Request to join the Server

Started by JohnieG, 30-07-2011

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Real Name:[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace] Johnathon[/font]
[/size]Roleplay Name:[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace] Magnus[/font]
[/size]Age:[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace] IRL: 18 In Game: 28[/font]
[/size]Players you already know on the on the server:
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
I have not met anybody who plays on this server. Ive been wanting to play on a Terraria server for a while now. And I really hope to finally get that chance.[/font]
[/size]Previous roleplay experience:
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace]
I have been RPing for about over 2 years now. My first RP was on a WoW server for about a few months, then I joined Private Servers for RP and stayed there for the rest of my RP experience. I have done some Forum RP as well but not all that much.[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]What servers you play on:[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]I have not played on any other Terraria servers at all. There hard to find, and none of them ever sounded appealing to me.
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Do you play on Aceon (Our Minecraft Server)? If so state your name:[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]No I do not.
[/font][font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]Why would you like to join our server:[/font]
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]I enjoy to RP. And after racking up about 100 hours on Terraria ive always wanted to RP with other people because I know it would be excellent. I really hope that I can join the server and be apart of what seems to be a good RP server.
Do you agree to the set rules above\Rules Thread:
[font='dejavu sans mono', monaco, 'lucida console', 'courier new', monospace][/size]I do. I agree with not using bombs. But I do have one question about that: Are there exceptions? Like if your in a dungeon and need to use a bomb to blow through a 'wall' of stone or dirt? If not then that is fine. Just a question.[/font]


Um.... I think I did something wrong. Disregarde this message, this forum seems to be weird. Delete this if you want.