Suggestions to make Caphori more RPGish

Started by Syndraell, 10-10-2011

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a few ideas i Had chatting with another Caphorean.
Remember, these are only suggestions so far. these rules are not implemented.

1# housing limitations.

I feel the best size of a one room shack is (20Wx10H) Also suggested that all buildings start out wooden. as time progresses, one can -upgrade- their house to a better material. that is, of course, after they pay a fee to upgrade to (material name) 95% of profit goes to the royal treasury, while 5% goes to an architect/builder/guild (like a thieves guild)

2# Tiered Item Usage.

As most of us get stronger, we need the usage of better armor/weapons/perks. I believe gold was the original high standard. we've bickered for a while for the proper usage of (item), and have had classes implemented to keep standards. I believe that classes are good, but there are items that we want to use. My suggestion came from one of my favorite games, Final Fantasy Tactics. I love these games, and in the later ones for the handheld systems, came the Quests. Quests enabled players/teammates to change their class, provided they met requirements. and if they did enough, they would have the ability to equip said item regardless of class. Sadly, i have not thought deeply enough upon this. I will try to think a little harder.

I am also glad to hear suggestions, even though if they are good ones... I have not the power to enforce them.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Now all you need to do is make it so only Dirt Farmers can sell or dig for dirt, make lumberjacks the only ones who can use axes and blacksmiths the only ones who can make weapons.


Quote from: Ragolution on 10-10-2011
Now all you need to do is make it so only Dirt Farmers can sell or dig for dirt, make lumberjacks the only ones who can use axes and blacksmiths the only ones who can make weapons.

well, dirt farmers being miners have no purpose due to the wilderness server. Lumberjacks are a good idea, as well are blacksmiths. But i also suggest having a Marketplace somewhere, to where people can buy/sell materials and other goods.

Having a marketplace would really help out, as long as we have a warehouse to store items and materials.

So lumberjacks have a place to sell their day's work.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


I was being sarcastic.

Quin did the same thing for Aceon and it murdered our population.


Quote from: Ragolution on 10-10-2011
I was being sarcastic.

Quin did the same thing for Aceon and it murdered our population.

I hope the marketplace is still a good idea though.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Problem with such limited classes as that is that those people may not always be online and if they aren't who will sell you the stuff. What if the market place stock runs out. Oh shit? No people would make there own. Also most professions can make some sort of tool or weapon. Not all but most making those classes even less needed.

I was on a minecraft server that used specific classes like that. Everyone either left or griefed there way for items. Turning everyone into thieves or dead.

Great idea, but can't be limited to such small groupings. If I had my way everyone would almost play 24/7 and there would be a person for every class and profession. Though thats not going to happen.

Still I like the base idea and I really like the housing idea.  ;)
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


guys you realize that classes dont exist yet and i dont think they ever will at least i hope and its very easy to request and make then get appoved for higher level stuff. the house thing should have some go to tax and would be a great idea execpt for the fact that higher ups would bypass it and have epic houses because they own a town (like me) this is bound to piss some people and if you dont let mods and town makers break your housing rules they will get mad.
also the taxes would also piss people off so in short great idea if people wernt so damn greedy


Quote from: vatovie on 10-10-2011
guys you realize that classes dont exist yet and i dont think they ever will at least i hope and its very easy to request and make then get appoved for higher level stuff. the house thing should have some go to tax and would be a great idea execpt for the fact that higher ups would bypass it and have epic houses because they own a town (like me) this is bound to piss some people and if you dont let mods and town makers break your housing rules they will get mad.
also the taxes would also piss people off so in short great idea if people wernt so damn greedy

even the higher ups should follow the rule, the king/queen being an exception.

like a transition to stone should be like 5 gold. it's not hard to get that much gold. At least it's not 5 platinum.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


as i said its because people are greedyand they are also lazy it would never work the same reason people dont go through the effort to request to upgrade their tools they insted would stay with a wood house or upgrade without asking. sorry it's bound to cause problems with someone. i how ever would love the house idea to work it cant though
because people are to lazy or to greedy.


People who can't rp properly shouldn't be on the server. Being frustrated or annoyed is one thing, but completely not following rp is not acceptable. Yes you can't have everything be perfect, but collecting money so you can upgrade your house is very complicated or difficult and would take no time at all. This applies to lower and higher levels. Higher levels could get it quicker, but they would soon hit a road block for a while. While lower levels would always be on the slow road. So what if one person gets a hellstone house faster then someone else. This is rp not who can get the best house or equipment. Were playing for the fun of roleplay not so some guy can say "Hey this isn't fair that he has gold bricks and I get lowsy wood." I would much rather be a fucking whore for a character then to play in a world where you can give youself a gold house in a terraria day with needing to use a single cent.

