The Unofficial Caphori/Aceon Bullshit Thread

Started by matter, 14-09-2012

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Quote from: Jake on 03-12-2012
Quote from: max0596 on 03-12-2012
Because I'm really elitist when I accept applications. You know what, Rag? You're acting like an asshole. I don't know where the hell this came from, or why you're doing it, but I direly hope that you get over being an asshole one day. I'm not even going to read your response to this. It's just going to be more bitching about who you think I am. If you made even the slightest effort to get to know me, then maybe you wouldn't be acting like I'm a horrible person towards me all the time. But no, this is the guy who never goes on a server, but comes in to the forums for it and insults it's operators, and says what we're doing things wrong. Get out. If you want to talk to me on Steam, I have the same name as here. The arrival ofJake and Nik3 have just basically made anything they post reinforce the point that "I'm a horrible person and a horrible Operator". Which isn't true.

what. My arrival? Boy what kind of crack are you under when writing this? Even just glancing at Caphori's forums(and how ops treat everybody) is enough to understand that the place is lacking organization or good staff. You're clearly under the effect of insecurity since all I see is denial of any kind of criticism(even comments make you mad) and insulting anyone who offered some, even if it's not positive, just take it like a tool you are. My post never had any targets to begin with, but the way you're interpreting it is making things clearer to me. You also seem to think that everybody must be a hardcore caphori player in order to have a magical 'right' to criticize(I never criticized anybody, all I said is that caphori needs better leadership lol), and I'm going to dismiss that simply by blaming it on your immaturity and inexperience, plus what I mentioned earlier.

Quote from: max0596 on 03-12-2012
Quote from: Nik3 on 02-12-2012
*nKe slaps max0596 around a bit with a large trout

Read Jake's message.
And this:
Quote from: Jake on 02-12-2012
what the fuck caphori get your shit together god damn this place needs a firm hand
Aren't Nik3 and Jake being little trolls. Also, I've never seen either of them on the server, ever. So that's nice.

Pathetic. You want to call both of us trolls for what exactly? Where do you see a desire for attention in my or Nike's post?
Okay, okay. Was trying not to get involved as it isn't really my place, but really. Just by continuing to post and harrass him instead of just stopping and letting everyone see the reaction he is making, you feel a need to drive it further, all of you. Now i'm not condoning Max, he is....overreacting a bit, but you all just will just NOT let up. Goes to show who the truly immature ones are in my opinion. So that desire for attention you want to see? It's in your continual posting.

Steven :D

Locked, because certain people want to ruin things around here (Jake...)


Unlocked because of...
Quote from: Ragolution on 03-12-2012

But, yeah. going to turn this into a venting thread.
post your bullshit here. But hardcore stuff goes to GVC.
Because Calfori.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: Steven :D on 04-12-2012
Locked, because certain people want to ruin things around here (Jake...)

Wat? What did I do? Blame Maxi and Rag for trolling him not me, I had only made 1 post on this thread(and it's removed).
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 04-12-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 04-12-2012
Locked, because certain people want to ruin things around here (Jake...)

Wat? What did I do? Blame Maxi and Rag for trolling him not me, I had only made 1 post on this thread(and it's removed).

I'm not Trolling, I've just lost my patience for ephemeral idiocy and people like him that reverberate all the bad qualities of HGN. Elitism, Ansty 12 year old rage, Ignorance, and that horrible insecurity everyone has.





Quote from: Ragolution on 04-12-2012
Quote from: Jake on 04-12-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 04-12-2012
Locked, because certain people want to ruin things around here (Jake...)

Wat? What did I do? Blame Maxi and Rag for trolling him not me, I had only made 1 post on this thread(and it's removed).

I'm not Trolling, I've just lost my patience for ephemeral idiocy and people like him that reverberate all the bad qualities of HGN. Elitism, Ansty 12 year old rage, Ignorance, and that horrible insecurity everyone has.




Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Max, your supposedly 'better' way of managing the free build was dependent on a very major weak thing: the password. If one person releasing it can cause as big a hassle as you made it sound then it sure as hell doesn't sound like a good system.
Rag might be an asshole but dammit he is one fucking brilliant admin. He knows what the server needs, when he isn't sure he makes good educates guesses, he isn't averse to trying new ideas and he is always trying to promote people to mod/admin to encourage them to take responsibility for the server they love. If I compare the both of you, I would take Rag over your snide remarks and xenophobic attitude any day. The only thing Aceon needs is more admins and mods, it is unfair to put all the work on Rags shoulders.
Do not have the temerity to say you didn't insult Rags advice when it is proven to be useful because the evidence is all on pages 2 and 3 of this thread.


Technically we don't ONLY need mods and admins, we also need trustworthy people who actually go on the servers.


