wars and normal battle

Started by Cpt.Gingerbeard, 22-07-2011

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I'm curiouse, but how battles and full scale wars be handled?
As far as general one on one "scuffles" are conserned will some sort of formal duleing system be employed or will we simply always have pvp on and stick to the neutral no team sheild?
Also will wars be formally declaired and have a specific battle feilds or are they simply going to be wherever the "armies" meet?
Final question, during formal wars will it act on one kill per charachter or be more based around some sort of capture the flag basis where the objective would be to capture the enemies fort or "relic(any object of sugnificane, say a stone wall tower or some sort of obalisque)"?


i believe it will probably be that kingdoms will be assigned a color, and will always have PvP on, thereby enabling sneak attacks or ambushes. There still should be safe zones for each faction, like a castle. only when they venture out can they be attacked or wage a war. in safe zones, enemies would also not be able to attack, but thats my personal preferance. Enemy "spies" could figure out thier enemy's weak points and members by sneaking in.


invisibility potions, definitely.

also, if a war is to break out, a call to arms must be issued. the armies will meet in a specific place, and the last kingdom who has soldiers standing wins.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I'd say the problem with those is the fact that players can respawn so i don't see a foreseeable end to conflict unless we have some sort of formalised rules about respawning. Possibly no joining a formal battle after you have died or maybe a battle can only last for X amount of in game days. Maybe some sort of territory system should be employed?


respawn is prohibited. Battle should be fought in respect. And for boundaries? Signs next to eachother. stating that this is the border of said kingdom.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


As a few battles with Blair have noted, lag is also a major issue.


well full on wars will be a pain in the ass then... mayhaps some sort of representetive for each faction so lag becomes less of an issue?


join in on a battle. make it 5vs5. when one falls, send the next legion to the field.


I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I agree with this whole 5x5 stuff, it's an efficient way of war on which the battle wont be harmed and there won't be much lag.