So, while I was afk...

Started by CAMaera, 29-10-2012

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Damnit King Slime, screw off. I spent a couple minutes slapping him around with my Enchanted Boomerang, and got some sweet Ninja Pants out of it. Still scared the crap out of me. Oh well, it was something to do while Anti-Build was on. So, Caphorians:

What kind of loot have you gotten while Anti-Build has been on?

EDIT: Literally 5 minutes later...

This time I got a Ninja Shirt. Yay.


Abby Stone is Wet


Quote from: darkshinyprincess2 on 30-10-2012
Is that a floating house?
What does it look like?
Also I placed anti build on after being on the server a few times during the day and no one being on. Usually griefers and trolls see these inactive times as a heaven for fucking maps up so I place anti build on to stop this. I'm always on the forum really so anyone can message me etc for me to turn it off if you're on the server.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 30-10-2012
Quote from: darkshinyprincess2 on 30-10-2012
Is that a floating house?
What does it look like?
Also I placed anti build on after being on the server a few times during the day and no one being on. Usually griefers and trolls see these inactive times as a heaven for fucking maps up so I place anti build on to stop this. I'm always on the forum really so anyone can message me etc for me to turn it off if you're on the server.

Yes, I haven't had time to actually FIX my house because Anti-Build is on. I've been on for the past two days, from ~3PM CST to 5PM, then 7PM-10PM. Why do we need Anti-Build if we have a password, applications, etc? ANd why, WHY during the day. Turn that crap on when you go to bed, not during the day. It makes people not want to come back on.

Also, never seen you on except for once. Around this time, NONE of you are on. And Anti-Build is. And a few RPers and I can't do anything, just because we live in a different timezone.

Not to be blunt and insensitive, but if there are no Admins/Mods when I'm on, you guys aren't doing your job right. CST is a pretty common timezone, and 3PM is a pretty common time to be on.

TL;DR: It's a goddamn floating house, get over it. It's not my fault, take it up with the mods that aren't ever on and place the server on Anti-Build because they can't be responsible, active mods.

TL;DR the TL;DR: People are on during these times. So it floats. And get back on topic.


I agree, there shouldn be mods that can cover most, of not all, timezones


Stop necroposting.