Quote from: CPftw on 12-12-2012
Max, your supposedly 'better' way of managing the free build was dependent on a very major weak thing: the password. If one person releasing it can cause as big a hassle as you made it sound then it sure as hell doesn't sound like a good system.
Rag might be an asshole but dammit he is one fucking brilliant admin. He knows what the server needs, when he isn't sure he makes good educates guesses, he isn't averse to trying new ideas and he is always trying to promote people to mod/admin to encourage them to take responsibility for the server they love. If I compare the both of you, I would take Rag over your snide remarks and xenophobic attitude any day. The only thing Aceon needs is more admins and mods, it is unfair to put all the work on Rags shoulders.
Do not have the temerity to say you didn't insult Rags advice when it is proven to be useful because the evidence is all on pages 2 and 3 of this thread.

Password: Not my idea. Also, it's pretty strong IF people don't decide to be assholes. It's against the rules for a good reason. Stop being a self-righteous asshole.
Rag: Still an asshole that thought that releasing Caphori's password was a good and justified idea, idgaf if he's the best admin in the world, I'll never respect someone who decided to be that much of an ass.
Xenophobic: How am I this? Makes no sense. I was asking feedback from the people who are on the server. If someone walks into your coffee shop, who should you ask for feedback? The person who just bought coffee, or a person sitting in the laundromat next door?
Snide: I'm also not this. As I've said before, a lot of meaning gets lost in words. I mean well when it seems like I don't. But I do mean well. If you're insulting my character, I'd say you should shut up. Except now, because I'm being angry at you because you've decided to push.
Furthermore, Ragolution's advice was helpful BACK THERE. Right now, right fucking now, releasing the password isn't helpful. Neither is calling me an asshole, along with a slew of other things. ALSO, I wasn't just talking about Ragolution. I was talking about Jake, etc. Everyone who doesn't come on Caphori who was here. All they did was walk in and insult everything we did. I hate them. Not Aceon. Not Aceon's Players. All you're doing is tossing around words like a fucking ten year old who thinks he's always right.


Quote from: CPftw on 12-12-2012
Max, your supposedly 'better' way of managing the free build was dependent on a very major weak thing: the password. If one person releasing it can cause as big a hassle as you made it sound then it sure as hell doesn't sound like a good system.
Rag might be an asshole but dammit he is one fucking brilliant admin. He knows what the server needs, when he isn't sure he makes good educates guesses, he isn't averse to trying new ideas and he is always trying to promote people to mod/admin to encourage them to take responsibility for the server they love. If I compare the both of you, I would take Rag over your snide remarks and xenophobic attitude any day. The only thing Aceon needs is more admins and mods, it is unfair to put all the work on Rags shoulders.
Do not have the temerity to say you didn't insult Rags advice when it is proven to be useful because the evidence is all on pages 2 and 3 of this thread.

I have never been more flattered than by a 16 year old named CPftw.

Kokkaku Kishu

Can we all just hug, make up, and admit that once Starbound comes out caphori will become a dead stagnant pool of inactivity?


Quote from: Kokkaku Kishu on 12-12-2012
Can we all just hug, make up, and admit that once Starbound comes out caphori will become a dead stagnant pool of inactivity?

Are you implying that it isn't already?


Quote from: max0596 on 12-12-2012
I was talking about Jake, etc. Everyone who doesn't come on Caphori who was here.

lol grow up and realize that my words didn't insult anything but your sensitive and young mind.
i mean literally in what way can you interpret a general observational sentence as an insult unless you're illiterate.
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Greetings everyone and I will be your guide. Above me is raging, to the left is raging to the right you guessed it raging.

