What Caphori Needs...

Started by Syndraell, 28-09-2012

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Quote from: James Almasy on 28-09-2012
The first days I played on this server...

I will never be able to summarize the right words of it's greatness.

It is the First Caphori that was the greatest. all the other maps, all the other ideas were just half assed copies.

I honestly hope that it can be turned back to that. or as close as we can possibly get.

It really had ups and downs. Pros and cons. Good RP and well, slight ERP for the wierdest reasons, Good mods and admins and bad ones. I don't think I even remember the first day that much. I remember I was good friends with this Bartol guy, he was so awesome. He had a really solid character going. Then he just vanished. Then he griefed randomly, and I was supposedly connected to it and got banned for silly reasons! The end.

Also, I'll start on the massive VIP tower that only me and my friends can go in XDDD that'll give it that "1st Gen Caphori" feel.

INA7HAN had a really good idea here. It would crack down on some of the more...silly races *cough*Aravaras*cough*, because I'm sure they were mistakes and shouldn't be taken seriously or acknowledged whatsoever because that was the past.

I think what we need are some more EVENTS. Those are awesome. They get more people on the server, and they generally have fun with it. I also agree completely with all of James' point form changes. And another idea, maybe we could have some sort of Quest Counter or the like, just a building with a Mod/Admin behind the counter playing a Questgiver, and a list of jobs. It would give it a more "Human" feel.



Abby Stone is Wet


Quote from: darkshinyprincess2 on 29-10-2012
These are good ideas. Here's mine: A comunist goverment. Could sound bad, but in a reduced population the control is easier. A new citizen come, you recently obtained an iron armor, you are FORCED to give him your copper armor. This could avoid the senseless mining, the ore whoring, etc. A tax payment could be good idea too. Like in the real life, you pay money to the goverment, and it uses the money to upgrade the city. What u think?
It's spelled: Communist.
And I think i'll leave this here.
QuoteMost people know what communism is at its most basic level. Simply put, communism is the idea that everyone in a given society receives equal shares of the benefits derived from labor. Communism is designed to allow the poor to rise up and attain financial and social status equal to that of the middle-class landowners. In order for everyone to achieve equality, wealth is redistributed so that the members of the upper class are brought down to the same financial and social level as the middle class. Communism also requires that all means of production be controlled by the state. In other words, no one can own his or her own business or produce his or her own goods because the state owns everything.


Abby Stone is Wet


Quote from: darkshinyprincess2 on 29-10-2012
Sorry for my english, i'm spanish and i have many mistakes.

Well, I meant a communism adapted to this land. No own bussiness? Good bye to my potion shop. But the tax paymet could be a good idea, like in real life.

You...you don't have a shop. Not to be mean, but why are you even contributing to a server you're banned from?

It could be an interesting idea, but with people being on at different times and being absent frequently, it won't work. What is, per chance, a "Day" IC? Ahd how would you charge someone that's not there? And what would, then, a "Week" be? Or a "Month"?


Quote from: darkshinyprincess2 on 29-10-2012
Sorry for my english, i'm spanish and i have many mistakes.

Well, I meant a communism adapted to this land. No own business? Good bye to my potion shop. But the tax payment could be a good idea, like in real life.
Not to mention the armor wouldn't work, because the state own the armor. Same with the mine, the house, the everything. Nothing isn't owned by the state. Nobody, in my opinion, would really want that, seeing as how many people are born and raised learning to become better, and earn more money then one another. And I don't mean in the game, i mean IRL, so they would subconsciously try and better themselves, when in communism, you really cant seeing as how all are on an equal playing field.


Abby Stone is Wet



But...but...we're discussing...
*hears a bang in the distance*
Eep! Okay, okay! No more posts!


I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Think of who I directed that towards.


Quote from: Ragolution on 30-10-2012
Think of who I directed that towards.

I know who you directed that towards.
I don't blame you for it either.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Abby Stone is Wet


Quote from: darkshinyprincess2 on 31-10-2012
If you dont want me to post, ban me until 21th.

I don't know what "21th" is but had I the power to ban you, I gladly would.


Abby Stone is Wet


Quote from: darkshinyprincess2 on 31-10-2012

I'm not even a terrarian and I hate you. You're an annoying cyberer who begs to get accepted back to the Terraria server