The "Vacation Homes"

Started by CAMaera, 20-02-2012

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I wouldn't usually do this sort of thing, but these "Vacation Homes" sit vacant all of the time(Four are built, only one is occupied. The other homes have "Vacant" signs on them. Furthermore, I have never seen the actual owner of this home in the actual home itself.) and take up space in our smallest biome, the snow. My home is about right in the middle of it, and to the right is just these homes, then the end of the snow. I heard from some people(can't remember the names) that said they bought them, but they are all made by Nathan Jones, I believe. We seriously have barely any snow(thank god that Ruby Diggers takes up no above-ground space) left because of these vacant homes. Now before you go "Hey! Your house is too big also!" to me, my home is in complete and utter accordance with the rules set out by Steven. I'm just motioning that these be destroyed due to lack of space, go ahead and take a look in Caphori's winter biome and make your own decision. We(James and I. I said they shouldn't, and he agreed.) have had to turn away the Steel Dragons from the area they wanted to build in because the biome was too small, and these homes took up too much space.


I was there when Nathan built them and his reasoning was he was bored. Now if you're gonna build stuff aren't you supposed to talk to a mod first? Also why build in the smallest biome when you're bored? So I strongly agree that they should be removed.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Being destroyed as I post, will probably be gone when you read this.


Quote from: Crow793 on 20-02-2012
Being destroyed as I post, will probably be gone when you read this.
Done and dusted.
-Not needed
-No use
-Not mod permitted
-Really freaking useless

Terraria Super Operator
JRP > What are you?
Rag > Your freind
JRP > For real?
Rag > This is so serious you don't understand.


Happy that this was resolved swiftly. I say that if anyone ever wants to build in the snow, there should be some sort of app or something, XD