The Unofficial Caphori/Aceon Bullshit Thread

Started by matter, 14-09-2012

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how about you both stop acting like cocks to new guys and maybe your server will get some uptime


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-12-2012
how about you both stop acting like cocks to new guys and maybe your server will get some uptime

Because we really do that. Screw those new people, right? It's not their fault that they think "RP it:" means seven words, then expand on it with three more words. I'm not talking about you, Ember, I'm talking about some other people. And Maxi, I don't act like an ass to people who don't deserve it. People who submit their application then start posting in every direction to show that they exist and they want to get on as soon as possible just bug me. There are new guys that do the right thing. They have good applications, etc.

It's like if you ring a doorbell, then start knocking, then run around to the back door and start knocking and ringing that doorbell, then climbing up to a window and knocking on it. And all the while, there's this elderly man who can barely walk dragging himself upstairs to get the door. It's not impatience; it's just really, really annoying to me, personally. I'm also getting PM's from a bunch of people to check their posts at the same time.

You see, there's this one big difference between Aceon and Caphori. When someone new gets on Caphori, they can instantly build. Destroy things. On Aceon, they need to play for quite a while and get approvals from other players before they can build. It requires a little bit more due diligence.

Btw, this;
Quote from: max0596 on 01-12-2012
Quote from: Emberlord88 on 01-12-2012
Is that aimed towards me?

It's knife. When is he ever NOT insulting someone? Oh wait, new guy. Yes, I think it is.

Believe me, it's happened before. Someone new gets on and believe that they should get on within an hour. But you see...

Administration/Mods/Operators have lives.
Not being an ass to him. It's being an ass to the new guys who do that. And giving him background information to why it's directed at him. Because knife is an ass. The hour thing was a joke; I believe he waited a while before posting.
Also, this;
Quote from: max0596 on 01-12-2012
Quote from: Emberlord88 on 01-12-2012
Would you guys mind accepting or denying my Terraria application, I am quite restless to begin playing it

(Your RP is too short)
Is not being an ass. It's telling him what he did wrong, as I did on his actual application also.


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-12-2012
how about you both stop acting like cocks to new guys and maybe your server will get some uptime
Max is right, even though a moderator might mess with me, lets face it, I was being a restless idiot.  I respect that moderators have lives outside of this forum, and it doesn't really get to my head when they talk about me like that, because I know where my mistake was with what I had said, which is why I removed it.
"Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company. "
-Mark Twain


"moderators have lives"

Yes, but, they also have a duty to their server.

You insulted his application in the cockiest way possible. Stop trying to cover yourself up and stop acting like an ass.

TELL someone they're doing something wrong, and act like a dick SUBTLY.


Quote from: max0596 on 01-12-2012
Quote from: Emberlord88 on 01-12-2012
Is that aimed towards me?

It's knife. When is he ever NOT insulting someone? Oh wait, new guy. Yes, I think it is.

Believe me, it's happened before. Someone new gets on and believe that they should get on within an hour. But you see...

Administration/Mods/Operators have lives.

It's a good thing I don't usually read your posts; If this is any indicator you're probably a giant asshole.


Quote from: Ragolution on 01-12-2012
Quote from: max0596 on 01-12-2012
Quote from: Emberlord88 on 01-12-2012
Is that aimed towards me?

It's knife. When is he ever NOT insulting someone? Oh wait, new guy. Yes, I think it is.

Believe me, it's happened before. Someone new gets on and believe that they should get on within an hour. But you see...

Administration/Mods/Operators have lives.

It's a good thing I don't usually read your posts; If this is any indicator you're probably a giant asshole.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-12-2012
"moderators have lives"

Yes, but, they also have a duty to their server.

You insulted his application in the cockiest way possible. Stop trying to cover yourself up and stop acting like an ass.

TELL someone they're doing something wrong, and act like a dick SUBTLY.

Wait, wait, what? I'm not covering anything up. Some meanings just get lost in text-only.

I didn't insult his application. What the hell. I told him it was too short.

What I meant by myself having a life is that I have school. That's basically a full day right there.

For the record, and the second time, I was telling Ember over here WHY lolkieck was making that statement, and why it was funny. I was also telling him that knife is an ass, basically saying that "It's not just you he insults".

In summary, I'm bad at wording some things.