Now if some fuck can't deal with a little realistic rp then they should pack there bags and get the fuck out. Yes this seems harsh, but it is my real opinion and no I'm not raging. So grow up or leave this server to go to some dumb fuck server where they can't take every aspect in rp seriously!  >:(
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 11-10-2011
People who can't rp properly shouldn't be on the server. Being frustrated or annoyed is one thing, but completely not following rp is not acceptable. Yes you can't have everything be perfect, but collecting money so you can upgrade your house is very complicated or difficult and would take no time at all. This applies to lower and higher levels. Higher levels could get it quicker, but they would soon hit a road block for a while. While lower levels would always be on the slow road. So what if one person gets a hellstone house faster then someone else. This is rp not who can get the best house or equipment. Were playing for the fun of roleplay not so some guy can say "Hey this isn't fair that he has gold bricks and I get lowsy wood." I would much rather be a fucking whore for a character then to play in a world where you can give youself a gold house in a terraria day with needing to use a single cent.

Now if some fuck can't deal with a little realistic rp then they should pack there bags and get the fuck out. Yes this seems harsh, but it is my real opinion and no I'm not raging. So grow up or leave this server to go to some dumb fuck server where they can't take every aspect in rp seriously!  >:(

You're an annoying cunt and you need to learn three/four things:

Grammar and sentence structure.
The intrinsic differences between homophones. ( You're, your, yore )
The fact that everyone is worth your time.

If someone doesn't know how to RP, teach them.

My next post expresses my points much better.


the thing is i said this multiple times i agree with the idea and would gladly be part of it but im saying other people might not. and you (deugonlord) really need to pay a lot of attention to what people say before you respond because you just came across to everyone reading this as a jerk because all i said is people are greedy and lazy it dosnt matter how little money or efffort it takes to do it some people are to greedy or lazy to not get pissed at it and as i said before i agree this would make it more rpgish and like the idea i was just telling you what you may run into when making it part of the rules.



Some aspects of your proposal sound feasible, but others would be hard to implement.  More than likely, there WILL be a strict size limit for homes built on the server and increasing the size of your home would require permission from a mod a reasonable payment in gold IN CHARACTER.  There was a size limit before, but no one really paid much attention to it which is part of the reason we have issues with finding space for homes (and yes, I'm probably one of the people that can be partially blamed for that, too. :3).  There will be NO exceptions to this unless the building is for public use OR is built well below ground and even then underground homes will have a specific size limit as well.  And yes, this means the Queen/King as well.  WHENEVER the castle is built (which will be in the far future), that castle will be used for ALL leaders.  So, once the current reigning character either hands their position to another or is usurped, the next one will use that same castle rather than building an entirely new one and the former leader will have to build their own home following the size limitations that everyone else does, no matter what.

Also, there will probably be a rule on abandoned houses.  There are a TON of homes that haven't been lived in for months now just sitting, in the way, and it has gotten out of hand.  So, I'll probably start implementing a rule that if a home is abandoned and no notice is given that the owner is simply on hiatus, it will be removed to make room for other players who what to build homes.

As far as limiting what people can mine or build with, I think that's a ridiculous idea.  If someone goes through the trouble of mining a ton of stone or a ton of gold so they can make gray or gold bricks to set their house apart from others, who is to say they can't?  The resources belong to them so they should have full ability to use them as they see fit with the exception of crafting high-tier armor or equipment that require an authorization first.  Restrictions on mining will probably never happen either since there are already certain restrictions built into the game (Ex. Hellstone ore, demonite ore, meteorite) and since they require auths anyway there's no need).  If you restrict materials to certain professions, the people in those professions can cause problems by either: 1) Becoming inactive and leaving the server with no one to provide those specific materials to players or; 2) Jacking up prices and making it impossible for new people who AREN'T being lazy and simply cannot find the materials (which is happening way more often given the server map's current state) to obtain simple things that are in ridiculously short supply (Ex. Lance Green's Shop)

Also, in regards to the class proposition: Since there seems to be nothing going on in terms of revising the prop, I'll probably be speaking with Blair about implementing some other sort of system. 



1) Stop talking like an elitist asswipe.  This is Terraria.  We're roleplaying for fun, not writing a fucking novel.  And no matter how much you tell us you're not raging, you're obviously raging.

2) EVERYONE has been a new roleplayer at one point or another in their lives.  Even you.

And trust me: There is ALWAYS someone out there who writes better than you and could make the same argument that even YOU shouldn't be on the server because your roleplaying skills are shit. Just because they're not good NOW doesn't mean they can't improve if you give them a little time and help them.

