulty.

WEIRD SMATTERING - Just like this map, biomes will be wholly different from edge to edge- with most cosmetic variations appearing on the surface only. Underground will be fairly standard. Not MUCH different from normal Terraria, but with added treasure (and dungeons) for players, and oversized biomes.


I'm a sucker when it comes to difficulty and i actually quite like the idea of Towering Spires. If I've pictured it right in my head i can see a lot of people dying to get their hands on rocket boots, otherwise one small wrong step and splat your dead.
Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


Heh. AND Cobalt Shield. That thing'd be worth so much platinum to people...


Just do what I do.

Play dota.


I am not what I think I am, and I am not what you think I am. I am what I think you think I am.



I think we could say that some horrible catastrophe and that we have to live underground to avoid certain doom. (General lore idea for Dwarven Adventure!)
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Dwarven Adventure. The tall spires idea sound pretty boring in my opinion (Don't hate). The Dwarven adventure can be implemented into caphori lore, as soon as this map becomes messed up do an event which causes everyone to move underground. The reason could be anything from a huge demon invasion to simply it's freezing and you would die if you stayed up to long.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


If I want to play a game, I play a game. Right now I wanna make maps.


I think for pure building purposes the dwarven adventure would be the best. You could build things from dwarven outposts/ruins to secret demon altars/temples. Since the underground portion of the map now would be huge you wouldn't have to worry as much about taking up to much space in the underground.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Alrighty, guys. Since its pretty obvious who the winner is, I'm gonna do one for both the winner and the runner-up, then post screenshots of them both when I'm done.