Ryn Tergh

Started by FauxGold, 09-10-2012

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Name: Ryn Tergh
Nicknames: Warrant, Vagabond
Weight: 125
Hair color: Brown
Race: Human
Age: 26
Accent: Reserved, rusted
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
Profession: Mercenary
Weapon specification: Guns. Any type of firearm, moderately skilled in bows. Veteran of the blade.

(1-10, 1 being incredibly unskilled, 10 being incredibly proficient)

Dexterity: 9   (Highly skilled)
Intelligence: 7   (Experienced)
Wisdom: 4   (Distant)
Charisma: 4   (Reserved)
Strength: 5   (Fit)
Constitution: 6   (Trained)
Reflex: 7   (Experienced)
Perception: 5   (Average)

Strengths, Weaknesses

Fearless: Not to be mistaken with bravery, but Ryn is about as far from a coward as you can get. He doesn't get afraid, because he really doesn't care. He's just smart. He knows which fights to fight, to say. From past experience, he has built a... resilience to the unordinary, the extraordinary. Monsters don't phase him, and people just as much. Magic doesn't surprise him, though he dislikes it. He isn't 100% fearless, but pretty damn close.

Experienced: Ryn has had much experience with human interaction, and non-human interaction. He is more than experienced in combat and combat situations, and understands his environments. Is very adaptable.

Marksman: One of the best shots out there, modestly put. He spent 3 terms in his old land's military, though that no longer matters. His entire life has dealt with firearms, and he's got the natural talent for it. If you need well-armed assistance, sharpshooting help, assassination or anything of the kind, Warrant is what comes to most people's minds.

Karmic Disinterest: Tergh hasn't a care for right or wrong, and no notion of sin.

Mage Hatred: Tergh doesn't trust magic, or those who use it. He generally makes a statement of despising them. He doesn't fear magic, but he doesn't like it, either. He either avoids it or kills it. The mages, obviously. If magic's involved, odds are he won't accept the job.

Armed Occupation: Be it military, bandit or whatnot, Warrant hates it. Another attribute linked to his past, he has next to no respect for enforcers. Even the militia, ensuring safety.

Shell Shock: Ryn's hearing isn't the best, and makes him easy to sneak up on. During his service, something caused his hearing to seriously degrade, and has left scars where his left ear once was.

Veteran's Stamina: Tergh can get out of a situation fast, very fast. But it doesn't last long, evidenced by his scarred knee.

Lonely: As most men, Ryn is captivated by a beautiful woman. When confronted by one, his instincts may... mellow, for a while.

Grudge Holder: When Ryn is mistreated, persecuted, or has had wrong done to him, he exacts revenge. He remembers all, and repays all.


Not much is known of the lost mercenary, though some has surfaced. Nobody remembers him talking, but they know something, somehow. Only these are agreed to be true: Ryn has spent years in a military, somewhere else. Most likely his homeland. During his time in the military, he fought in a war. Maybe more. He has hid share of scars, and his share of memories, too. Magic has, sometime in his past, hurt him. Or those he loved. Most believe that the war he fought in was the only war, and against an invading force of magic-users. They also believe that that force won, and magic ravaged his homeland. He somehow holds himself personally responsible for this, whether or not he truly is. It is also argued that Ryn can't use magic, and out of envy and anger has turned against it entirely, although that is not so accepted.Nobody quite remembers how he got to Caphori, though most agree it had to do with water. Across the sea cam Tergh, upon a ship, perhaps. But he's always for hire. Ryn isn't widely known, but he is known of. In some towns, as Warrant. Others know him as 'a mercenary in another town, perhaps coming this way'. Vagabond hasn't a home, and travels often.

He generally wears his old uniforms, or expensive clothing.


Sounds a little...over powered don't you think? Veteran with a blade, brilliant marksmen, good runner, everyone apparently know he's amazing, he's fearless, you havn't really put many things wrong with him.

SRP: Nicolai 'Thunder' Lagunov - Loner - Alive


Quote from: INA7HAN on 10-10-2012
Sounds a little...over powered don't you think? Veteran with a blade, brilliant marksmen, good runner, everyone apparently know he's amazing, he's fearless, you havn't really put many things wrong with him.
Age 26, I am sure he has ALOT of experiences (guessing he is training since 10 years old, and fighting in war when he was 15)
No. This is bad.
With the 'attributes' I'd suggest to do it like in Fallout at start. You have 5 everything, you can add 5 more. Or you can take from some and give it to something else.


first off nice Edward gory alphabet. Second it's not just the attributes that are OP it is also hist description or more of his lack of weaknesses take for example my orc fistfighter. his weakness is he has no ranged attack and his only defense against ranged attacks is to take the damage or try to block. He also has no defense against magic other than his fists turning into magic weapons and with most magic ignoring his armor he has definitive strenghts and weaknesses. Your guy is great at range and okay at close combat this would mean your best option when it comes to weakness is very little health and a personal flaw like being afraid of something.