3) If someone has spent 5 hours mining underground and collecting stone and gold in order to make a fucking gold house, who are we to tell them they can't?  If they're so jelly, they should go through the same trouble to make their OWN gold house or shut the hell up .

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna


Also: Hellstone houses are not allowed on the surface.  The reason is obvious.

Caphori Characters: Vaillaro and Ilanna



1) Stop talking like an elitist asswipe.  This is Terraria.  We're roleplaying for fun, not writing a fucking novel.  And no matter how much you tell us you're not raging, you're obviously raging.

2) EVERYONE has been a new roleplayer at one point or another in their lives.  Even you.

And trust me: There is ALWAYS someone out there who writes better than you and could make the same argument that even YOU shouldn't be on the server because your roleplaying skills are shit. Just because they're not good NOW doesn't mean they can't improve if you give them a little time and help them.

3) If someone has spent 5 hours mining underground and collecting stone and gold in order to make a fucking gold house, who are we to tell them they can't?  If they're so jelly, they should go through the same trouble to make their OWN gold house or shut the hell up .
I agree we have all been new to roleplaying. When i was new to rping i was quite rubbish tbh as was everyone but now i like to think of my self as a good rper. But it takes time i have been rping for more than 1 year now. Being a good rper doesnt just happen you have to work for it and spend time improving. The thing i'm trying to improve currently is puntuation and spelling even i am not completely perfect

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive



You have no fucking right to criticise anyone's spelling, RP, grammar, style or even their goddamn etiquette when it's evident to me that you have no grasp of any of the above concepts.

You need a fucking reality check.

There's nothing wrong with being Elitist but when you're an Elitist and you're a "lowsy" hunk of retard with no sense of what real RP is, you have absolutely no ground to stand on and you incur my wrath.

You are the people I discard as "Useless" and "Hopeless". You are one of the husks I do not regard with any hope or potential. Your scant forum posts have demonstrated to me, and hopefully everyone else as well, that you do not know how to spell, how to utilize grammar, how to differentiate homophones, and how to properly construct an argument. Even people with uncommon or abnormal opinions have ways to compose themselves and deliver something worth the reader's time.

Example - Me.

You give nothing. I hate people but I give arguments. All you do is give an opinion and project a holier-than-thou attitude and I think that's what's going to get you banned on Caphori.

If it were up to me, I'd ask Velspera to have you permanently banned. As a rule, I try not to interfere with cross-server bullshit like this but you take the cake buddy, you take the cake and shove the whole thing down your shit-soaked gob.

Edit: It was spelt wrong, on purpose, to make a point. The quotes conveyed SIC. Please see his first post.


Quote from: Ragolution on 12-10-2011

You have no fucking right to criticise anyone's spelling, RP, grammar, style or even their goddamn etiquette when it's evident to me that you have no grasp of any of the above concepts.

You need a fucking reality check.

There's nothing wrong with being Elitist but when you're an Elitist and you're a "lousy" hunk of retard with no sense of what real RP is, you have absolutely no ground to stand on and you incur my wrath.

You are the people I discard as "Useless" and "Hopeless". You are one of the husks I do not regard with any hope or potential. Your scant forum posts have demonstrated to me, and hopefully everyone else as well, that you do not know how to spell, how to utilize grammar, how to differentiate homophones, and how to properly construct an argument. Even people with uncommon or abnormal opinions have ways to compose themselves and deliver something worth the reader's time.

Example - Me.

You give nothing. I hate people but I give arguments. All you do is give an opinion and project a holier-than-thou attitude and I think that's what's going to get you banned on Caphori.

If it were up to me, I'd ask Velspera to have you permanently banned. As a rule, I try not to interfere with cross-server bullshit like this but you take the cake buddy, you take the cake and shove the whole thing down your shit-soaked gob.

Edit: Fixed a few spelling mistakes for you.
Oh my god. You guys thoroughly beat up dungeon_lord.... Yeah... I might think about banning him. I LIKE grammar, but I don't need people to have it. Needing people to have it is like asking for them to have pistol to a rifle fight. Its unneeded, and kinda hard to get and use for first timers.


