The A.X.E.

Started by Kamimaia, 16-05-2012

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Rumors have it that it- or something leading to it- lies below town, from townsfolk who happened to witness conversations with Sevall and some unknown figure.

The search is on, for the item that can grant one wish.

VAN CANTO - Lost Forever (Official)



I game, is there a certain time or date or is it just who ever can find it first?


Whoever finds it first. Once it is *found*, however, getting in should only be done once Zubael or I are on.


Challange Accepted


Dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun dun dun duunnn!
*Syl got an a.x.e.!*
:P events over! Now I've gotta go activate something...


Come on, I couldn't even get a chance. I didn't get the new password.


The Enchantment of the Pillars- pt. 1


Across the land they had come- from the Gray to the Black, from the Red to the White, from the Green to the Edge of Gods. What began as a race against time became a race against rivals- until finally, it was merely a race. One was the god known as Syl, whose childish demeanor rarely betrayed a calculating, desperate and intelligent mind. The other was a worshiper of the ancients- a warrior raised on tales of those who had Came Before, and was indomitable in his will. Dante, and Syl- against the whole of the land, all seeking one artifact.

The A.X.E.

It was an instrument- always an instrument. Sometimes a guitar, other times a drum, but always silver or gold to show its power. Here, it was a harp- a massive harp whose strings barely contained the magic it held sway over.

History spoke of wishes. One, to each individual who held it- and then, disappear into the ether to find a new place to hide itself.

The instrument that could enchant the Pillars.

The astutely dubbed 'Team Awesome' would be the trailblazers who found it, urged on by an unknown force while the White One slumbered- seemingly never to wake. Found it- and fought for it.

For while they had followed clues and signs left by a mystery untold, one creature had homed in upon the Harp as if drawn like a beacon- Daelux, the soul of a spear that held no love for its wielders. Was it some strange, emotional attachment from one legendary craft to another? Or was it merely mischief, meant to waylay and destroy those it despised?

The battle was fierce, and intense. Dante fell- wounded, by the Spear's initial wave of powerful summoning spells. Syl was gaining no ground, in the blackness of the ruins of Redmortar.

That was, until the unknown guide made its presence known.

"The... Light..."

What ensued was a mad scramble- a defensive turmoil as Syl scrambled for the candles that once lit glorious Redmortar. Light, it seemed, would banish the Spear and its hate. Time and again, despite mounting wounds of a hellish nature, the god of nature brought Light once more to the fortress of the Omni.

And then?

The harp was claimed.

Now, Syl need only find the god of Music, who alone had the power to perfectly play the instrument he had fought so hard for-

-And Dante? He had a new home to defend. Redmortar would see its former glory restored.


Meanwhile in the dark caves of the corruption Sevall was completely lost and somehow cut off from the "Team Awesome" he once led.

(I lost internet at that time. and my team continued onward to victory! I'm so proud of all you guys :D)
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