Terraria Complaint thread: Got a problem? It goes here.

Started by Spades_Neil, 04-07-2012

0 Members and 3 Guests are viewing this topic.

Steven :D

fuck all im on vacation, i don't even know why rag or any of you have access to these forums, talk to James Almasy as I already posted my loa notice


Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
fuck all im on vacation, i don't even know why rag or any of you have access to these forums, talk to James Almasy as I already posted my loa notice

Give the position to someone else. You clearly can't be assed to do your job normally if you can't do a simple policy change while you're having a 'leave of absence'. Grow the fuck up; You run the server, it's expected you run it well or let someone else do it.


Quote from: Ragolution on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
fuck all im on vacation, i don't even know why rag or any of you have access to these forums, talk to James Almasy as I already posted my loa notice

Give the position to someone else. You clearly can't be assed to do your job normally if you can't do a simple policy change while you're having a 'leave of absence'. Grow the fuck up; You run the server, it's expected you run it well or let someone else do it.

I'm trying to do it. I suck at it, I can admit that. Hopefully I can obtain some of your Mod wisdom.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.

Steven :D

Quote from: Ragolution on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
fuck all im on vacation, i don't even know why rag or any of you have access to these forums, talk to James Almasy as I already posted my loa notice

Give the position to someone else. You clearly can't be assed to do your job normally if you can't do a simple policy change while you're having a 'leave of absence'. Grow the fuck up; You run the server, it's expected you run it well or let someone else do it.
lol ragolution, why would I change a system that works. I don't see any flaws in Caphori right now besides people pming the wrong people (like I said before there may be something wrong with people unable to follow a procedure correctly) I'm not going to be spoonfeeding all of these people who apply, there are so many of them. If they really want to join the community, it shows initiative if they actually go out and seek the password.


Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
fuck all im on vacation, i don't even know why rag or any of you have access to these forums, talk to James Almasy as I already posted my loa notice

Give the position to someone else. You clearly can't be assed to do your job normally if you can't do a simple policy change while you're having a 'leave of absence'. Grow the fuck up; You run the server, it's expected you run it well or let someone else do it.
lol ragolution, why would I change a system that works. I don't see any flaws in Caphori right now besides people pming the wrong people (like I said before there may be something wrong with people unable to follow a procedure correctly) I'm not going to be spoonfeeding all of these people who apply, there are so many of them. If they really want to join the community, it shows initiative if they actually go out and seek the password.


Steven :D

Quote from: Ragolution on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
fuck all im on vacation, i don't even know why rag or any of you have access to these forums, talk to James Almasy as I already posted my loa notice

Give the position to someone else. You clearly can't be assed to do your job normally if you can't do a simple policy change while you're having a 'leave of absence'. Grow the fuck up; You run the server, it's expected you run it well or let someone else do it.
lol ragolution, why would I change a system that works. I don't see any flaws in Caphori right now besides people pming the wrong people (like I said before there may be something wrong with people unable to follow a procedure correctly) I'm not going to be spoonfeeding all of these people who apply, there are so many of them. If they really want to join the community, it shows initiative if they actually go out and seek the password.

I still don't know why you're here flaming to put a point across that we've already known about for a while.
would not read your posts ever again


Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Ragolution on 06-07-2012
Quote from: Steven :D on 06-07-2012
fuck all im on vacation, i don't even know why rag or any of you have access to these forums, talk to James Almasy as I already posted my loa notice

Give the position to someone else. You clearly can't be assed to do your job normally if you can't do a simple policy change while you're having a 'leave of absence'. Grow the fuck up; You run the server, it's expected you run it well or let someone else do it.
lol ragolution, why would I change a system that works. I don't see any flaws in Caphori right now besides people pming the wrong people (like I said before there may be something wrong with people unable to follow a procedure correctly) I'm not going to be spoonfeeding all of these people who apply, there are so many of them. If they really want to join the community, it shows initiative if they actually go out and seek the password.

I still don't know why you're here flaming to put a point across that we've already known about for a while.
would not read your posts ever again

Why I am "flaming" is because the system doesn't work. Go ahead and pretend it does, but it really doesn't. The HGN forums are pretty confusing if only because the Terraria and Minecraft sections are on the very bottom, out of view.

Use the fucking applications to filter out the idiots- HGN is not your personal quality control filter. You have an application system for a fucking reason. If you're so fucking colic over a simple thing like this, you're obviously trolling the ever-living fuck out of me or there's something wrong with you. Several admins have complained about people PMing them for the password and either someone's out there trolling everyone or you're doing something wrong. If it takes a fucking thread, and three administrators screaming at you to even get you to THINK about changing this, there is clearly much awry and you're not suited for your administrative position.

I think I'll leave your bullshit elitist "I'm-better-than-HGN" attitude out of this because it's extremely evident no amount of arguing and complaining will motivate you to be competent and run your fucking server.


Rag hit the nail on the head. Several times.

James, Steven - I've been with the server for 2 weeks, and I have been interviewing it's players and admins. The system is a problem, and so is both of your activity. A simple PM of the password from those who accept the app will fix the system, however I might apply for supervisor so I can sort out in-server issues while you two go AFK - atleast then we cover another timezone.

Steven :D

Quote from: ThY on 07-07-2012
Rag hit the nail on the head. Several times.

James, Steven - I've been with the server for 2 weeks, and I have been interviewing it's players and admins. The system is a problem, and so is both of your activity. A simple PM of the password from those who accept the app will fix the system, however I might apply for supervisor so I can sort out in-server issues while you two go AFK - atleast then we cover another timezone.
so you suddenly return and say "this shit sucks i should be in charge"

The system works, the only thing that may change is the fact admins PM the players for the password.


I never said incharge. Scared of loosing power much?
QuoteThe system works

How many people will it take to persuade you otherwise? Be realistic
It's you vs everyone else. You're on your own
Do you want me to get the admins and players to sign a petition then formally post it to you for consideration?

Steven I like you and all, but i'm just talking on behalf of most of your playerbase, five admins and two forum mods. You need to listen rather shrug all these things away.

Steven :D

Quote from: ThY on 07-07-2012
I never said incharge. Scared of loosing power much?
You've had nothing to do with Terraria and then all of a sudden decide to take interest, for reasons I could care less about. I already just said that the problem will be looked in to. Why are you guys still attempting to decapitate me after I already confirmed this.


Quote from: ThY on 07-07-2012
It's you vs everyone else. You're on your own

If I'm not counted among them, I should be. I'm siding with ThY on this, primarily because you've decided to drop any vestige of real leadership in favor of acting a twit. Its funny, because any other time I would have LIKED having someone above me on the Caphori food chain who did jack-all on the server or forums. I find it makes it EASIER to do my job.

But someone who does jack-all on the forums, on the server, and uses any and all posts he makes to both make Caphori look bad and wave his cock at his peers? I can't get behind a person like that.



Quote from: Steven :D on 07-07-2012
Quote from: ThY on 07-07-2012
I never said incharge. Scared of loosing power much?
You've had nothing to do with Terraria and then all of a sudden decide to take interest, for reasons I could care less about. I already just said that the problem will be looked in to. Why are you guys still attempting to decapitate me after I already confirmed this.
The problem has been "looked into" 5 times publicly. I doubt you were even active for them. Maybe if you were active, you would of noticed i've taken a large interest in Terraria in the recent weeks.

Anyhow to keep it back on topic. Can admins please who accept apps PM the password to the player?


Quote from: ThY on 07-07-2012
Can admins please who accept apps PM the password to the player?
