The Rangers.

Started by Syl, 17-12-2011

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 The Rangers are a sub-faction of The Royal Guards (Matt's faction) Where we are basically special ops, good at stealth mission, sabotage, and if the need arises, assasination. 

The rangers server solely the current monarch of caphori, but also take orders from Matt. There will be one ranger in each zone to keep the peace, and will report any suspicious activity to me.

The rangers main skills are bowmanship, stealth, tracking, and tactical planning.  Rangers will each serve for three months tops, and during this time have an apprentice, but if they do not have an apprentice, their spot is empty and can be taken by a senior ranger. The apprentice will take their masters spot once they retire, and will then serve the three month sentence, and can take an open spot if there is one. Senior rangers will still deal within the rangers corps, but will not watch over a zone, they will do missions, and give advice.

If you have questions, or would like to join, please pm me.


(I know this is EXTREMELY vague, so ask lots of questions :D )

Leader: Eirkash

Senior Rangers: Esgaroth, Jacques

Zone 1-2: Eirkash

Zone 3-4: Jacques

Zone 5-6: Esgaroth

Apprentices: Wolfgang


you plan to spy on the assassins guilds faction zone and not get false info or killed good luck to you it won't work plus why spy on us i am usually helpful to matt and even if you did get info what makes you think you could stop us all in all ally us and don't no need if we are allies.


I couldn't interpret too much of that and i'm guessing english isn't your first language, but, the rangers wont be spying, or trying to stop you, our main goal is to stop bandits, or see if anyone is preparing to attack, or if someone is against the Caphorian Monarchy.  Were not meant to be enemies, we just watch over that particular zone, no matter whose in it, so it's nothing personal, and were watching over the entire zone in general, not just you. We wont be spying on your private conversations, but if you ever want help from the ranger in your zone then just ask, for their skills, try not to get to angry about us protecting and watching over your zone and stopping brigands and bandits, not trying to listen in on all of your plans or picking off members. Were trying to help you. so calme down, alright? :P