Why can't you all just chill out a little? If you had a proper conversation about caphori's problems more would get done than if everyone's complaining and calling each other assholes.
It's Christmas, the time of year where people (Best not give my opinion actually before ban) get presents...... nothing else happened.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: max0596 on 12-12-2012
Password: Not my idea. Also, it's pretty strong IF people don't decide to be assholes. It's against the rules for a good reason. Stop being a self-righteous asshole.
Rag: Still an asshole that thought that releasing Caphori's password was a good and justified idea, idgaf if he's the best admin in the world, I'll never respect someone who decided to be that much of an ass.
Xenophobic: How am I this? Makes no sense. I was asking feedback from the people who are on the server. If someone walks into your coffee shop, who should you ask for feedback? The person who just bought coffee, or a person sitting in the laundromat next door?
Snide: I'm also not this. As I've said before, a lot of meaning gets lost in words. I mean well when it seems like I don't. But I do mean well. If you're insulting my character, I'd say you should shut up. Except now, because I'm being angry at you because you've decided to push.
Furthermore, Ragolution's advice was helpful BACK THERE. Right now, right fucking now, releasing the password isn't helpful. Neither is calling me an asshole, along with a slew of other things. ALSO, I wasn't just talking about Ragolution. I was talking about Jake, etc. Everyone who doesn't come on Caphori who was here. All they did was walk in and insult everything we did. I hate them. Not Aceon. Not Aceon's Players. All you're doing is tossing around words like a fucking ten year old who thinks he's always right.
You were the one who disregarded someone with obvious experience in managing a successful server on the grounds that he wasn't on the server. It is all there. Your little coffe analogy is good except change the guy in the laundromat to a guy who already runs a successful coffee shop on the other side of town. Maybe if you had treated an experienced admin (for a different server! Shock! Horror!) with respect when he gave you advice, like how James told you to, or maybe if you had apologised for being rude to said admin, he wouldn't have gotten pissed and made a joke of the way you protect your server. One word has apparently ruined your server, that is not a good system.
You said no to having money at the start for new players then support the idea of a bandit faction. To have a faction that basically is a parasite of the economy you actually need to have a functioning economy. Aceon has had many bandit factions and they all fall through if the economy in game isn't functioning. And you say no to having them build inside a city, when it sounds to me like your factions are spread far out and there is not enough interaction.
If you don't mind can we continue this argument in a month or so? Nathan is right it's Christmas and also I just needed to get a petty argument out the way, I should be good for a couple of months. I sincerely hope Caphori picks up and thrives because any growth on one HGN server will promote growth on others.
And Rag I'm 17 Jeez... That hurt deep man... real deep.....

{JRParadox approves of deep penetration}


Alright listen up, everyone's acting like a joke.

Congratulations max and CPftw you can both make statements which are true yet oppose, that's called a difference of opinion, one of you thinks the password system is too fragile as one word shouldn't have so much power, the other sees it as a well established system which is better than adding even more plugins to the server. One sees outsiders to Caphori as being constantly hostile and negative yet the other sees them as experienced people who try to give a hand (while trolling when trolling is due). One sees Ragolution as a good moderator, the other sees him as a bit of an unnecessary twat. How rad! Understand people can have two different views on the same situation and STFU.

Non-Caphori HGN needs to realise that when you insult and troll your opinions are diminished (if you really think that being an idiot doesn't diminish your point observe Godwin's Law). Also understand that just because your servers are down for maintenance doesn't mean that you can come and get all that angst out on a different part of HGN, what it means is you should pick up a cheap game and maybe try out some light hearted RP (we are aware that we're a bunch of casuals and just accept people will behave like casuals) and maybe even improve the inflow of people to HGN by improving Caphori.

Caphori needs to realise it's not an island and cannot operate by flat out ignoring external assistance (which I am a culprit of I admit).

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


You are all fadgets, no need for such threads when you have GVC.
Also why don't you just make Terraria and Minecraft servers build ones? Who the fuck wants to roleplay in this shit?


Quote from: knife_cz on 13-12-2012
You are all fadgets, no need for such threads when you have GVC.
Also why don't you just make Terraria and Minecraft servers build ones? Who the fuck wants to roleplay in this shit?

Are you retarded?


Is this thread still going?

Well let me tell you one thing:

I stopped caring when I saw how easy it was to make max flip out.
Do I need to state the obvious here?

It's as simple as someone other than me distributing the password incognito to fuck up your whole 'PESSWARD' system. I don't know why you don't see that.

What pisses me off is you have a password AND anti-build protection.


What next? You gunna wear two condoms during sex?


Quote from: Ragolution on 13-12-2012
What next? You gunna wear two condoms during sex?

Better safe than sorry
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway


Quote from: Jake on 13-12-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 13-12-2012
What next? You gunna wear two condoms during sex?

Better safe than sorry

While we're at it, she has to wear a condom too.


Quote from: Ragolution on 13-12-2012
Quote from: Jake on 13-12-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 13-12-2012
What next? You gunna wear two condoms during sex?

Better safe than sorry

While we're at it, she has to wear a condom too.

'cus Rag logic.

(and I know that you mean there should be a happy medium where a different protections is used which is better than password but not as much hassle as two layers)

Speaking of Rag logic where's my chess match slut?

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Quote from: JRParadox on 13-12-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 13-12-2012
Quote from: Jake on 13-12-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 13-12-2012
What next? You gunna wear two condoms during sex?

Better safe than sorry

While we're at it, she has to wear a condom too.

'cus Rag logic.

(and I know that you mean there should be a happy medium where a different protections is used which is better than password but not as much hassle as two layers)

Speaking of Rag logic where's my chess match slut?

Too busy celebrating Weenmas.


Actually two condoms causes them to rub against each other making them more likely to split...

The more you know.