Also, if it sounded like I was acting like an ass/cock/jerkface, I'm sorry about that. It's not your fault, Ember.


what the fuck caphori get your shit together god damn this place needs a firm hand
Blake.H: And im also working on whipping him into shape
Blake.H: He's nice
Blake.H: He doesn't moan
Blake.H: The sheer obedience is enough to fuel my erection anyway

Silver Knight

Quotebreslau: if i cant cheat i dont wanna play
breslau: period


*nKe slaps max0596 around a bit with a large trout

Read Jake's message.


Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-12-2012
TELL someone they're doing something wrong, and act like a dick SUBTLY.

This man speaks wisdom.


Oh great, two of the trolls got here. There goes any hope of getting back on topic. And any hope of me salvaging anything but "HUR HUR I'M AN ASSHOLE" out of anything I've posted here.

Quote from: Ragolution on 02-12-2012
Quote from: Maxi96203 on 01-12-2012
TELL someone they're doing something wrong, and act like a dick SUBTLY.

This man speaks wisdom.
I would take his wisdom if I had any desire whatsoever to act like a dick to people. When people post an application, no matter how shoddy, I hardly think that action alone provokes negative reaction from me. And for the last time, it didn't. Wasn't meant that way. End of discussion.

But seriously; let's get back on topic here. What would you guys, the actual members of Caphori like to see more of? More people is the obvious choice, but would you like to see more RP-heavy Events? Or maybe just a better, more thought-out landscape?


A better landscape and events like the older events.  Almost all of the events I've been on are, jump in temple and race to find the treasure. Even though the Jungle Temple was a good event, afterwards it seemed like the same event with a new coat of paint on it. Kami's large scale race for the A.X.E was different, it had riddles instead of just paths. I can't remember who ended up finding it...somehow I played it and the tower exploded. It's was sort of awesome. I'm REALLY not suggesting gods played by people again. But I fear I'm rambling now. So bye.
I'm not an asshole, I just play one on TV.

Put me in coach I'm ready.


Quote from: bastidon on 02-12-2012

A better landscape and events like the older events.  Almost all of the events I've been on are, jump in temple and race to find the treasure. Even though the Jungle Temple was a good event, afterwards it seemed like the same event with a new coat of paint on it. Kami's large scale race for the A.X.E was different, it had riddles instead of just paths. I can't remember who ended up finding it...somehow I played it and the tower exploded. It's was sort of awesome. I'm REALLY not suggesting gods played by people again. But I fear I'm rambling now. So bye.

I wasn't there for many of the events set in the Temple after it, so I wouldn't know XD the event though, the initial one, was awesome. We had a few technical mishaps, sure, but it mostly went perfect. As for the A.X.E thing, I never was there for it. Believe me...

What we have planned, or at least are in the process of planning...let's just say I feel like it's going to be astronomically cool. I think, personally, it's going to top the Jungle Temple and A.X.E. C:

As for gods...I feel like they shouldn't be RP'd as ACTUAL beings that you can just walk up to. If we're going to do it, make it seem like they're not just normal people. If we are ever going to go into that again, they'll be more mystical, and not even have an appearance. Probably won't even speak to humans.


Quote from: max0596 on 02-12-2012
Oh great, two of the trolls got here. There goes any hope of getting back on topic. And any hope of me salvaging anything but "HUR HUR I'M AN ASSHOLE" out of anything I've posted here.

I think your elocutions would be slightly more readable if you didn't try to squeeze in the "IM A PRETENTIOUS CUNT" comments every time you posted. In fact, I think I'd be more receptive to your demeanor if you didn't just have the delightful exuberance of elitism flowing from your every orifice the way pus drips from an open sore.

I really appreciate the snide comments now and then but when you outright say "Oh it's these guys, let me just completely ignore their opinions and offerings regardless of validity and affect.", I get tired.

I direly hope one day you get over your Napoleonic Complex and integrate with the rest of Human society.


That was one hell of a side track. Lets try to put aside our arguments or at least take them elsewhere on the forum. Now back to the actual topic I Don't think the problem is the map i think it's people not creating a story and I think we should help a storyline be created with an event.In my opinion this event should be the creation of two distinct factions that are against each other on the server.


I'm a new player.  I think a server/story event would be cool and help invigorate current players.  However, to get new blood into the game, I think advertising or getting the word out that this server exists and is welcoming new players would be the best way.

Someone near the beginning of this thread suggested a few places to get the word out.  I'd also suggest reddit/r/terraria.


