Started by Cpt.Gingerbeard, 26-07-2011

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ARRRRRG, that's right Bucko ,Pirates in Caphori!!! Although my old crew were killed in a previous "escapade" (damn you Poseidon, damn you....) and I am a known liability- often prone to tripping to my death, spontaneous combustion ,being swamped by bats (the jungle is an unforgiving place), and sinking boats during one of my many gold related "fits" (DAMN YOU POSEIDON, DAMN YOU AND YOUR INFERNAL CURSE)- I Captain Gingerbeard am formally setting up a crew. Whether you be cursed, blind, limbless or even UNDEAD well find use for you yet (granted we may simpy use your body to plug the gaping holes i inadvertently create in ships)!!! Currently looking for member to help repair my- errr, OUR ship (well i say repair, so far my ship is composed of a single piece of drift wood so we'll need to do more building than repairing HARHARHARHARHARHAR). COME ON OVER (if you can get past the jungle that is... our current base of operation is an old shack i foun- built using nothing but my bare hands and pure manliness- on the East most side of the world... if your drowning and being ravaged by jellyfish, YOUR THERE)... Applicants however will be required to go through a test (it won't kill you too badly), but don't worry, you'll only fear the water for a few days, and any fear you have by that point will be completely replaced for a completely irrational fear of SHARKS.
(Note: currently our plundering will be limmited to Spelunking and treasure finding- all plunder should be shared between the crew but finders get first pick of treasure)
Current Members:-
Captain (until the next "election")
Captain Gingerbeard

Adrian Hale

Seignior Plunderer
Will Steel

(preferably with one metal arm and a brother who's soul is trapped inside a suite of armour)

Stanton Dowd
Thorgar Darkhammer
Nathan Jones

Honourary crew members (not part of the faction but affiliated via aliance- simply knowing the cap isnt enough to be on here tho)
Samael Spades
Miss Safia

CURRENTLY looking for a man to act as a merchent to manage black market goods

Alestorm - You Are a Pirate!


i'm supposedly in test though, odd.

Krieger Von Wilhelm

Haha whoever heard of a pirate republic, ah well i suppose there's a first for everything.


and i quit, so off the list i go.


Quote from: Krieger Von Wilhelm on 31-07-2011
Haha whoever heard of a pirate republic, ah well i suppose there's a first for everything.
JUST BECAUSE THE PIRATES ARE FORMALISED does not mean we go back on our onepeice- straw hat luffy-esq pirate codes and ethics... arg (also pirates cant spell, so exuse any mistakes)

[email protected]

haha quartermaster nice 8)

Souless Dark

Yo Captain, I think this song would work well here, since you don't already have one for your faction.



Quote from: Souless Dark on 29-08-2011
Yo Captain, I think this song would work well here, since you don't already have one for your faction.
You Souless, Ima let you finish, but Pirates of the Carribean was one of the best movies of all time.


do the pirates happen to have a need for the assassins guild i left a message in your bar but no one has responded yet.