So, you're complaining that I made a decent character? He isn't OP- that's kinda realistic. And actually, he does have weaknesses, and they're quite easy to take advantage of. For one, INA7HAN stated that he is a 'good runner'. As it says, he can get out of a situation fast. But not for long. He isn't a good runner- his stamina doesn't provide. And by fearless, I intentionally over-defined it because I was afraid you'd misunderstand. He is fearless as to the point of not afraid of what he confronts. This doesn't mean he'll do anything, fight anything, etc. Just because he isn't afraid of it doesn't mean he thinks he can take it. He's smart, the kinda smart where you know whether or not to take it. If a job sounds too dangerous, he'll just decline. If a situation gets hairy, he'll run. The Fearless attribute is just to prove he doesn't care for how well you can spin a sword, how big the monster is, or how many grotesque limbs it has. As for 'everyone apparently knows he's amazing', : Ryn isn't widely known, but he is known of. In some towns, as Warrant. Others know him as 'a mercenary in another town, perhaps coming this way'. So. No, not everyone knows he's amazing. They are just aware that there is a mercenary in a nearby town, or that he is Warrant and he is a skilled mercenary. Let's see here... I dimmed down the attributes (knife_cz), and vatovie, well, when it comes down to it, his flaw is either leaving his associate and running,or getting left behind and then being outran. He is the 'covering fire', as to say. He can do well in the situation, but when it comes down to leaving, or defending himself closely, he can't do a whole lot. He can run for a while, but not for long. His hearing is shot, so it's easy to sneak up on him, or trap him. He has a hatred of magic-no matter how rational he is, hatred leads you to rash acts. Look, odds are he'll be fine, because he's way in back. But if he isn't and the front lines become him, he might not do so well. Veteran of the blade-he has training. Doesn't mean he's great, but he's better than the average townsman. How long does it take to put away your rifle, and then unsheath a sword while running and probably dodging projectiles? Look, Ryn isn't OP. He's actually a realistically developed character, and everything makes sense. If I missed something, or you'd like to argue oversomething else, please, I have all day.


Also, I've never heard the term, Edward gory alphabet. What do you mean by that?


Quote from: FauxGold on 10-10-2012
So, you're complaining that I made a decent character? He isn't OP- that's kinda realistic.
how can a 26-years old go to the army, become a master of the blade and the gun and have no trace of a moral compass
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How can you even
He is NOT a master of the blade, he is simply trained. Above average, but not too high above. He hasn't a moral compass because of what happened, of his obscured backstory. I'd explain more, but he's half-defined for a reason. Something happened during the war, when he was enlisted, to his homeland that changed him, and everything around him. He did stuff that won't ever be brought up, and stuff was done to him that won't ever be brought up. He sustained much more during his service than he rightfully should have, and he's payed for it. You lose care for right and wrong when it doesn't matter which is which, because people die either way. He stopped caring for 'moral right and wrong' when it honestly didn't change a thing.


I'm now going to make the most overpowered and underpowered character.
Please wait.


Everyone has morals. Prisoners that rape and kill love their prison cats, etc. Its not the same for everyone but everyone, unless you have some sort of psychosis, has a set of morals.
SRP chars:
Vasilli 'Vasoline' Nikolaev - Freedom - Alive
Aleksey Ipanov - Spooky Trenchcoat Man - Alive
'Pale' - Bloodsucker - Alive


I was trying to offer constructive criticism because the way you worded the character sheet made him sound overpowered.

Also the Edward gory alphabet goes as follows A is for amy who fell down the stairs B is for baisel assulted by bears. and so on. This was directed towards knife sorry I was very very unclear.


Your criticism was constructive, and allowed me to make necessary revisions. Thank you.

SGT- Whoever said he didn't have a psychosis? I half explained the moral compass, as well. Didn't say Ryn was all-right up in the head. Could be. Might not be. But 'right and wrong' don't affect his decisions or actions. They don't change a thing, in his eyes.


My experience with characters without conscience is this:
-You got that right, chap, more torture!
So from what I think this "attribute" is just a bad excuse for torture which most players for some reason enjoy.
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Wait, are you suggesting that Ryn wants to be tortured? Or that he has been tortured? If the former, that's messed up. Why would Ryn wish to be tortured? He isn't a demented freak. Now, consciences. Those, he's deemed for the weak. They compel you to hesitate- maybe even to falter. He can't risk a conscience, because he can't risk losing. Ryn won't stop at hesitation- he can't afford it. That second's hesitation of his is when the wind shifts, the target is lost. If Tergh had a conscience, he wouldn't be here. He's been through too damn much and lived through too damn much to own a conscience. Those with hearts have consciences- those who care. The only thing Ryn cares for is his pay, because that's gonna get him his next drink, the next drink to drown away himself, his past, his hatred. Right and wrong doesn't make sense to him, because in his eyes they're the same thing. Motives. Motives to justify actions, actions to fulfill motives. The world, running in circles, everyone gone mad but him. No, Ryn doesn't have a conscience.


This is by far the most active a person's character profile has been.

Iseyu Characters: Alicia Saphoe


I thought you'd be smart enough to figure out that your character likes TO torture, not to BE tortured.
It was also in the military, so it makes sense for me.
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Quote from: FauxGold on 12-10-2012
Wait, are you suggesting that Ryn wants to be tortured?