Sorry about the whole rage thing..... Not a good day for me..... though still not excusable for my attitude. Ya, shouldn't post on my bad days because as many of you said it makes me a complete asshole. Sorry about that folks.  :(
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Also if you banned me for this it wouldn't be to surprising. Since after all the bullshit I've been banned for this one would actually be reasonable.... unlike the last time I got banned.... his reason was. "u mak me luk bad"
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Velspera on 12-10-2011

Some aspects of your proposal sound feasible, but others would be hard to implement.  More than likely, there WILL be a strict size limit for homes built on the server and increasing the size of your home would require permission from a mod a reasonable payment in gold IN CHARACTER.  There was a size limit before, but no one really paid much attention to it which is part of the reason we have issues with finding space for homes (and yes, I'm probably one of the people that can be partially blamed for that, too. :3).  There will be NO exceptions to this unless the building is for public use OR is built well below ground and even then underground homes will have a specific size limit as well.  And yes, this means the Queen/King as well.  WHENEVER the castle is built (which will be in the far future), that castle will be used for ALL leaders.  So, once the current reigning character either hands their position to another or is usurped, the next one will use that same castle rather than building an entirely new one and the former leader will have to build their own home following the size limitations that everyone else does, no matter what.

Also, there will probably be a rule on abandoned houses.  There are a TON of homes that haven't been lived in for months now just sitting, in the way, and it has gotten out of hand.  So, I'll probably start implementing a rule that if a home is abandoned and no notice is given that the owner is simply on hiatus, it will be removed to make room for other players who what to build homes.

As far as limiting what people can mine or build with, I think that's a ridiculous idea.  If someone goes through the trouble of mining a ton of stone or a ton of gold so they can make gray or gold bricks to set their house apart from others, who is to say they can't?  The resources belong to them so they should have full ability to use them as they see fit with the exception of crafting high-tier armor or equipment that require an authorization first.  Restrictions on mining will probably never happen either since there are already certain restrictions built into the game (Ex. Hellstone ore, demonite ore, meteorite) and since they require auths anyway there's no need).  If you restrict materials to certain professions, the people in those professions can cause problems by either: 1) Becoming inactive and leaving the server with no one to provide those specific materials to players or; 2) Jacking up prices and making it impossible for new people who AREN'T being lazy and simply cannot find the materials (which is happening way more often given the server map's current state) to obtain simple things that are in ridiculously short supply (Ex. Lance Green's Shop)

Also, in regards to the class proposition: Since there seems to be nothing going on in terms of revising the prop, I'll probably be speaking with Blair about implementing some other sort of system. 

I myself, don't like the principal of restricting people to certain professions. I believe that everyone has a say in the matter. Anyways, the main thing i'm focusing on right now is a merchant-run society. One that will buy and sell surplus materials. However, due to some of us having jobs/school/whatnot, it should not be run by a single person. I enjoy playing on the caphori server, and would be grateful to be a merchant of sorts. However, the people I "hire" to help run the market will be picked with extreme caution.

I would like to hear more suggestions, not just my own.

Also, Velspara; Thank you for your outlook upon my ideas.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


A merchant society or I what I call it a "Merchant Guild" is a great idea as long as the people who get chosen aren't total dooshes, unhonest, don't get online much, or decide not to rp the selling and buying of goods. I've been in merchant guilds before and one common issue is that people don't rp or the people who get chosen after a while stop playing and soon theres only one person selling goods. In my merchant guild, this is just a suggestion, I would hire merchants and would kick them off if they didn't get on within 2 human months and would kick them off if they weren't following certain rules. This worked well for me because it kept a clean flow of merchants and there was never the issue of no merchants being on. Though all servers are different and this server may need something else.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


Quote from: Dungeon_Lord on 13-10-2011
A merchant society or I what I call it a "Merchant Guild" is a great idea as long as the people who get chosen aren't total dooshes, unhonest, don't get online much, or decide not to rp the selling and buying of goods. I've been in merchant guilds before and one common issue is that people don't rp or the people who get chosen after a while stop playing and soon theres only one person selling goods. In my merchant guild, this is just a suggestion, I would hire merchants and would kick them off if they didn't get on within 2 human months and would kick them off if they weren't following certain rules. This worked well for me because it kept a clean flow of merchants and there was never the issue of no merchants being on. Though all servers are different and this server may need something else.

I try to get on daily. And i prefer to be helpful, not greedy. I am mulling over the thought of mass quantities of materials rising and dropping in price. However, i'm going to need a few more days on that one.

I'm just waiting to mess up your day. Honest.


Ya. also if they do at some point reset the server then a merchant guild would be a good thing to build because it will make more sense a merchant guild would be near small housings and maybe a town.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.


First thing I see when I come on the server is really fast house making and the rp of. "I'm new here" which would make no sense since how can you already have a house let alone one of that stature, a grey brick tunnel house thing, and seriously. Its ridiculous how suggestions to make something more realistic or rpable get totally ignored by some.
Help for hire! Seriously ask me for help, I need things to do.