Quote from: Ragolution on 02-12-2012
Quote from: max0596 on 02-12-2012
Oh great, two of the trolls got here. There goes any hope of getting back on topic. And any hope of me salvaging anything but "HUR HUR I'M AN ASSHOLE" out of anything I've posted here.

I think your elocutions would be slightly more readable if you didn't try to squeeze in the "IM A PRETENTIOUS CUNT" comments every time you posted. In fact, I think I'd be more receptive to your demeanor if you didn't just have the delightful exuberance of elitism flowing from your every orifice the way pus drips from an open sore.

I really appreciate the snide comments now and then but when you outright say "Oh it's these guys, let me just completely ignore their opinions and offerings regardless of validity and affect.", I get tired.

I direly hope one day you get over your Napoleonic Complex and integrate with the rest of Human society.

Because I'm really elitist when I accept applications. You know what, Rag? You're acting like an asshole. I don't know where the hell this came from, or why you're doing it, but I direly hope that you get over being an asshole one day. I'm not even going to read your response to this. It's just going to be more bitching about who you think I am. If you made even the slightest effort to get to know me, then maybe you wouldn't be acting like I'm a horrible person towards me all the time. But no, this is the guy who never goes on a server, but comes in to the forums for it and insults it's operators, and says what we're doing things wrong. Get out. If you want to talk to me on Steam, I have the same name as here. The arrival ofJake and Nik3 have just basically made anything they post reinforce the point that "I'm a horrible person and a horrible Operator". Which isn't true.

Also, because this:
Quote from: Nik3 on 02-12-2012
*nKe slaps max0596 around a bit with a large trout

Read Jake's message.
And this:
Quote from: Jake on 02-12-2012
what the fuck caphori get your shit together god damn this place needs a firm hand
Aren't Nik3 and Jake being little trolls. Also, I've never seen either of them on the server, ever. So that's nice.

NOW HOW ABOUT THIS: We get back on topic. All the people who go on the server, I'm wondering what you guys think we could do to the server that would make coming online more worthwhile. Or how we could get more people on the server. Bottom line, I'm looking for your input, guys.

Quote from: vatovie on 02-12-2012
That was one hell of a side track. Lets try to put aside our arguments or at least take them elsewhere on the forum. Now back to the actual topic I Don't think the problem is the map i think it's people not creating a story and I think we should help a storyline be created with an event.In my opinion this event should be the creation of two distinct factions that are against each other on the server.

Yeah, we were thinking starting the storyline with an event. The idea of two distant factions is hard, but it could work out if we had more people.

Quote from: hibarnate_Paths on 03-12-2012
I'm a new player.  I think a server/story event would be cool and help invigorate current players.  However, to get new blood into the game, I think advertising or getting the word out that this server exists and is welcoming new players would be the best way.

Someone near the beginning of this thread suggested a few places to get the word out.  I'd also suggest reddit/r/terraria.

It will definitely be cool XD and I hope it invigorates you guys into coming on the server more. I don't think I can go out and advertise, but it's a good idea to advertise in a lot of different places.


I really dont know what to add to the server. I mean, we just fixed it up a bit, so that was good. The rival factions might work, but who how and why? Stuff like that is kinda important too. Says the girl who is pretty much useless anyway.


Quote from: Ragolution on 01-12-2012
Quote from: max0596 on 01-12-2012
Quote from: Emberlord88 on 01-12-2012
Is that aimed towards me?

It's knife. When is he ever NOT insulting someone? Oh wait, new guy. Yes, I think it is.

Believe me, it's happened before. Someone new gets on and believe that they should get on within an hour. But you see...

Administration/Mods/Operators have lives.

It's a good thing I don't usually read your posts; If this is any indicator you're probably a giant asshole.


Quote from: Ragolution on 03-12-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 01-12-2012
Quote from: max0596 on 01-12-2012
Quote from: Emberlord88 on 01-12-2012
Is that aimed towards me?

It's knife. When is he ever NOT insulting someone? Oh wait, new guy. Yes, I think it is.

Believe me, it's happened before. Someone new gets on and believe that they should get on within an hour. But you see...

Administration/Mods/Operators have lives.

It's a good thing I don't usually read your posts; If this is any indicator you're probably a giant asshole.
It's even better the second time.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Really Tico, really? THAT song is your response? The hell is wrong with ya boy?


Because everyone's arguing and stuff.
